
Chapter 5: Time skip and reunion

It's been 5 years since Tsunade and Shizune left.

When his mother and sister left he started to live with Nakamura.

Nakamru took Ryuu to traveling through Iron country and other lands to hone his skills.

Fighting different opponents and traveling while training did wonders on Ryuu. He became a powerful warrior despite being only 14 years old.

He grew tall for his age. Now he wore blue kimono, white bandana on his forehead, black pants and black shinobi sandals.

His training is going quite well. He learned quite few jutsus Tsunade left for him. His ninjutsu progressed quite well with shadow clones.

He learned lightning senbon and water bullet techniques to perfection and added few more techniques to his arsenal through the years.

Where he shined most was Fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu. He was natural at Fuinjutsu.

Now he could control his chakra chains like his own limbs.

He brought shunshin to whole new height. He now can use it like a ghost. When you include his sword art that consist fast draw and lightning fast fluid strikes there's almost no escaping.

Unfortunately he wasn't talented at genjutsu. At least he can use genjutsu with effort and concentration unlike certain blond trouble maker.


After his usual training regiment at night Nakamura called Ryuu to his study.

Before Ryuu could touch the sliding door of his master's study room Nakamura's voice rang from inside " Come in"

When Ryuu went inside dimly lighted room by candles. Nakamura was sitting on simple mat behind wooden table. On the table was black hilted Katana and wakizashi with black iron scabbards.

When Nakamura saw him he said "Sit down"

"What is it sensei, why did you call me this late at night" Ryuu asked

"I have trained you in everything i know for six years as i promised. Now it's the time that you spread your own wings" Nakamura said seriously.

"It is already the time huh" Ryuu said impassively then added respectfully "Now my training is over am i ready to know name of the sword style i learned"

"Hahahaha did i not tell you? I never named my sword style. Heck, i didn't even had the time to think of a fancy name. It is a nameless sword style" Nakamura said in booming laughter making Ryuu sweat drop.

"If you make a name for yourself using my sword style i will give you permission to name it" Nakamura said with warm smile.

"Take this katana and wakizashi. I personally made this for you" his sarcastic old sensei pointed at the finest swords he created that was lying on the table proudly. "Now go and sleep. Great adventure is waiting for you tommorow" Then without waiting reply stood up and left.


Early in the morning outside of Nakamura's house master and disciple could be seen.

They stood there facing each other with awkward silence.

"Just go brat. I'm too old for this sentimental shit" Nakamura said breaking the silence.

"Yes, yes. Same here sensei" Ryuu said with playful tone.

After few awkward moments later Ryuu bowed deeply at Nakamura "I will be on my way then, sensei. I will always keep your teachings in my heart."

Nakamura slapped his shoulder "Go spread your wings kid" Then turned around hiding lone tear and thought ' I'm too old for this shit'.

Ryuu getting the hint he shouted "Goodbye sensei, take care" then vanished into nothingness.


One year later

Deep in the forest tall and handsome man in plain pale blue kimono, black pants and black shinobi sandals could be seen walking leisurely with a serene look. He had long crimson hair with white streaks that was pulled back in a low ponytail and his face was framed with bangs that extended to his chin, with white headband covering his forehead to hide his vertical slit on his forehead. He also wore crystal necklace of the first hokage on his neck that Tsunade gave him when she left him in Iron country. On his left hip there were katana and wakizashi that was giften to him by his master Nakamura. On his left tigh there was a kunai pouch.

He was one and only Ryuu Uzumaki. After finishing his training with his master and one year of traveling and bounty hunting he was on his way to meet his family and his only friend.

While walking he thought' I'm finaly going to meet mom and nee-chan. They said they were in Tanzaku town in their last letter. If i didn't meet Orochimaru and Kabuto i wouldn't have realized that it was time to mom to become hokage. and going to meet that legendary pervert and retarded blond clown' Ryuu thought while walking. ' How could i forget. Now I'm 15 means Naruto is 12 and mom being in Tanzaku means it's time to her to meet Jiraiya'.

