
The Tower Chronicles

Our MC is a transmigrator, just after transmigration he is sacrificed to a tower that has sealed Goddes Tani, to exit the tower they need to reach the highest 100th floor, and to do that they need to face a god. God is an existence very far from mortals, will they be locked inside the tower or will they be able to kill a god, whose presence alone turns people mad with one look? As the saying goes- Don't look into god's eye, if you don't want your consciousness to be lost in oblivion. ************************************************************ I Post one chapter every Monday so stay tuned.

Amish_Scion · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 29 Public Library#6

12th, Shravana, 1965

Ortson after a day of work he visits Public library to read books and discussing topics and clear his doubts from Alya.

After entering the preemies of the the Public Library, Ortson greets Alya good afternoon.

"Miss Alya, how was your day today?"

"It was fine, you off work."

"Yes, just finished now, and I brought what I promised."

"Is it ready?"

Ortson puts down a brown envelop in front of Alya and urges her to open it.

"It all inside."

Alya open the envelop and turn it upside down, all the photos pours out on top of the counter.

"A physical picture of a moment in time and not some illusion created through magic, this is amazing Ortson."

Ortson smiled back at her compliment.

'It feels good when someone compliment you for your work.'

"Ah! I found it."

Alya finds her photograph from the pile.

"It's my photo when I was reading book, no one would believe it's not painted. It can be drawn with the help of magic and by extremely talented painter but it will take a lot of time. But Ortson your gadget can do it in a moment without using magic, it is revolutionary."

"As I said before I used, I used laws of physical phenomena of the elements to create the camera."

"And the other two components lithium-ion battery and LED light you made use of, are also very groundbreaking inventions."

"There was a alchemist who created a potion cell capable of emitting electricity, but the cell was bulky and volatile but this lithium-ion battery is so small it can fit in one hand and it is also very stable in nature."

"No, it can also burst into fire under extreme stress."

Ortson and Alya keep discussing about battery, LED and camera until Alya satisfied all her questions.

"I have a proposal for you, Ortson, do you want to commercialize camera as a product, I can help you."

When Ortson was giddy with happiness due her proposal.

'Would I become Kodak and Canon of this tower.'

"I was think of making a patent for camera, battery and LED and giving right of production to business union."

"It will take too long Mr. Ortson and there is a chances of getting scammed, business union is famous for scamming people without backing."

"Scamming! Business union is one of the major ministry of Tower's governmental body."

"Tower has only 70 years of history and we are a functional society for only 50 years and Tower only follow the law of the oligarchy who are at the 60th floor, and Oligarchy only consist of strongest people inside tower."

"Due to hard work of few oligarch our tower was transformed into a functioning society otherwise the situation before was a pandemonium."

"That's why our laws are not mature yet, but I a 6th circle Sorceress help you it's a different matter."

"Is Miss Alya member of Oligarchy?"

"Yes, I am. One can reach climb up to 5th level or circle if they work hard enough but for the 6th level they need enlightenment. Even with the help of tower enlightenment can't be attained you need to be very lucky or one needs innate qualities for attaining enlightenment." 

"So how can Miss Alya help me?

"I can help you establishing a company under a joint name of both of us. I want to use your invention to collect information."

Ortson immediately understood what Alya was implying.

"Miss Alya wants to use camera to collect information."

"Yes, previously if we want to brows for information we were only able to read written records which are many times cryptic and we are not able to understand it. There are many weird variety of flora and fauna inside tower we might not have discovered. Many information were not recorded because explorer cannot describe and comprehend them fully but with this camera our information collection ability will improved many folds."

"And because of my position inside tower, I can put it into motion."

Ortson knows value of information, he has lived and died on information era, the era where humanity has access to 90% of information inside human domain at their finger tips, with one swipe of their finger tips anyone can access information through any terminal connected to internet.

That's why Ortson agreed to Alya's proposal, but a proposal without plan is like a botched ink on paper.

"So how are we going to implement?"

"So you agree, now I will tell you my plan in few simple steps."

Step 1: Open a shop, which will sell camera and necessary components.

Step 2: post mission on explorer bulletin board detailing to capture photograph of every flora, fauna, minerals, monster, and scenery inside tower.

Step 3: advertising and selling cameras

Step 4: collect reels of the camera after mission completion.

"This is a good plan Miss Alya and I will be happy to participate."

Ortson stands up from his seat and forwards his hand for a handshake.

Alya also stands up for a handshake.

"Happy cooperation Miss Alya."

"Happy cooperation Mr. Ortson."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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