
The Trickster among the Stars

He woke up to a world he barely recognized, full of things that shouldn't be possible. From one to the other second everything changed. A System, game like, with the athority over seemingly everything. A duel to death. The only way to stay alive is to kill, right? At least he has something to fight for, if it isn't already too late.

Cedmo · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

The Trickster among the Stars #30 - Sixth Duel

You are right little one, ...

... we should do this some time in the future again!


30. Chapter - Sixth Duel part 4

 *System voice / System Info*


 - description 

Mostly else Thoughts 

 - This Chapter contains strong language. Viewer discretion recommended.

 - Thanks for reading! Enjoy!


- he drinks another handful

I should go further now ... 

- he urges his body to walk along the lake into the direction of the highlighted beam in the sky

... my opponent won't wait for me.

It is wierd, ...

- he starts to think carefully again

... the lake was not on the map before.

But now it is clrearly marked, ...

- his feet find better places to step on along the side of the lakebed

... even if it is just a tiny fucking spot.

So if I find something the map will update?

- while he increases his speed he tries to say Inspect quieter each time



*Attributes: sturdy, unshaped, wood*

*This Tree has been loved and mourned over by many witnesses of nature*

I don't understand a single thing, ...

"Inspect ... "

... but I don't need to!


*Attributes: unshaped, rotten, plant-based*

*Has only formed through repeated death of Trees and thier regrowth, no animal compounds can be found*

I start to get an idea of how the attributes work, ...

- he looks even more around the forest, but can't find any other plants to look at

... unshaped means that there was no magic involved, ...

- he has reached the end of the lake

... then there is one that describes the state ...

- careful steps are needed of him walking up, further into the desired direction

... and finally one that resembles the understanding of fire, water and so on!

The description only says some deeply detailed things, mostly uninteresting to me.

- he feels a large shadow creeping over the forest


Don't fucking tell me!?!

- one after another drop of water fall down on the highest layer of needles and branches

I hate rain!

At least it isn't too strong!

- he says in relief

- his positive expression hastely changes after the Rainclouds step up thier game

- before he can fully realize thousands of drops get through natures roof, turning the already hard to walk on gound into swamp territory

Fuck! not only is it raining in the biggest buckets I have ever seen, ...

- he qickly tries to get to the largest tree around him

... but I can't even walk in all this disgusting mud!

- he sits down on a large root sticking out of the now downhill flowing mud

At least my opponent can't move further as well.

- luckily the tree he chose stays in place, unlike a few others that slowly follow the new trend

- the deep grey clouds engulf the whole forest below in darkness

It would be stupid to do so!

I guess I will have to wait this out, ...

... this gives me time to think!

- he starts to ponder about a lot of things, including ranting about this system and this unfair situation, how he never wanted to be here, that nothing got explained to him

As far as I can tell the system can't look into my thoughts, only what I say out loud leads to skills and such activating.

- he finally notices

I can simulate to feel something with my body to do the same.

Which is very helpful ... !

I can easily rearrange the charges I have like this.

Wait this is the first time I actually have a break ...

- he rests his head, by letting it lay back at the sturdy wood

... since I woke up here.

It feels like it has been an eternity.

- his face takes a sad expression

It has only been around 12 hours!

But compared to how my life used to be, ...

... this isn't too bad.

And if I die, I get a quick end, ...


No, no, no!

You can't let that happen!

I will meet my sister at some point if I just go on.

But not in this shitty rain!

Come on Ethan, rain isn't that bad.

You can just go inside, play video games, watch some shows or even play board games with the people around you!

Oh wait, you can't. Te-he! >~<

Thanks for reading!!!

Hope you enjoyed!!!

Cedmocreators' thoughts