
Deadly Fight

The choices were right in front of me, but the decision i far. Honestly, I dont want to help aizawa because the noumu is slightly too strong for me to face right now. The Noumu is fully outfitted in quirks that are tailored to fighting the strongest hero. The Noumu may not be as strong as All Might, but he certainly is stronger than me right now. The key to completing that choice will be to hold out while Tenya goes to get All Might, but who knows if I can survive that long. Most of the Villains are just cannon fodder, especially with Aizawa being able to erase their quirks. Choice B would be the safest route to go because I will still be rewarded decently while also not being in too much danger. Choice C is automatically out the window, because any choice with a difficulty of pathetic is below me. This moment is a major turning point for me because it will blaze the path that I will take from now on. What do I want? What do I need to gain that? I want the power to be able to change the world, and also conquer waifus along the way! If I back down now then it will become easier to back down later down the line and eventually I will just give up. Do I want that? NO! Knowing the choice that I have to make I tap on choice A.

Main Story Mission Unlocked

Survive and help Aizawa

Side Mission

Defeat over 10 enemies

Time starts up again and I turn toward Asuna "We are going to help Aizawa with the villains, no matter what do not go near the 3 people in the back, they are too dangerous right now." She nods in response and we take off toward the mass of villains that Aizawa is already fighting. Thirteen tries to stop us but we are too quick for her to catch up too. As we arrive at the scene we see that Aizawa is able to hold off against the villains by himself but I know that he cant keep that up for much longer. His quirk lasts shorter and shorter the more that he uses it. He sees Asuna and I and he screams "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING OVER HERE, I TOLD YOU NOT TO MOVE!" I send him a smile " We arent just kids to be protected Aizawa, we are also heroes." After saying that Asuna and I split up and I rush toward a small group of villains to the side. "Would you look at that? A baby trying to play hero. We will show you true despair." One of the villains say something that cannon fodder tend to say so I treat him like cannon fodder. " You arent even worth using my quirk on" I pull out both my swords and at a speed faster then he can react to I hit him with the hilt of one and breeze past as he falls down. This causes the other villains that were rushing toward me to pause for a second before a sound rings out on the other side of the plaza as three more villains fall to Asuna. The villains start to treat us more seriously and start to use their quirks to fight us. Taking a look at my surroundings it seems like there is about 8 people surrounding me at the moment with 5 more waiting in the back with long range quirks. Deciding to act fast to keep the upper hand I decide to display one of my cards. "[GodSpeed]" My body takes on a blue hue and electricity sparks around me as I appear behind one of the villains and knock him out from behind."1"By the time the rest of the villains reacted I was already on the way toward where the villains with long range quirks were. They try to attack me with their quirks but I deflect anything they shoot my way and before they know it I am upon them."6" Once I reach them they stand no chance against me in close combat so I knock them out very swiftly. The last 7 enemies seem to hesitate as they see my speed in dealing with their colleagues. Deciding not to give them a chance at escaping I make the first move at attacking them. I rush toward them and take them all on at the same time. Slow was the only word that I could use to describe them, they weren't able to keep up at all so I cleaned them up in moments."13" After finishing up my enemies I was able to get a clear look at the battlefield and my fists clenched as I saw Aizawa being broken like a twig by the Noumu. Before I get a chance to go help him I see Shigaraki appear in front of Midoriya and Tsuyu who seemed to be watching from the sidelines. As I see his hand headed for Tsuyus head all I can think of is his quirk, decay. He seems to stop though and I can see in his line of sight Aizawa erased his quirk even though he was barely alive. The Noumu smashes his head in the ground one last time and Aizawa passes out. Taking this moment to spring into action both Midoriya and Asuna attack Shigaraki at the same time, but I already know that the noumu is going to eat the attack for him. Deciding that I needed to stop the Noumu for at least a second I use a move that I havent used in a long time. [Lightning Dragons Fall] A pure blue dragon appears from the sky and descends toward the Noumu, taking advantage of the confusion caused by the dragon appearing I rush toward where Asuna and Tsuyu are. A loud screeching noise can be heard as the Noumu and the dragon clash, but my eyes widen when I see the Noumu take no damage. Racking my brains for a reason, something clicks in my head, he has an electricity based quirk also so electric abilities don't have an effect on him. While lamenting my unluckiness I decide that I am going to have to distract the Noumu by myself to give them a chance at escaping. I scream toward them " Ill hold of the Noumu you guys escape" Asuna and Tsuyu both give me a look of anxiousness and fear but I just smile back at them to try to reassure them. Looking toward my opponent I decide that I have to go all out from the beginning. I pull out Barbatos "Spirit of Hunting and Nobility. I command thee...Be clad in my body. Dwell in my body. Change my body into a great Djinn, Barbatos!!!" I transform into my Djinn equip and stare at the Noumu that is across from me. I give him a smirk despite the fear in my heart. I jump into the air with my javelin and take aim at the Noumu, while midair I lunge forward with an untraceable speed and try to pierce the Noumu's body with my javelin. For a split second I thought that it was going to work as he started to be pushed back as he tried to stop my javelin with his hands, but my eyes widen as he stopped being pushed back causing me to lose my momentum allowing for him to punch me straight in the face. It felt like I was hit by a building and my body flew backward as blood started flowing from my body. It took all I had just to stand up and stare at the Noumu as he walked toward me. A wave of clarity hit me as I realized that I might die here. A feeling of unwillingness tugged at my chest as I decided that I wasn't going to go down alone. "Extreme Magic, [Bard Longineus]" A move that is capable of destroying cities from a range away by changing the javelin into a huge blue sword of magic, but using it at this range I am sure to also get caught in the range and die myself. Resigning myself to death as I was about to release the magic a blur of yellow appears and knocks the Noumu back. Smiling to myself as I stopped the magic I was releasing, darkness claimed me as the last words I heard were " HAVE NO FEAR, FOR I AM HERE!"

So... Any thoughts on this? I felt like the Noumu was kind of downplayed in the anime even though it wrecked Aizawa so I decided to make him the big boss here. Also Trying out brackets for skills and the like. Also this fits pretty well with You Say Run for some reason. ;)

Rivalcreators' thoughts
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