
The day dreamer.

With a face as pretty as a picture Maggi stood apart from the rest of her peers...what was so striking in her..something that even she was unaware of?

Maggi all of sixteen was all but graceful. People looked at her but no one noticed her. She deserved to be observed but was merely looked upon as a piece of a sweet thing. Her feelings were unnoticed and unresponded. She was too good to be true and spoken to...She was out of everyones league.

Maggi was a girl found only in dreams...she was too good to be true.

She emphasized others sorrows and made them her own.

Her family was her sole purpose in life.

But all took advantage of her meekness and goodness and crushed her desires.

Then came a day when she met the man of her dreams..she didn't have the courage to open her feelings for him..she just idolised him hoping that one day he would notice and acknowledge her love.Little did she realise that she went unnoticed.

Dejected at the way things were going Maggi confided this to her friend who immediately responded quoting that a person who does not love herself will never be able to love anyone.

Maggi failed to comprehend this...from the time she gained her senses she was always told that the more you serve others the more you will be rewarded.

Perplexed she was...here she was.. not knowing what to do and what was her goal in life?

This went on for quite some time.Maggi tried to find some solace in prayers...but she failed to realise her utimate goal in life?

Why was she alive and what was she trying to do in life...Why was she so different from others....why was she not self centred? why did she put others needs before her own?

Was she a saint? no way she had attachments which she couldnt renounce.

Then why was she so different.

And one fine day when a marriage proposal came she obliged without even giving it a second thought ....she had envisaged the man of her dreams ....handsome, caring, knowing her in and out ..one who would take her away from this so called mean world.

He would understand her,help her find her purpose in life. But little did she realise that she was living in an imaginary world and her dreams would soon be shattered.

Marriage happened...nothing changed for Maggi...She was a misfit in the new house.

Her better half failed to understand her..she was too good to be true for him. Acknowledging her childlike innocence was a matter of joke for him. He started abusing and cursing her for her ways and manners.

Little did he realise that she was someone different who was constantly confused n inconfident and coy.

Days passed into months and months to years but nothing changed in their life. Maggi continued to live her mudane uninteresting life with no reciprocation of love from Nick who was a i, me, myself man

with little feelings for Maggi.

Maggi dragged on with life with no will to live..not knowing what to do, whom to talk to, who would.understand that she was different than the rest...She was Gods child and he had made her for serving others selflessly and she would find solace in that.

Later she conceived and Maggi was blessed with a beautiful child. Now matters would be fine Maggi thought...but ola life had its own twist and turns..

Nick and Maggi never got along...Maggi trying to justify her deeds and Nick being the self possessed started hurling abuses without a slightest hint at what heartbreak it caused Maggi.

Slowly Maggi started drifting apart from Nick. She performed her duties as a wife and mother but in her heart of hearts she was unhappy, unsatisfied ,had lost all desire to live..but she dragged on.

Things didnt improve and one day Nick called it quits for Maggi. Devastated Maggi reached her maternal home but she was not welcomed there. Her parents for whom she lived and breathed did not understand her nor did they try to intervene on her behalf. At that moment Maggi realised that in this world no one belongs to you..the people you died for have the least affection for you.

From that day onwards Maggi learnt that to live in a world of hypocrites you have to be one...and if you cant be one pretend to be one.The reality is harsher than the dream.

She learnt her lesson ....the hard way.

Never ever will she be the naive, selfless girl she was meant to be...Its all gods sweet wish she consoled herself.