
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown (updated)

=== Author: AbiWolf666 (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13407673/86/The-Supreme-Overlord-Ainz-Ooal-Gown === Synopsis: The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.)

DaoistViking · Anime et bandes dessinées
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93 Chs

Chapter Forty Three

The sky was clear with some clouds here and there. The sun shined upon the mighty forest of the Elf Kingdom. A forest that was the home of many magical monsters that lived in the dark areas.

But this was a territory that belonged to the wood elves, a humanoid race that was similar and not similar to humans. The elves are slimmer when compared to humans, they possess long ears and have a lifespan far longer than humans.

Mostly, the elves love peace, nature and beauty. They don't care what happens around the world. There might be a terrifying event occurring away from the forest and they still will not care about it.

The elves will fight only if the enemy attacks their kingdom, because the forest was their precious home and they will die for it.

But war arrived at their doorstep, it started a few years after the fall of the Demon Gods. The Elf King Hatharal Iarmenor, that took the throne at that time, caused something that would lead the wood elves in a dark age of war and death.

Because of the incident with that woman, the powerful human nation Slane Theocracy, launched an wrathful attack that would shake all the wood elves. Both armies clashed in the gand forest that once was beautiful, but the humans were not like the elves.

Everywhere their armies advanced, hectares of forest was burned and with it, a lot of elf villages were caught in fire. Some were burned alive, slayed while escaping and some others that survived, were captured by the human forces.

That marked the beginning of the elven slaves. Humiliated, tortured, broken completely, the elven prisoners were sent in the human lands to be sold as slaves in different cities to do all kinds of work.

The elves that were still fighting did not give up. They did everything to stop the human advance in their lands. The elven warriors fought a guerilla warfare that caught the camps of the Slane Theocracy in surprise, causing the death of thousands of human soldiers.

For decades, the human - elf war, went on and on in a never ending circle. Over these decades, the elves were being pushed back and the Slane Theocracy advanc, was reaching the capital of the Elf Kingdom, Crescent Lake.

To speed up the advanc, the Slane Theocracy had deployed the Holocaust Scripture that were specialized in assassination, guerrilla warfare, and counter-terrorism. They had put the elves in a critical situation. Soon the human armies will arrive at the gates of their capital.

A lot of civilians had come to Crescent Lake with the hopes that they would be safe there, but the situation was different this time. The soldiers of the Slane Theocracy had camped not far away from the capital, and the sensitive long ears of the elves could hear their voices.

Soon, a grand battle for the capital was about to begin. Fight to death or accepting enslavement.

A group of 20 elf archers had gone to patrol an area that was located north west from the Crescent Lake. The reason was to protect their backs from surprise attacks. The Slane Theocracy was unpredicted. Their scriptures might cause the fall of the capital very fast, so it will be better to not let their backs exposed.

The elves mostly jumped on the tree branches where they could attack the enemy in surprise. In heights they can shoot the enemy more easily, and that will divide them into small groups. The elves know their lands better. The humans will get lost in the grand forest and the elves will kill them one by one.

Two elves, one female and the other one a male, were standing upon a large tree, hiding behind the leaves, checking the area around with anxiety.

"Do you see any human?" asked the young elf male. His name was Lux, and the name of the "she elf", was Mira.

"No I see nothing Lux."

Lux removed all his anxiety and calmed.

"It's gonna be over soon…"


Mira turned her head at Lux and had a curious expression on her face.

"It's over Mira, the Slane Theocracy forces will destroy us."

Lux had a depressed face like he knew he was going to die. It does not matter how much they fight, the human forces will overrun them.

"Maybe the king will-"

"In hell with that fool!" he shouted.

Her eyes went wide open. Calling the king like that, it means execution, but Mira was not that kind of a person that will betray her comrade. Nobody in the army thought good for the king. They all hated him to the guts, but they were afraid from his wrath. Right now, the elves were fighting for their people and not for the king.

"Look Mira, he does not care about us. The king wanted this war! He thinks that his children will awaken some sort of power in their bodies if they fight against strong foes like those of the Slane Theocracy. How stupid is that?"

