
Chapter 7

Elias left very early so he didn't bother looking for him. You may think he is fast asleep but he wouldn't lose his guard on his first night in a strange place.

He lifts his leg and a sigh escapes his lips. He is healing but the pain is still there but not that much like it was yesterday. He saw baskets of wild fruits and picked three apples from it and started eating. At least here it is more lively and reliable than Jingle nation. He looked outside the hut window and saw children running around and women carrying baskets of grains and other stuff. It's been a long time since he see something like this. Jingle nation is a deserted place, he is the only living soul in it so he wouldn't see a view like this but now he is no longer there, the nation will be silent as a graveyard but will be lovely if only he succeeds in setting the people of jingle nation free from the hands of Harold.

He watched them for a while and sat down on the mat he slept on.