
Chapter 5

Out of nowhere a boy appeared, with white hair, bright golden eyes that seemed full of life yet held some arrogance, beautiful smooth skin, and a face that no little girl could resist. (:

(Normal, Meaning not Mikasa.)

With a sword in hand, before Mikasa could reach the man, the boy suddenly seemed to teleport forwards, slicing right through the man splitting his body in half; after killing the man; the boy landed on a single foot, then put the katana back in its scabbard.

Mikasa stood their shocked as well as Eren, after all, a boy around their age just appeared out of nowhere and easily killed a man much bigger than them, very effortlessly.

'W-Who is he?' Eren though.

- Back To Whatever The Previous Pov Is Called. -

'Sigh, now my clothes are all dirty, in the forest I never killed in this since it was such a beautiful pair of clothes, yet this bastard got them dirty.' Looking at the blood on his clothes, Kira's eyebrows scrunched.

'Huh, now that I think about it' Looking at the body with its organs spilling on the floor. 'I feel absolutely nothing' Of course the same couldn't be said for the other two, even though they didn't puke, both of their faces were uncomfortable.

'It's like killing the pigs in the forest; its more annoying than anything; maybe killing animals has made me immune to killing in such a way. Back on Earth, watching videos of people dying creeped me out but was not enough for me to stop, but here I feel nothing. I feel like I could eat and still watch as his organs continue to spill out of his chest.'

Looking at the body, Kira continued to think, before his voice sounded.

"Are you two alright?" He spoke, his voice cold as ice.

"Yes, Were fine." Spoke Eren, as he ignored the body on the ground, yet still clearly uncomfortable.

Mikasa just stood their emotionless.

Looking at Eren, Kira smiled. 'What would happen if I where to kill him now?' Turning to look at Mikasa 'Or her.' 'Wouldn't it be interesting, how would the world turn out? How would Grisha react to seeing his dead son's body? What about Armin? He will definitely die since he won't have anyone around to protect him.'

Watching Kira get caught up in his own world Eren spoke.

"Hey, your around our age right? Your so strong, how did you do that?" Eren asked.

Hearing Eren, Kira got out of his little zone. Looked at Eren Kira smiled and spoke.

"Well its simple.." Walking towards Eren, he touched his head looked straight into his eyes and said... "I ate all of my vegetables."

Looking at how Kira walked up to him, Eren expected a serious answer, yet was dumbstruck when Kira spoke.

- Honestly I Don't Know Their Kid Personality's. -

Not waiting for Eren's response, Kira walked over towards the exit of the cabin, and was about to leave when he heard a voice.

"What's your name?" The voice that spoke didn't belong to Eren, but to Mikasa.

"My name?" Looking back at the small little girl, Kira thought for a second and spoke.

"My name? Its Kira. Make sure to remember it, after all I'm the greatest most handsome person you'll ever meet." With this said, Kira disappeared as if he was never there at all.

-Kind of like your dad.-

Leaving 2 children, in a cabin with 3 dead bodies..

- Hours Later -

"Your saying there was another person? A child? And he is the one who killed this man?" The Military Police Brigade man asked.

Eren, replied. " Yes, he was around the same age of us, with silve-" Before he could finish, Grisha interrupted him.

"These kids have faced a scene that no child should ever face, don't you think its too much to be asking them such questions? Obviously the trauma of such a scene has deluded them." Grisha spoke.

Hearing what his dad said, Eren got frustrated but couldn't say anything.

The Military Police Brigade Men listened to Grisha and agreed, after all, how could such a young boy do such a thing? Killing a man with a single strike perfectly and leaving without a trace?

- Elsewhere -

On a tall tree that seemed to go up into the clouds sat Kira; since he didn't want to hide his sword, he couldn't go into the city, after all; what excuse could he use? Not only that, he also wanted to see what he would get from the Wheel and didn't want to cause a scene if it was something amazing.

So he just climbed up a tree, he saw.

'Okay system, SPIN!'

Since this was an S-class wheel, it meant he could win a bloodline, something that could make him much, much stronger.

And even if it's not a bloodline, he will get a weapon or power, and both of these are really useful to him and could make him 10x stronger.

Seconds went by, and the wheel slowed down, making Kira's anticipation grow.

Finally, the wheel stopped...

[Congratulations For Winning - Absorption -]


"System show me the ability."


- Can Take Strength, Speed, Stamina ETC of Those You Kill.

- Can take the abilities of those you kill.

- Can take the lifespan of those you kill.

- Can take the bloodline of those you kill.


'This...This is amazing! Wouldn't this mean, I don't have to train until my muscles burst? Can't I just kill a titan and get its strength?'

'Wait, couldn't I kill Mikasa and gain her bloodline? What about Eren? Can't I also kill him and take his abilities?!' Thinking about this, Kira's eyes filled with greed.

But he slapped himself.

"Thats stupid, if I do such a thing, the plot will be messed up, I don't mind it messing up a little, but until I become strong I wont change it too much. Of course if I feel like it I'll kill both of them." Looking at the moon, Kira thought. 'After all my life is worth much more than the world itself.'

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