Because of anger, Lux hit the tree stump with a fist. He also was one of his children but he hated the king. Mira was new to the army and did not know much about the king, but who knows, one day the king will call for her to be in his bed. It filled Lux with disgust seeing all those broken women in the capital that were pregnant with his children.

"What do you think we should do then to save our people." asked Mira.

"Nothing… It's too late now. We should have thought about that, long time ago. From the beginning of war we have fought about the king's idea… and now we suffer the consequences.

With lost hopes and a depressed face, Lux turned his gaze at the wide forest. He remembered when he was a little elf boy running and having fun on these parts with his friends. Now, some of them may be dead, or enslaved by the Slane Theocracy.

How did it come to this? Such a cruel fate for the wood elves, once a great and powerful kingdom, now it was facing oblivion.

Suddenly, his long pointy ears twitched because of some step sounds. He turned his blue eyes at the land to see what it was. Mira heard it too and both of them prepared their bows to attack if they were humans of the Slane Theocracy.

From the dense leaves, a group of… elves showed up. What surprised Lux and Mira was that these elves were equipped with dark armor. Those who wore leather armor had bows in their backs.

They numbered thirty, and leading them was a female elf with an unusual skin color. Her hairs were pure white and short, eyes were yellow, but the color of her skin was dark purple. Lux and Mira had never seen this kind of elf before. They know about the dark elf tribe, but this one was out of their knowledge.

"Is that even an elf?" spoke Mira with a low voice.


Lux put the finger close to his lips telling Mira to keep her mouth shut. If they were humans, it won't be a problem, but these were elves and they have a superior hearing than humans.

Lux saw beneath him, his comrades. They were approaching slowly without making any sound. Lux did not like this, it was a foolish decision. With armor like that, these elves could be powerful foes, they even were more in numbers.

But with a sneak attack, they could possibly win. Lux was still thinking if these strangers were foes or friends. It wouldn't leave good taste in his mouth if he kills fellow elves from a different realm. Only the loyal knights that served the king personally, went from time to time to the dark elf tribe to kidnap them.

Lux made his decision. He grabbed an arrow and got ready to shoot. The arrow lose from the bow and went straight on the ground 1 meter away from the strange elves. Lux was surprised because these elves were not alarmed, like they knew that he and his comrades were hiding near.

"Stop right there!"

"Don't move!"

The group of the elves revealed themselves and raised all their bows pointed at the other elvish group. Lux sat down from the tree and went towards them to calm the situation.

He was one of the king's children, so the other elves will somehow show respect, but not like a prince because his father did not consider a weakling to be a prince. Lux thought of himself that he was just a bastard. 30 percent of the elven population had the king's blood. The king does not even know or care that he has a child called Lux.

Lux approached and put his bow behind his back. He hoped for this group of elves to not become hostile.

"With whom can I speak?" spoke Lux.

The elves with dark armor stood silent and opened a path for a person that had the head covered with a black hood. But the weapon this person was holding made Lux feel uneasy. It was a cross-shaped war scythe that Lux had never seen before in his life.

And the person removed the hood from the head. Lux and the others were shocked by what they saw. The person was a young half elf female but that was not important. All their gaze was pointed at her eyes.

"No way…"

The girl had heterochromia. Those eyes were similar to those of the king. That means she was a royal blood. All the elves behind Lux bent into knees immediately, showing respect for the royal elf.

"Your Majesty."

As the others, Lux kneel before the royal elf. He did not know what to say. He was even afraid to ask her name.

"Rise." she demanded.

All the wood elves did as she said.

"My name is Zesshi Zetsumei. I have come here to kill my father King Hatharal."

For a moment, the wood elves were dumbfounded and stared at each other. First, this woman was a lost child of King Hatharal. Second, she wanted to kill the king. As a royal elf, that could be possible, because they don't know how strong the elf king actually was.

"What's next, your Majesty? Let's say you kill the King, but what about us? Are you going to leave and let us die at the hands of the humans?"

