
The true dragon lord( House of dragon)

Klevis_Beqiri_7519 · TV
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5 Chs

Expansion and conquering Esos

Time passed for Arthur and his khalsar as they grew stronger and bigger within the passing month's, Arthur managed to get 10 more of the biggest khalsars by defeating the khals of each tribe and he managed to integrate them in the law and order of his land.

He also crafted new armour which was a mix between asgardian and elven armour, he had enchanted each armour to be light and flexible and with the new armour he tough them how to fight in it and how to use new weapons such as swords spears and daggers, with this training he got rid of the ankhs and he gave each soldier new weapons from short swords, spears, shields daggers and bows he thought them how to fight and use them to deadly effects in combat, because of this he never lost a single soldier in battle when he engaged the force of the tribes that he took over, With a new armour and weapons the training got even more intense Arthur managed to push them to their limits and further he also taught them how to learn how to ride as a Calvary and how to engage the enemy in different attack points for example if their enemy Calzaghe was riding towards him in front then they would rush them in both sides at the same time and during these tactics the riders saw how much better the new of engaging the enemy was, but his soldiers never got the chance to fight because every time he showed up with a big force to conqueror the new khalsar he got ,he would directly challenge the leader of said tribe in a one-on-one combat any of the leaders who didn't except Arthur would call them cowards because each leader of the tribe he took over fought one-on-one with him without any interference and each leader he fought he killed without mercy because he knew they were just rapists and not human beings ,also each and everyone of their blood riders died by the hands of his own personal guard which were five of them and they were the best of the best of the best which Arthur personally trained in combat that their absolute limits were shattered and they went beyond them. Also because he was a master of the sword their progress went through the roof and he also managed to teach them how to use all of their senses when they fought and because of this his personal guard wore the symbol of the Pendragon household and their armour was silver with elven helmets and and each one was equipped with a sword dagger and a bow/arrows and they were better at using them than anyone else, it's safe to say each of his guards could take on a battalion of 500 men single-handedly and he their leader was a one-man army.

Their expansion and fighting force was well known in Esos and no one dared to challenge theme even bravos signed a peace treaty with him which he didn't give a dam about because he was going to conquer bravos along with the entire free cities, his army was built and his resources were of the charts be it money weapons ships or food he had everything his fleet was built for speed and strength along with scorpions in each side of them and his soldiers were well trained in warfare when they fought against pirates or any other ships which weren't happy with their naval force and today was the day he was going to conquer Esos in one fell swoop he would divide the forces 10 thousand each under the command of his personal guard and him, six units with ten thousand soldiers each along with 50 battle ships would make for an easy conquest for him he would also leave a force of 40 thousand to protect his lands from anyone who gets a bright idea, now he was going to give a speech using his gift all-speak.

He moved forward to the podium in front of the army and started,' My people I know that some of you might know why you're here but for those who don't know today is the day they would be remembered in history as the day that we brought the entire Esos under the banner of one house the house of pendragon . I would like to say that it has been an honour to train you all and change your ways of life because when I found you you could barely afford to eat and now we have grown so powerful and so strong that the entirety of Westeros and Esos fears fears out might.This is why this conquest is not just about expanding our territories it's also about changing the way of life for all the people in Esos and to abolish slavery completely and I know that you won't fail me my warriors my "Wrath of gods"This is the moment we've been waiting for the moment we've been training for and the moment in which the history of Esos would be changed completely there would be no longer slavery , the good Masters of each city would be crucified and killed in front of everyone in order to give out a real message to all those who would follow in their steps ,to tell them that no one who has slaves is safe from our wrath no matter where they are. Their cities will fall under our banner the banner of freedom and unity. On this day I Arthur Pendragon declare this day as the day of liberation and freedom so let's show them who we are, let's show them why no one should ever cross us now let's go are you with meee".

The entire armada shouted as one as they spread out towards their destinations, the battalion's rides out in their horses and the armada set sail following the strategic points each one following the orders of one of his elite guards and he himself would go to bravos because he wanted to get the dragon eggs of drogon,Viserys and rhegal which were given to the iron bank to pay of a debt of Castely rock and he was going to get them back hatch them raise them and train them in the time chamber.

