
Chapter 1 - The Story Begins

This is a story that took place one hundred years ago when terror reigned supreme. The demon king had unleashed destruction upon everything, and hope seemed to be dying.

Poverty, famine, and death were rampant across the world.

People desperately sought a glimmer of light in this accursed world.

"Don't worry, we're here now," a voice of hope spoke out.

The heroes arrived, bringing with them the light that the world had been yearning for, finally dispelling the darkness.

It was time for the demon king to perish…

The war lasted for seven days and seven nights…

It was devastating, but in the end, the heroes emerged victorious. However, their victory came at a great cost. Before the demon king perished, he cursed the heroes with "immortality."

At first, they thought it was a gift, but as the years passed, they lost their families and companions.

Eventually, a time of peace settled in, and the new king of the kingdom no longer had need of the heroes' services.

They were released from their duties, and each went their separate ways. Nowadays, those heroes have vanished, and their legacy remains but a memory.

*After a long time

In the Kingdom of Benevento, renowned for its beautiful buildings made of white marble and the skilled craftsmen who lived there, heroes were born in times long past.

Inside the castle, King Jasper and his council were gathered around a table, discussing the future of the kingdom.

"As long as we have the prosperity and blessings of the Crystal Dragon," spoke Silvio, a noble council member who was often called a saint by the people, "our kingdom will be the most powerful among the seven kingdoms."

"Hmm," the king pondered, looking at the map of the kingdom. "Do you think we can conquer the demon lord's territories?"

Silvio hesitated before replying, "That may be difficult, my lord. In fact, scouts have reported that a dark sludge-like entity has been seen moving near the boundaries. The locals believe it to be a part of the demon king."

"Is there any evidence to support this claim?" asked one of the council members.

As the king studied the reports, Silvio began to sweat. "I'm sorry, my king, but it's just a theory."

"You foolish old man," Anibal, a council member known as the fiend for his ruthless ambition, chided. "Don't scare us like that. If we have an alliance with just one kingdom, we could wipe out the demon king's territories."

"We can't do that," Silvio argued. "What about the deal we made with the seven kingdoms? If we break it, we'll lose everything."

"You said that we have prosperity," the king reminded them, glancing at the portrait of his father behind him. "But what if the Crystal Dragon blesses another kingdom more? We could lose all that my father has achieved."

"But my king," Silvio protested, his worry evident.

"That deal is outdated," the king declared firmly. "We need to adapt to the changing times. In the upcoming meeting with the seven kingdoms, we'll offer our neighbors a deal that they'll love."

Anibal laughed at Silvio, who remained silent and thoughtful.

"Anibal," the king of Benevento said, gazing out the window, "can you send some of your soldiers to destroy that thing?"

Anibal nodded his head, understanding that it wasn't a mere request, but an order.

Despite being a wise and powerful ruler, the king had lost his right arm in a battle against a formidable enemy.

Though once in his prime, old age had taken its toll on his body, and he now looked to the future, placing his hope in his daughters.

He had wed the priestess of the Crystal Dragon when he was in his fifties, and now, in his eighties, the kingdom looked to this dragon as a symbol of hope and light. The Crystal Dragon was said to be forever on the side of humans, with the power to breathe life into barren lands, filling them with grass and trees.

The kingdom of Benevento had made a pact with the dragon, and in return, it rewarded them with crystals that emitted magical power.

These crystals had helped the kingdom become what it was, and it was said that the king's father had been the one to hold the dragon's egg and make the deal.

As the king looked out at the world around him, he couldn't help but think, "A new age is coming, and soon we will all be nothing more than a story."

Anibal had gathered his best men for the conquest, but after just one month, the entire squad was wiped out. Anibal was still in shock as he spoke to the king.

"My lord, forgive me for this mistake. My squad, they all perished. That thing was abnormal, it may be the demon king, my lord," Anibal said, desperation and fear evident in his voice.

"I tried my best, I hit it with my best attacks, but that thing was like a slime. It took a humanoid form, and it looked like it was evolving. It killed them like nothing. My lord, what should we do?" Anibal pleaded.

"It seems the youngsters think everything is easy because we are at peace," Silvio said, bowing down to the king.

"Silvio, my old friend, do you have something to share with us?" the king asked.

"With all due respect, my lord, I have some bad news. The demon territories now have a new ruler," Silvio said, his expression grim.

"What? My spies didn't report anything about that," Anibal interjected angrily.

"You brat, do you think you can beat me?" Silvio retorted, his temper rising.

"Old man, I think it's time for you to retire," Anibal replied, equally heated.

Silvio's hand began to emit wind, and Anibal started to fly through the air.

"Put me down, you old c*nt!" Anibal yelled as he struggled to break free.

"As you wish... Danza del Viento (Wind Dance)," Silvio said as he manipulated the wind, causing Anibal to crash down onto the ground.

"Bring some soldier to put him in a barrack and ask a priest to heal him." said Silvio with a proud look for his victory.

The king did not move from his throne and just looked at the scene.

"Who is the new ruler?" asked the king Jasper sat on the throne.

"Sadly…the magician hero…Rafael…"

King Jasper sat motionless on his throne; his piercing gaze fixed on Silvio as he relayed the news. His heart sank at the mention of the new ruler's name - Rafael, the magician hero. It seemed as though fate had played a cruel trick on him, for he knew all too well the consequences of Rafael's actions.

"Does this mean he will start a new war?" King Jasper asked, his voice heavy with despair.