"No she won't."

Out of nowhere, a deep voice was heard. The elves were looking around but suddenly an army started to appear behind the royal elf group. These were not elves at all. Lux had only learned about them in stories.

This was an undead army, creatures that hated all living beings. The wood elves were shivering by the frightening aura of these beings.

An undead that wore an majestic full plate armor approached. The elves in dark armor bowed their heads deeply. Lux could tell that this undead was the ruler of a kingdom. The undead king approached the wood elf group. Lux on the other hand, could barely keep himself on his feet.

"Greeting young elves, I am Ainz Ooal Gown, the ruler of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick and Zesshi's husband."

"I-I am Lux, your Majesty. Is it true that you want to save us?"

"That's right, I will put an end to this foolish king and make the wood elves great again."

"I think I have heard that line before… or not."

Lux and the others were speechless. They couldn't believe that this day will ever come. Lux wanted to drop tears, but he did not want to shame himself in front of the Sorcerer King and the elf queen. This could be the end of their sufferings from this war that was caused by one person.

"Thank you! Thank you very much, your Majesty! We elves will accept to serve you till death." As he was on his knees, Lux raised his head and saw the Sorcerer King in the eye.

"Please… kill that bastard."

King Hatharal was lying upon a luxurious warm sofa outside in a wide balcony of the royal palace. Upon the table was a plate that had fruits like grapes and green apples, but Hatharal did not care about the fruits.

He grabbed a cup that had wine inside and drank it. His lips twisted and threw the cup away.


Hatharal crossed his arms and stared at the nothingness.

"Your Majesty, shall I serve you another cup of wine?"

Spoke an elf maid with a low voice. She also was pregnant with his child. Every maid that worked here was impregnated by him. He just took joy doing this for decades. The maids were just tools to realise his lust, the female warriors on the other hand, were more important and ordered them to train his children.

"Get lost." he told with annoyance.

The maid bowed her head and disappeared from the balcony.

Fools... weaklings… I'm surrounded with these imbeciles everywhere.

He described this kingdom as a nation of weaklings. They ask for him to defeat the human invaders. Why should he bother himself helping weaklings and fools? They only live to serve him, so it is them who should fight for him.

Hatharal had thought to create a powerful elvish army that has his blood, but none of them became strong. Doing this for many years, Hatharal thought that he had worked hard, but it was not his fault that the women of this country were all weaklings and couldn't give him powerful children.

"Maybe I should do it with human females too. She got pregnant with my child after all."

He remembered the face of that woman, her struggles resisting him, her screams for mercy as he raped her while evilly laughing. He always loved these kinds of women that tried to resist him. It gives him joy to see them in the end broken completely.

"That woman could be dead now because these humans do not live long, but the child could still be alive. I don't think the Slane Theocracy to be that stupid to kill a rare powerful child like that. Maybe this is the best moment to go to their capital and to claim what's mine."

He had got bored living in this grim palace for a long time. Now it's time to show these humans what his power was capable of doing. He wanted that child to create his powerful army so he can conquer the world.

"Your Majesty."

His thoughts were interrupted by a knight.

"What do you want?" he spoke like the knight had stolen something from him.

"Your Majesty, a group of strangers suddenly appeared inside the city and they are coming here."

"What are they?"

"We saw elves, humans and undead, your Majesty."


Hatharal knows about undead creatures but he doesn't remember seeing undead since he finds himself in this world.

"Your Majesty, those two elven females looked really powerful. One had a strange dark and purple skin color, and the other one had eyes like… yours, my King."

Now he was interested in meeting with this group, especially with that elf. If she had eyes similar to him, then she might be his daughter. The key to unlock his dreams had come to him with its own legs.

"What should we do, your Majesty."

"Let them come to my throne room."

"And the undead?"

"I will destroy them."

Hatharal had an evil grin on his face. These women will belong to him.

The Elf King was standing upon his wooden throne and was waiting impatiently for the strange group to arrive. He only was interested in the two elves, the others were not important.

He thought about the undead as foolish creatures that serve the master. It must be the powerful elves controlling them.

