
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

CH 9: Something is there...

As Diablo began to send Mana inside the summoning circle, It began to glow more bright with each second in red color.

So much that the red light began to illuminate the whole Altar Room. And everyone in the room had to narrowed their eyes to see properly.

After some time the increase in brightness of the summoning circle stop at some point. And a weird noise began to be heard inside the room.


It was like a crack forming on a mirror. If focused closed just above the Altar, the cause of the sound could be found.

A strange crack was being formed above the Altar. It was like a crack on a mirror. But weird thing was there was nothing above the Altar.

Anyone who saw this would had been extremely surprised after seeing this bizarre scene. But except Igor who was slightly surprised, Sebastian and Diablo had no impression on this.

Because Diablo and Sebastian had seen such seen before. As for Igor since It was his first time seeing this, he was slightly surprised but after few seconds he understood that this crack was like a portal connecting to the Abyss.

And the sound was produced due to forcefully making a connection to the Abyss.

"Your Majesty, the connection is about to be made. Just keep sending more of your Mana, everything would work out Itself."

After hearing Sebastian, Diablo began to send Mana even in more intensity than before.

After the space crack had extended larger in length than the Altar, the middle of the crack began to expand. Which caused the crack to glow in red color and a deep darkness could be seen inside It.

It looked like a deep wound of on a giant.

As soon Sebastian, Igor and even Diablo, glanced inside the crack. They felt a deep chill in their spines, feeling that If they kept looking inside It they would lose their mind completely. Both the faces of Sebastian and Igor began to sweat in large amount.

Everyone quickly moved their gaze away from the crack.

'W-was this really the right choice…?'

Sebastian even began to reconsider this plan.

'No! There is no turning back now. If we came this far, we should see It till Its end.'

But fortunately Sebastian again motivated himself, knowing there was now no plan left against the Hero. And this might decide the fate of whole Demon Realm.

If after that Sebastian didn't dare to look again inside the crack. Not only him, Igor and even Diablo were also in same state.

Now the crack was completely formed, opened wide enough that a person could easily pass through It.

[Now what, Sebastian? Should I stop sending my Mana now?]

"No! Your majesty, since we made a connection forcefully. It will not be able to kept opened Itself. Just keep doing you were doing before and If you could try to call inside the crack with your mind, It would be even ore better."

[But Sebastian, will something really come through this crack? And If something other a spectral being gets summon so what would we do?]

Diablo's expression couldn't be seen but deep inside even Diablo was slightly felt fear and worried about this plan. About what If something goes wrong?

But Sebastian assures his King and explained.

"Your Majesty, You don't have worry. Anything you say in your mind will be heard by any being who is near the crack, behind It. And for anything other than a spectral being coming out of It. I assure you that this summoning circle will allow only a spectral being to hear your sound. And only a spectral being can pass through this crack in both ways."

After hearing this from Sebastian, Diablo was relieved and understood that from where his confidence had came from when he proposed this plan.

'Sebastian had really prepared for everything, huh.'

This caused increase in confidence inside Diablo that they would succeed.

[I'm glad that a person like y-!?]

When Diablo was trying to compliment Sebastian for his cleverness, Diablo interrupted himself and began glare the crack, even though Diablo still felt some fear from the crack.

As Sebastian and Igor observed the strange behaviour of their King. Igor asked.

"Diablo, is something wrong?"

[I…I can feel something behind the crack. Whatever It is, It is trying to see us from behind the crack.]

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I'm am pretty sure that whatever that thing is, It can't see us from behind the crack at that angle."

Sebastian assured his King. Thinking that his King might just be nervous for facing this type of situation for the first time.

But Diablo replied nervously.

[...Its not that…Its just that the presence that I am feeling behind the crack is much stronger than the Abyss King.]

As soon Sebastian and Igor heard this, both began to feel a goose-bump. But Diablo's response didn't just end there.

[I…don't know If this is just a feeling…or true. But whatever that thing is…, It is properly strong as me or maybe even stronger.]

Now both minds of Sebastian and Igor were in chaos, they didn't know that how did they able to call such a being.

'Damn It! Damn It! What have I done? Now we just called another bigger threat than the Hero. What do we do now!!…!? Right, first we must break the connection completely.'

As Sebastian after making his decision was about to ask his King to break he connection. Something else happened.

A strange crimson smoke began to come out of the crack. And began to surround the body on the Altar. Everyone in the room seeing this knew that the being behind the crack was trying to come to their world.

"Your Majesty, Hurry!! Cut your flow of Mana from the circle immediately!!"

Sebastian hurriedly screamed to his King which was strange coming from a person like Sebastian, who always kept his emotion in a control. Never showing any strong emotion to others.

But this situation was also not something to take lightly. Seeing that Diablo was still kept sending his Mana to the circle, Sebastian was now completely confused.

'Why is Your Majesty not stopping?…!? Could It be!!'

As soon Sebastian thought of a possibility, Diablo completely confirmed his guess.

[Hmm…Guys…I can't seen to be able to stop this.]

As soon both Igor and Sebastian heard this, they thought of a same thing.