Silvio could sense the despair in the king's voice and replied, "I don't know my lord…this is the worst news we have ever had."

King Jasper knew he couldn't afford to lose his temper, even in the face of such dire news.

"It's karma, my dear friend," he said. "I never accepted my father's order to disband the heroes. I knew a situation like this would happen. We are getting old, my dear friend. Who knows if the other heroes have joined him as well?"

Silvio shook his head. "I have no information on that, my lord. But I heard that Rafael seized power with force, and the people there just accepted him. Before, I didn't accept Anibal's deal, but now I'm of the same mind. The territories need to be conquered, but we can't just join with one alliance. We need the seven kingdoms to join us."

King Jasper knew Silvio was right. The seven kingdoms would need to unite if they were to stand any chance against Rafael and his growing army. The task ahead seemed daunting, but he couldn't afford to lose hope.

"We will send emissaries to the other kingdoms, and we will ask them to join us. We cannot allow Rafael to take over the world. Not again."

Silvio bowed before the king. "I will do everything in my power to gather the seven kingdoms to join us, my lord," he said. "But we need to act quickly before it's too late."

Jasper nodded. "Agreed. We must act quickly and decisively. Bring me a map of the territories, I want to see where Rafael has gained control and where we can strike back."

Silvio bowed again before leaving the throne room to carry out his mission. The king sat back in his throne, his mind already working on a plan to reclaim the territories and bring peace to the land once again.

Meanwhile, in a dark castle far away, Rafael sat on his throne, a sinister smile on his face. He knew that the kingdoms would soon come for him, but he was ready. He had the power of the demon king on his side, and he was not afraid to use it to crush anyone who opposed him.

The stage was set for an epic battle between good and evil, and neither side was willing to back down.

The king drew in a deep breath, his heart heavy with grief. "Carmen, I'm sorry for not protecting your daughters," he said, his voice choking with tears.

As the door to the throne room swung open, a knight stepped inside and announced, "The princess of Benevento requests an audience with you, Your Majesty."

"You may grant her access," replied the king, gesturing to allow the princess entry.

The princess who entered was no ordinary one. Ruby, the youngest priestess of the Crystal Dragon, had come to represent her people's interests. Her name was derived from the color of her eyes, which sparkled like precious stones. Ruby wore a white dress adorned with golden symbols and a veil that marked her status as a priestess. Her hair was blonde, and many believed she was the flower of Benevento.

"Praise to you, my king," Ruby said, bowing slightly.

"Why do you wish to speak with me, my daughter?" asked the king, settling back onto his throne.

"I know what is happening in the demon territories," Ruby began, "and I received a message from the Crystal Dragon. I have come to represent him and offer his aid."

The king's expression turned sour. "It seems the Crystal Dragon wishes to meddle in affairs that do not concern him."

"The Crystal Dragon only wants to help you, my king," Ruby replied, her tone low and urgent. "Our common enemy is the demon king, and with each passing day, he grows stronger. The Crystal Dragon fears that he may return and that we will not be able to defeat him."

The king scowled, his frustration evident. "What does the Crystal Dragon propose we do?"

"In a dream I received from him, I saw three images," Ruby explained. "A prison, your brother, and a man with a sword."

The king's anger boiled over, but he directed it not at his daughter, but at the Crystal Dragon.

"Damn you, Crystal Dragon, for putting my daughter in this position," he muttered under his breath.

Then, with an air of composure, he spoke to Ruby. "Tell the Crystal Dragon that his request is impossible. Instead, have him come out of the sanctuary to speak with me personally, without the need for a representative."

"But father..." Ruby's voice trailed off, her expression filled with sadness and concern.

"You came as a representative of the Crystal Dragon, so do as you have been told," the king responded, his tone firm and uncompromising. With a final bow, the princess left the room.

Inside, King Jasper seethed with anger. "If he comes out of the prison...the kingdom, no, this world will be bloodier...to think that the one who cut my arm and destroyed my kingdom once...you, Crystal Dragon, think I will let him out?"

His thoughts swirled with memories of the man the Crystal Dragon had mentioned. In his father's time, he had been known as the kingdom's hero, a swordsman of great renown.

But now, that hero was nothing more than a psychopath, locked away in a room that masqueraded as a prison. King Jasper could not forget the atrocities that had been committed, the lives that had been lost. And yet, the Crystal Dragon had the audacity to suggest that this man be released.

Jasper took a sip of his tea, his mind churning with thoughts and emotions. Finally, he uttered a cold, decisive line: "No, the swordsman hero will never see the light of day again."

In the small prison cell, the hero once known as the savior of the kingdom sat quietly, sipping on his tea. His face was calm and collected, but his eyes held a glimmer of madness. He had been locked up for years, his mind twisted and warped by the horrors he had seen in his battles against evil. The once-noble warrior had become a psychopath, his thirst for blood unquenched.

As he took another sip of tea, he looked at the guard standing outside his cell. The man flinched under the hero's intense gaze, as if he could sense the darkness that lurked beneath the surface.

The hero spoke, his voice cold and devoid of emotion.

"I have killed countless monsters and demons in my time. Do you know what I learned?" He paused, a cruel smile playing at his lips. "That humans are the true monsters."

The guard shuddered and took a step back, his eyes wide with fear. The hero's laughter echoed through the prison, a sound that chilled the blood of anyone who heard it. For the hero, there was no escape from his madness. He was a prisoner of his own mind, locked up in a cell that couldn't contain the darkness that consumed him…


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