"Come now, it's getting boring here."

His long ears began to hear the sounds of their steps coming closer. The grand door was opened by the knights and the strange group arrived inside.

He observed them with his sharp eyes. There were six of them, he saw two blonde human females with crimson eyes, one wore black plate armor equipped with a spear and the other one wore biking armor. He wanted to lick his lips because that curves body was erotic. Hatharal couldn't wait to have them on his bed.

The Elf King stared at the undead warriors for a moment. Their armor looked really outstanding, but did not care about these abominations. His eyes went at the elves that he was waiting the most. The elf with the strange skin color was truly beautiful and powerful looking. She will become part of his harem without debut.

And now the other elf… no, half-elf. It was really her, his lost child that was inside the woman that was rescued by the Black Scripture. A part of her hair was silver like those of her mother, and the other half was black like his hair. Her eyes were the same as his eyes.


This will be the best moment in his life. Now he had to know what they wanted or who was the leader here.

But he finds it disrespectful for not kneeling before the king of the wood elves. He will make sure to make them learn about respect and manners when he gets his hands on them.

"Welcome to my Kingdom. With whom can I speak?" he asked with a gentle voice, the same voice he used when he tricked that woman.

"I am the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, the ruler of Nazarick Kingdom."

Hatharal gradually turned his eyes at the undead that was in front of the group. It surprised him that this undead could speak and what more, he was a king like him.

"I've never heard about this nation. Where is it?" asked Hatharal.

"We are your neighbor. More than half of the continent belongs to the Sorcerer Kingdom."

"Hmm, that's impressive."

No it was truly outstanding. But he did not care what happens inside his kingdom, so he never even thought about what happens outside his kingdom's border.

"So, why are you here?"

"I would like to have a good relationship with your kingdom. How about we help your army to drive away the Slane Theocracy forces, and start a trade between nations."

He was not interested in helping the war against the Slane Theocracy, but for the trade part, Hatharal had a good idea in his mind.

The Elf King, raised from his throne and approached near Ainz.

"That is a splendid idea. Then, how about we do our first trade right here?"

"That's fine with me, what is that you want?"

"How about… you give me these beautiful women and… my daughter."

Hatharal slowly turned his gaze at Zesshi who was looking at him with cold eyes, but it does not matter. He will tame this lioness in the twinkling of an eye.

"And what do I get?" asked Ainz with a normal voice like he did not care about his female warriors.

"This kingdom."

"Hmm, come again?"

"Yeah, I will give you this kingdom in exchange for your female warriors. With that, I hope you let me live in your kingdom as a high noble. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

If this undead has this large territory, of course he would want more. He did not care what happens to this land anyway, so living as a noble will be the same as a king in his mind. But having these women in his bed all day and night, was all what he wanted. Or if he wins a battle for this undead creature, the undead will give him more women for his great victory.

Ainz crossed his arms and was looking at the ceiling thinking about the idea of the Elf King.

"Umu, I don't know… maybe I will... maybe… I make no trade."


Hatharal felt something like a hammer hitting him on his chest. But what he saw in reality, was the Sorcerer King punching and sending him straight back at his throne. The throne did not resist the impact and got shattered completely.

Hatharal's body hit the wall too, but this time it resisted it. There he fell on the floor spilling blood from his mouth.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Hatharal was holding his chest with his hand, because of that powerful punch, he could not breath well and the blood was still coming out from his mouth.

Ainz came near him and grabbed Hatharal by his long black hair like a rag. The skull of the Sorcerer King was near Hatharal's face.


"I will never give my Zesshi or the others to a filthy trash like you."

The grand door opened and the knight of the king stormed inside, but they all got cut to pieces by Death Emperor Zorok and Leinas Rockbruise.

Ainz throw the Elf King near Zesshi's feet. There she stared at her father with an evil smile.


Hatharal screamed in pain for a reason because both his hands were impaled by two stilettos that belonged to Clementine.

