

Her father, the supreme alpha king, mother, the supreme sorceress. She was born on a full moon becoming the chosen one. Also, born by an Alpha king and supreme sorceress, she became a hybrid, possessing immense powers. But on the day of her birth, her power thirsty uncle, brother of her mother, Liam, ambushed them, trying to abduct her and use the powers in her to rule the underworld. But her mother the supreme sorceress ran away with her child, she got to the human realm through a portal and found a desperate childless couple, she gave them her child but before that, tied an enchanted bracelet on her wrist, asking them to take care of her and never take the bracelet off of her wrist. Then the supreme sorceress ran back to the kingdom to help her husband. And although the supreme alpha king was powerful, he couldn't defeat Liam who had awakened the ancient dark sorcery, he was killed and the supreme sorceress, imprisoned by her own brother. The king's child, the chosen one, now lives amongst human with the childless couple .........WILL SHE FIND OUT AND SEEK VENGEANCE FOR HER PARENTS, AND TAKE OVER FROM THE EVIL HANDS OF HER UNCLE AND BECOME THE TRUE LEADER? FIND OUT AS YOU DIVE INTO A WORLD OF FANATSY........... "Uhmm, congratulations your highness, I...its a baby girl" One of the park doctors told Lucius while handing the baby over to the him awkwardly. The supreme alpha king took the baby and went to the Luna, supreme queen Naomi. They both looked at the child with admiration but it quickly turned into shock as the baby started glowing a bright purple, a white crescent then showed on the side of her wrist, almost like a tattoo but it was glowing. Her golden brown hair turned a mesmerizing silver and her azure eyes suddenly turned a beautiful purple making her look like a goddess.............. NOTE, THE NOVEL IS STILL UNDER UPDATE, SO PARDON MISTAKES, LOVE YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS-----CHECK MY IG PAGE 4 IIMAGES OF CHARACTERS IN ALL MY STORIES[ serene_author] and my FACEBOOK PAGE TOO[Treasure Sunday].......

Treasure_Sunday_4274 · Fantaisie
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57 Chs



Jason was looking at the unconscious Selena on the bed, thinking of what happened today..........." I knew she was not just a normal high school girl" He thought as he caressed her face, " But what could she be?" He thought but as he was deep in thought, he heard some movement on the bed, that's when he turned to look at Selena who was rolling and whimpering on the bed.........

" Selena, Selena, Selena wake up" Jason said and Selena suddenly jerked up panting heavily.

" Hey, hey, its okay" Jason said

" W...what happened........Ahh my head hurts so much" Selena said as she held her head...........


I suddenly jerked up when I heard someone calling my name, when I woke up, I was welcomed with an unfamiliar environment and I started to panic but then I saw Jason and I calmed down, "wait how did I end up here?".........As I was still in my wonderland, I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything started coming back like a flood, the pain was too much.......I started remembering everything. Yesterday was my birthday, I went to buy some snacks, then some c...creatures took me wanting my blood.......W...wolf, black and big.....and then it changed I...into a...a person and t...that person was J..J..JASON... my boyfriend is a werewolf, and when the realization dawned on me, I freaked and wanted to run but Jason stopped me.........

" What are you"? I asked, tears filling my eyes

" Selena I can explain " He told me

" EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY...THAT MY BOYFRIEND IS A WOLF!!!!!" I asked as I was already mad at him, and when I got no response, I tried to get down from the bed, but he stopped me again....

" Selena wait, just listen" He begged me and when I saw the sincerity in his eyes, I decided to give him a chance...

" Fine, talk" I said sitting back down on the bed

" Okay, I'll explain but don't freak out and more importantly, don't let your emotions get the best of you again" He said making me confused

" Okay" I said as I watched him move backwards away from me

" I am a.......wolf...a were wolf, I am the first and only son of alpha Mark and Luna Martel, but my mum is a witch so I'm actually a hybrid. Since my father is an alpha, I'm the going to take over soon, I came here to make friends and find my mate...you. Selena I beg you, don't tell anyone about this, okay" Jason said

" How can you ask me that?........Look Jason, I...I..don't think we can be together anymore" I said painfully.

"Wait what do you mean, please don't do this, please, it can still work out, Selena please" Jason pleaded

" But you're a wolf, and I'm human, you guys don't die early, b...but we do" I said getting up to leave but when I got outside, I saw trees everywhere.

" No, look, you might not be human, don't you remember what you did to me, your hair glowed so as your eyes, and then you blasted me, even your bracelet fell off. Maybe that was what held your powers" Jason hurriedly explained

" No, that's not possible, my parents don't look like people that would have powers, you're just making things up" I said making an attempt to leave again but he stood in my way.

" Then maybe they aren't your parents, maybe you were adopted or something, Selena please" He said and I was starting to panic

" No no no no, that can't be, they would never lie to me. You are just saying that to keep me here, no no no" My emotions were getting the best of me.........


Selena was getting really anxious, her emotions were getting the best of her, she started panicking and without her knowing, her hair started floating, her eyes turned fully purple and then Selena held her head as she was feeling so much pain.

" Ahhhhhhhhh " She started shouting as she knelt down. She continued to shout as her hair glowed more and more. Jason was starting to get scared.......

" Selena, Selena, what's wrong?, please stop scaring me , what's wrong? What's going on, Selena?" Jason called as he went closer to her but Selena was starting to glow her self, a big purple ball surrounded her and just as Jason wanted to touch her, she shouted and Jason was blasted very far from her, hitting so many trees. Selena stopped shouting as she got up, eyes purple, hair whiter than ever and her silver crescent became more visible. She looked as though she was angry. She looked at Jason who was still trying to get up and then she raised him up without touching him. She raised her hands and Jason followed, then she started closing her hand, making Jason choke in the process. Jason started coughing as he held his throat.

" Selena, please come back to your senses" He pleaded but it was to no avail.....