Also one of the other reason why he was getting the eggs was because this was a mission from the system and he would be rewarded with 100 thousand system points and also the ability to befriend, ride and communicate with any dragon which he couldn't wait for, he moved the army all the way to bravos took five hours to reach and when they got there the fleet had the sea surrounded and his army surrounded the land once the golden company was outside the gates of bravos and the battle began Arthur used the same catapults ironfoot used in the battle of the five armies and he shooted five rounds towards the golden company and from that attack alone the golden company lost nearly half of their forces and after that because their line up was messed up Arthur along with 5 thousand of his soldiers charged forward killing every member of the golden company and half and hour later the battle was won with Arthur himself cutting down almost all of them he just left some for his soldiers not to feel left out after that he moved towards the city itself killing any soldier who decided to attack but leaving those who surrendered and the fleet had already taken over the sea completely it was safe to say bravos was conquered and he moved towards the iron bank and when he got there the sea lord of bravos and the masters of the iron bank were brought before him where he killed the ones who were slavers and rapists, which was the sealord along with five masters who he didn't even know he gave the others a choice either kneel or be destroyed and guess what they chose the stupid option and died, after that he moved to the bank and he opened the door and what he was impressed with what he saw after looking around he found a chest which he took broke the lock and opened it to see three dragon eggs and right then he got a message from the system telling him mission complete and he could feel the gift he got and he saw the system points as well, after making sure everything was fine he closed the bank door and appointed new personnel to oversee the bank of bravos and their transactions, the personnel he chose were a few people he taught himself and they were extremely loyal.

After finishing with the bank he gave the order to spread out and keep the order in the city as he moved towards the streets of the city, also he gathered all of the people and gave a speech about change in rules and leadership safe to say many were not happy especially those who sold slaves and they were arrested and killed in front of everyone as an example of what would happen if they didn't follow the law, the same thing happened to all of the free cities he conquered he was ruthless but he got the message across which was " There was a new order in Esos and those who didn't obey would be destroyed before they could disturb the peace".

So he appointed new personnel to enforce the law and bring peace to the city and they knew exactly what to do he also left half of his force along with half of his ships to make sure everything was running smoothly, safe to say every other commander in the other free cities followed the same route as Arthur and they were quick and efficient to conquer and stabilise the cities the only problem was Astapor because of the unsullied but once they saw the opposition the masters surrendered and were killed and the slaves were freed, Arthur also got an addition of 6 thousand unsullied in his force which he would use to maintain order.

As everything was settling down Arthur and the rest of his army made their way to their city, back home to the capital "Avalon" in respect to the real King Arthur and as Arthur was he to will be the greatest be it in ruling or just in fighting for freedom, as they returned home a few weeks passed and in those weeks the entire Esos was going through a great change the cities were flowing with trade and new improvements being made to their structures according to Arthur orders and design and with his wealth and all of the stone masons he could hire the progress was quick new settlements were built the cities structure was much better then before along with the new jobs he created for the people to earn their keep which was being in the army, the fleet or being a chef or any other occupation and the pay was good so as the new changes were made three months passed.

The changes Esos went through were phenomenal especially with him destroying house of the undying ,during the second month of him establishing his rule and laws he decided to not wait any longer he went towards the city of Qhoarth and he saw that there were no slaves and no hope for this city so he took out his blade a few meters away from the city and he measured the distance with a crimson red energy slash which engulfed the entire city erasing it along with the undying from the face of the world and he felt it as soon as they were gone the magic in the world became denser and more free than before but he still felt something holding the magic back from returning completely free without any restrictions and he knew who was responsible the red priests of ashai who follow the red god and he would make sure to erase their plague from Esos completely and to that he moved towards ashai he got there within two hours because of his speed and he did the same think he did to qharth except this time he used both hands to swing his blade which created a canyon after it died down and now that the two of his problems were gone he went back to the capital to continue bettering the lives of his subjects

and to do that he needed to get stronger, his army was bigger than anyones numbering at 200 thousand they were spread all over Esos snuffing out problems before they began and maintaining order around the continent because they believed in Arthur completely he has proved to them what could be possible by working together and that's what they did, each day their loyalty for Arthur increased a hundred fold and peace was all across the lands. Arthur himself wanted to hatch and train his dragon so that he would have domain over the whole battlefield when there was discord in the world he already had dominion over the sea and land, after hatching his dragons he would have dominion over the sky as well.

(For the record he won't conquer Westeros because he will make peace with them and help them. The events will go according to the show except for the death of queen Aemma ,Arthur will use his power to save her and the babe)