"Does it hurt~"

The Elf King was about to rise his body with fury to murder this woman but the Sorcerer King stomped his head under his iron foot. Hatharal was now facing the floor of the throne room. Ainz moved the head of the elf king so Hatharal could see on the left side.

Zesshi took out a dagger and put it near his finger. Zesshi gave him a sadist smile and Hatharal was horrified by his own daughter. He was trying to free himself but it was impossible. The Sorcerer King will make him see his own fingers getting cut one by one from Zesshi.


Zesshi did not care about his wails so she just chopped his fingers with her dagger.

"How does it feel to be in that position, elf princes?" asked Ainz.


There was no mercy there. Hatharal was in a position that he had put many females in the past. He never thought that this would be his horrible fate. He could feel the dagger cutting through his skin and bone, the fingers getting unconnected with the hand and the blood filling the floor.

His own daughter cut his fingers uncaring about the screams of her father. She has been waiting for a day like this to come. There was no greater joy than making the person she hated so much suffer in pain.

"Stop for now Zesshi." ordered Ainz.

"Yes my love."

The entire body of Hatharal, was shivering as in a winter night. He looked like a broken toy. Ainz grabbed Hatharal by his clothes and put him on a couch.

"Hey man, I think I have seen that face of yours in the past. Where are you from correctly?"

"Please… heal my hand…"

"Oh you're tired? Perhaps this will motivate you."

Ainz grabbed his hand that had no fingers and squeezed it with force.



"Alfheim! I am from Alfheim! Please stop!" screamed Hatharal with tears in his eyes.

"Oh… oooh, now I remember you!"

Hatharal saw the monster Ainz in his eyes. He had never met the Sorcerer King before so what was he talking about?

"Aren't you King Rumus Es Kotho, ruler of Lodos Forest?"

His eyes went wide from shock. That has been his name in the past. He had changed it when he killed the Elf King of that time and became the ruler of the wood elves. But how does this monster know about his true identity when he had never met this undead till this day?

"H-How do you know me?!"

"I have come once at your domain because of a mission and I killed you. But seeing you here really surprises me."

"He killed me once?!"

To tell the truth, he alway remembers blurry creatures when he ruled the forest of Lodos, and they alway tried to fight him. But he never remembers the end of the fights, who wins or who dies. He was just there all the time waiting for his new opponents.

"Are you a Pl-

"Don't you fucking dare to say that!"

Ainz had grasped his mouth to stop finishing that word.

"Now tell me, how did you arrive here?"

I- I- I was fighting two humans. O-One was weak, a-and the other one was as strong as me. A-Almost at the end of the battle, I-I found myself upon a hill mysteriously. There were hundreds of different d-demons around and they all went crazy because some sort of creators abandoned them. I left and traveled here, killed the king and became their ruler. Th-That's all."

"Two strong humans? Could they be?"

His wife Keno, had told him about two strange humans that were part of the 13 heroes. As Rumus said, one was strong, the other one was very weak, but became very strong as much as he fought and was chosen as the leader of the 13 heroes.

"I see, I see."

"Please spare me."

"Spare you? Oh no, no, we are not done with you yet."

Ainz grabbed him again like a sack and went outside in the balcony. The soldiers of Nazarick Kingdom had entered inside the capital and had gathered all the wood elves in front of the royal palace. There, upon the balcony the wood elves saw the Overlord with the Elf King on his hand.

They were shocked how the king had become like beaten meat. This was King Hatharal, the most powerful elf that this kingdom had ever seen, now he was all beaten up with missed fingers. What could have happened?"

The Sorcerer King threw the Elf King from the balcony on the ground in front of the wood elves. Rumus released sounds of pain when he hit the ground. Two Nazguls capture and lift him up with his eyes at the citizens.


All the citizens turned their gaze at the Undead Overlord.

"My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, the Sorcerer King of Nazarick Kingdom. For a long time I have been concerned about this realm, how you are treated like trash by your king and by the humans of the Slane Theocracy. I have freed thousands of wood elves that worked as slaves in other nations, and their origin was from this kingdom."