Flash back 2 days ago.

While Ryuu was walking towards direction of Tanzaku city he picked up 2 powerful chakra signature and decided to investigate.

When he got near two of them he heard " Orochimaru-sama did you have to say all of that. You should have let me do the talking. You made negotiation with Tsunade-sama more difficult".

Hearing his mother's name Ryuu instantly took action by throwing shuriken between their legs.

The duo jumped away from shuriken then saw red headed youth coming out of woods 'I didn't sense him' Orochimaru and Kabuto thought. Then Orochimaru said putting brave front, skillfully hiding his surprised state "Kukuku what we have here, little bug eavesdropping huh"

"Hoooo isn't it Orochimaru of the sannin. It's an honor too meet you" Ryuu said ignoring Kabuto, without change of expression he added. "I couldn't stay put when my mother's name was mentioned"

"Who is your mother, are you saying Tsunade-sama is your mother?" Kabuto asked cautiously glaring at Ryuu.

"I'm not talking to you henchman" Ryuu said making Kabuto frown.

"Kukuku i didn't know Tsunade had a child. She hid you very well or are you just making excuse to meet me" Orochimaru said while smiling creepily.

Suddenly Ryuu vanished from the spot he was standing and appeared between Orochimaru and Kabuto, out of Ryuu's back chakra chain manifested and stabbed Orochimaru on the left shoulder Ryuu himself was holding his katana at Kabuto's throat. "It seems you are still capable in your current state Orochimaru-san. In your severly weakend state you still managed to avoid fatal injury. I was aiming at your heart" after saying that Ryuu vanished and reappeared on his previous spot he was standing like nothing happened.

Kabuto was sweating bullets now. He just survived because of mercy this youth showed. The he said to Orochimaru in low voice " Orochimaru-sama we have to leave quickly. We can't afford to fight him" When Orochimaru didn't respond he looked at him and saw Orochimaru's shocked face.

Then Orochimaru came out of his stupor and said in hiss "Uzumaki!, So you really are a Tsunade's son"

Hearing this Kabuto asked from Orochimaru "Isn't the Uzumaki clan extinct?"

Orochimaru said still in pain in hissing voice "It seems he was telling the truth. Tsunade is an Uzumaki from her grandmother's side" Then he asked from Ryuu "What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing much i just came here to warn you stay away from my family" Then Ryuu vanished into thin air leaving wounded Orochimaru and Kabuto.

"Orochimaru-sama i think we need to find other way to heal your arms. It's not to safe with him around Tsunade-sama" Kabuto said to Orochimaru.

"No we will still go with our plan, We have an advantage. Tsunade's most desired wish kukukuku"

Flashback end

After hours of walk, late at night he came right outside of restaurant that he felt chakra signatures of his mother and sister with two other 2 chakra signatures. Then he heard Naruto arguing with Tsunade about courage and cowardness he tought to himself ' It's seems it's time to teach my cute cousin of mine a lesson' then he shunshined inside.

When he shunshined in Jiraiya tensed and Ryuu without giving Jiraiya time to react he stabbed his katana near Naruto's head through chair he was sitting leaving tiny scratch on his cheek. Then he said "Watch your mouth brat or i will pluck out your tongue" Then turned to Tsunade and Shizune said with warm smile "I'm back mom, sis".

Witouth replying Tsunade and Shizune dashed at Ryuu from their sit and hugged him tightly

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming" Tsunade said with tears threatening to fall and Shizune was already crying.

"I'm sorry mom, sis. I wanted it to be a surprise" Ryuu said with smile still hugging them.

Meanwhile Naruto was still shocked, as for Jiraiya he came out of his stupor then stuttered " Wh Wha What's going on, MOM? SIS?" Right after Jiraiya spoke Naruto too came out of his stupor and said " Teme why did you attack me"

After this tearful reunion Ryuu turned to Jiraiya "Hello there Jiraiya-san, i heard much about you" Then turned to Naruto feigning ignorance "Who are you shorty" asked with narrowed eyes.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki dattebayo!" Who are you teme?" Naruto asked heatedly.

