
The Ties that Bind

"Nature is unkind: It treats all things impartially." Well so does the Devil. Abnormals, beings that came about by way of nuclear radiation after the attempted eradication of the human race, are divided into Classes and Types. Types are what abilities the Abnormal possesses. Classes are how powerful an Abnormal is. The most docile powers belonging to Class 1 and the most extreme claimed by 10. Despite being the son of the Great Devil King Lucifer, Kaiser, an Abnormal, was locked in a high security institution from birth, suffering experiment after experiment. Life was a fight from the moment he began breathing. Other Abnormals are locked away in the institution as well, suffering demented torture and extreme brutality. Kaiser learns about his condition through a scientist named Maria, he conspires to escape with the friends he was allowed to make for observational purposes. Will Kaiser be able to make it out alive? And if he does... What's waiting for him out in the radiation soaked world? "Even in the darkest hour, I shall be there for you, by your side." How far will a person go for the ties that bind?

KiaYanna · Action
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28 Chs

Chapter 4: The Obstacles Between Them

I ran towards her, and she began to struggle as if trying to come to me. She had on a baggy jet black jumpsuit. When I saw she was in restraints I was furious. She was muzzled with a metal face mask, shackles beyond what any average Abnormal would be, cuffed at her ankles and around her wrists. She had a silver metal collar around her neck that flashed green on a speck of the unforgiving necklace. Her skin was caramel colored. She was short about 5'3" and had long curly brown hair down to her waist. Her big eyes were the color of charcoal. However that didn't stop them from shining like the night sky. I lunged at a soldier, twisting his arm, I wrapped my legs around his neck, pulling his limb until it popped out of the socket. Then I crushed his hand, leaving it limp. He screamed in agony. The girl continued to struggle trying to get to me. I round house kicked the other soldier, while the two remaining took aim at me, but they never shot. Once I had rendered the second incapacitated. I went for the chains around this woman. Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back, then everything went black.

When I woke up, there she was, chained across from me on the other side of a large bright battlefield type room, the size of a football field.

"Kaiser."My father's voice rang out from somewhere high up.

"You have 7 minutes to get to Ambrosia."He started. "If you can get to her within the allotted time, you will no longer be separated. I will allow you to be together!"He yelled, my eyes scanned around and I saw him up on a terrace. This was a battleground. It was a pit and she was far on the other side.

"And if you cannot get to her..."He paused, a malicious grin curled onto his lips.

Not getting to her was not an option. I didn't care to hear what he had to say next, because I was going to get to her.

"You will never see her again."He said gravely.

I knew he didn't care.

"I really want you to be happy son..."He began, but I cut him off.

"But you want to push your own agenda more than you want your own son's happiness."I said bitterly, glaring up at him. I hope he could feel the immense hatred I felt for him in that moment.

There was no guarantee that he'd even let us be together. But if there was a chance, I will ready and willing to take it.

"Release him!"He thundered, and immediately I was released from the body cage.

I raced towards her, I dipped and dodged the chained spears that came flying at me. I slid through the spiked pillars of platinum. I weaved in and out of the seemingly endless obstacles before me. I jumped up onto a large platform then to another higher one. There were six more platforms for me to jump on, then I stood at the edge of the highest platform. I looked down and there she was, I didn't hesitate to dive off of the edge.

I landed right on my feet. My body was stronger than humans, for a human would have broken their legs or died on impact of the ground. I pounced onto her chains.

I looked up at my father desperately.

"I got to her!!"I yelled, staring up at him as he looked over the edge.

"You need to unchain her."He glared with a smirk.

I glared up back at him. I clawed at the chains, ripping them off of her.

"Go son! Every inch of bondage must be gone from her!"He yelled, excitement in his voice.

"Thrifty seconds left."He smiled.

He wanted me to use my power.. I felt an intense anger well up inside of me. I summoned the vantablack circle of demonic energy. A malicious purple glowed around it. Then I threw it onto the chains, then the demonic energy hit and spread, infecting the rest of the bondage. She fell forward and I caught her.

"Excellent my son!"My father's voice shook the arena, his tone was filled with glee.

I hated him. How could he say he wanted my happiness but keep me from my Sublime.

I held the girl in my arms, standing up. "I did my part!"I yelled, glaring at him, "Now keep your promise!"

He looked down at me as if I were some insect not worthy of anything I earned.

"Son..."He started, his voice once again shook the arena. "You have passed.."He looked displeased, for I had done the impossible, but he kept his word. "You will no longer be separated."He paused.

"You will be together forever. Now you have to earn your freedom...And she has to earn hers."His smile was brutal. It tore into my soul as if trying to devour every part of me.

I would earn my freedom and hers. The question was how?