The citizens whispered with each other. They had a lot of relatives like fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, that were never seen again when they went to the battlefield. This gave them hope to see them again one day.

Beside the Sorcerer King approached a beautiful girl. The wood elves were amazed by her hairs and royal eyes.

"This is my wife, Zesshi Zetsumei. Her mother was captured and raped by this scumbag and that was the reason that your nation is at war with the Slane Theocracy. She has told me about the suffering you are going through and I have come here to put an end to this madness."

"I have alway thought about elves that they love peace, nature, music and beauty, but when I saw many of your kin in chains treated like animals… It was unfortunate."

The Sorcerer King was telling the truth. Ever since the war with the Slane Theocracy started, they had only seen grim days and death. This was the fault of one person… All the elves turned their eyes at Hatharal, the elf that has started this plague. There were sparks of fire in every elf's eyes. Their hearts were filled with nothing but hatred.

"Do you want your glory back?!" the deep voice of the Sorcerer King was heard by all the elves there.

"YES!" the elves shouted.

"Do you want those peaceful days back?!


"Do you want HIM to die?!"


Their voices echoed in the entire elvish city, maybe even the humans could hear them. They had been waiting for this long-awaited moment, but everyone was afraid to raise hand against the Elf King. Finally a gentle King that was one of the undead, creatures that hates every living being, had come to bring an end to this bastard king.





The wood elves shouted as one about the fate of King Hatharal.

"But first, let's cut something precious from him."

The citizens were confused for a moment. They did not understand what he meant by that. But they saw the Nazgul tearing the Elf King's clothes. Now, Hatharal was naked in front of everyone. Ainz jumped from the balcony and came closer to see the pitiful elf king.

"Boy, what is that little PP you got there, hahaha!"

Even the wood elves bursted into laughter. Rumus tried to cover his thing in shame but the Nazguls did not let him do that. This was the most terrible day of his life, maybe even the last.

"Haha, do it lieutenant." ordered Ainz.

Four other Nazguls grabbed the Elf King to not let him move. One Nazgul took his dagger and chopped off the king's dick and nuts.


Rumus screamed and screamed in agony going crazy. The negative touch of the Nazguls turned him even weaker. He just kept beating his legs on the ground and crackin it. He can not impregnate women anymore. His dreams to create an army to rule the world were broken by the Sorcerer King.

"MeRcy! MeRcy PleAse!" Rumus begged like a whore in slums.

"Nah, we ain't gonna do that."

The Nazguls bent the Elf King on his knees. This position means something…

Zesshi came near him with her war-scythe smiling. Rumus saw his daughter raising her weapon. His entire body was trembling from fear and his skin had turned red from blood pressure. With tears in his eyes Rumus shouted…

"Don't do this! I'm sorry!"

"This is for my mother and every elf female that you have raped!" shouted Zesshi, giving him the last glance.


With a slash, Zesshi cut the head of her father. Blood spread from his body like a fountain, and the head rolled on the ground.

The ruthless Elf King was dead.

Joy and happiness appeared again in the capital after such a long time. The wood elves were hugging each other celebrating the end of a dark age.

Zesshi looked at the sky and dropped tears from her beautiful eyes. Her mother now can rest in peace.

"I avenged you mother."

Ainz came near Zesshi and put his hand on her shoulder. With tears in her eyes, Zesshi hugged Ainz. He caresses gently her spine to make her feel better.

Now Ainz crimson points glowed like inferno.

"I will be back."

Ainz left Zesshi and the wood elves opened a path for their new king. His cruel armor disappeared and now he was wearing his majestic robe. Like a lightning in storm, Ainz vanished with teleportation magic.

He appeared in the sky. Beneath him was the grand camp of the Slane Theocracy. Their army was making preparation for the invasion of the capital.

The humans noticed Ainz in the sky and many of them pointed their fingers at him. They did not know what to do, but just stared at the mighty Overlord.

What Ainz saw beneath him were nothing but ants that needed to be crushed without mercy.

The Supreme Overlord casted his spell…

[Widen Magic - Nuclear Blast]