"How rude of me, my name I Ryuu Uzumaki. So you are my cousin huh" Ryuu said. Making Jiraiya ashen faced.

"What? Uzumaki? How do you have same last name as me?" Naruto asked still confused.

"Are you some kind of retard? What part of cousin don't you understand. We are from same clan. The Uzumaki clan" Ryuu barked at Naruto.

"You really are my family? I have a clan?" Naruto happily shouted

Naruto was making it easy for Ryuu to revert the brain washing done by Third Hokage.

Ryuu was smiling inwardly then said "Of course we are a family. Your mother Kushina-san was an Uzumaki. We are sorry we couldn't be with you. We weren't allowed" by saying that Ryuu put final nail to the coffin.

Hearing this colour drained from Tsunade's and Jiraiya's face leaving them white as chalk.

Tsunade thought 'shit i forgot to tell Ryuu-chan that Naruto's parents' idenities were secret'

Without losing time Jiraiya said " Naruto i can expla..."

Before he could finish his sentence malicious chakra seeped out of Naruto, He turned to jiraiya "you all knew, you all knew " keep repeating those words and his voice slowly distorted to demonic.

When a red tail made out of chakra formed Ryuu instantly pinned down Naruto with his chakra chains making Naruto growl. Ryuu then kicked his head into unconsciousness.

When Naruto calmed down by force Jiraiya raised his voice at Ryuu " You stupid brat do you know what you have done?"

" What did you expect me to do, He was losing control. I had to calm him down. If i didn't kick him my chains could have injured him" Ryuu said calmly and thought 'hahaha let's see now how you are going to keep brainwashing Naruto'

" I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about you telling him his mother's name. Who gave you that permission?" Jiraiya's anger was increasing second by second.

" Be careful Jiraiya-san, Since when did i start getting permission to speak from you. Now we are here he's under our protection, his own family that you tried to hide from him. if you don't control your anger i might get excited" Ryuu said that and released massive amount of killing intend and chakra making furnitures of restaurant shaking.

Right at this moment before things escalate to fighting Tsunade interrupted "Ryuu-chan stop. And Jiraiya who do you think you are to try to control my son"

"Tsu-hime you don't understand what your son has done" Jiraiya said to Tsunade pleadingly

"No, please leave us for now. I have to talk with Ryuu-chan privately" Tsunade said

Jiraiya knew he can't change Tsunade's mind no matter what once she made her mind so he decided to leave this to Tsunades hands and tried to walk past Ryuu to get Naruto until he felt sudden movement from Ryuu.

Ryuu held his katana on Jiraiya's neck "Ah ah ah, Leave Naruto here. You won't mind leaving him here for a while right" Ryuu said with eye smile that wasn't friendly.

"Don't get ahead of yourself brat" Jiraiya said angrily.

"Please Jiraiya i want to talk with him too, I promise nothing of harm will come to him" Tsunade said to Jiraiya making him frown.

"All right, Since you asked me i will allow it" after saying that Jiraiya left not before giving Ryuu glare.

Unfortunately for Jiraiya he didn't see in his anger that Ryuu to use medical ninjutsu through his chakra chain to wake up Naruto. Naruto was pretending to be unconscious and listening their conversation.

When Jiraiya left Tsunade scolded Ryuu " What were you thinking. Do you want do fight with Jiraiya by provoking him. He isn't someone to take lightly"

"Don't worry mom, you know me that i don't do things recklessly."Ryuu said with smile then said "Naruto, get up how long are you going to lie there"

Naruto raised to sitting position then asked with lost look on his face "Is everything you talked with ero-sennin true?, did they purposely hid my parents' idenities and forbid you guys to meet me"

Please, feel free to point out mistakes. I'm really insecure about my grammar

EveryDayNormalGuycreators' thoughts
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