
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown (updated)

=== Author: AbiWolf666 (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13407673/86/The-Supreme-Overlord-Ainz-Ooal-Gown === Synopsis: The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.)

DaoistViking · Anime et bandes dessinées
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93 Chs

Chapter Forty Nine

Alea was feeling like she was in a dream, a very pleasant one. She was inside her luxurious carriage with the person who saved the people of the Elvenor Kingdom, and their queen from a terrible fate. This person was the ruler of a Kingdom that was located on the other side of the Kotorr Alpes.

The appearance and the aura of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown was something that would scare the people that encountered him. A walking skeleton with dreadful eyes that wore a magnificent dark robe adorned with golden and violet edges, who in the world wouldn't run away from a being like this.

Yet, Alea did not see him as a horrifying creature, but it was the opposite. She saw him as a shining star in a night sky, a star that Alea will see every time in the heavens before she goes to sleep.

The Sorcerer King was looking through the window of the carriage, and her vision was fixed at Ainz's body. Sirius was also there, and was biting her lips while looking at his wide skeletal chest and rubbing her scepter between her thighs.

It can't be helped, the Sorcerer King had a perfect body. To tell the truth, it would look weird that a woman would love a body that had nothing but bones. The people would see her as a crazy woman.

"He, he is a true king! I want him!"

"Hm, Is there something on my face?"

Immediately, Alea and Sirius were brought back to reality by the voice of the Sorcerer King. They didn't notice when he turned his face at them because both the high elf females were in their fantasies.

"Ah no, no, there is nothing." said Alea, shaking her head.

"Oh okay." Ainz stopped touching his face and turned his skull at the window again.

"I see your nation cultivate a lot of wheat and crops." said Ainz.

Both of them were rulers and it would be better to start a conversation then staying like ghosts till they reach the capital.

"Ye-Yeah that's right, the Elvenor Kingdom is known for agriculture."

The Elvenor Kingdom supports a lot of nations in the continent with grains, especially the Kingdoms of Lorestir and Egrond. Because of the cool climate, those two nations with the Underdark Empire are more known for the cultivation of potatoes, and the Holy Empire was known for the cultivation of rice.

"That's nice, the population of the Nazarick Kingdom is increasing fast day by day, so we mostly create food with magic, but we also sow plenty of fields with grains."

"Creating food with magic… that's very impressive, your Majesty." said Sirius with a surprised face.

Again, she always tried to flatter him, trying to praise him all the time when he told them the achievement of his kingdom.

"The Nazarick Kingdom is only three years old and we had a lot of work to do."

Alea did not expect that, she thought that Nazarick Kingdom would be a very old nation. She was hungry to know more about it.

"King Ainz-

"Please just call me Ainz, queen Alea." Ainz interrupted her.

"King Ainz" did not sound good in his ears. When he heard it from someone's mouth, it sounded really lame. "Sorcerer King" was used mostly by the enemies and those who were neutral like Argland Council State and Karnassus City-State Alliance. No one in the Nazarick Kingdom addressed him as King Ainz.

"Then please call me Alea."


That made her happy. She wanted to see that face of Sirius.

"Ainz are you ma-married?"

This was a question that she wanted to ask a long time ago, but because of Sirius, she couldn't do it, but now she didn't care for her presence.

"Umu, yes I am." answered Ainz.

"How many wives do you have?" asked Alea with impatience

"About that…"

He would have been embarrassed to tell her that he had more than one wife, but she said "wives", so she kinda knew that it was a common thing for rulers to have more wives, that made his anxiety disappear. But why did she look so eager to know about it?

"I have three wives, their names are Zesshi Zetsumei, she is a half-elf. My other wife is Keno Fasris Invern, she is a vampire, and Vrakulina Marxus Leka, she also is a vampire."

Inside his skull Ainz was celebrating because he remembered the last names of Keno and Vrakulina. It will be a shame not to know the last names of his wives in front of the ruler of another nation.

"Half-Elf? What is a half-elf Ainz?"

"Half-elves are born through the union of an elf and a human."

"I see."

"The story of my wife Zesshi is tragic because her human mother, a descendant of one of the Six Great Gods that are worshiped by the humans, was kidnapped by the Elf King, a tyrannical ruler. He raped her, but a special group of humans rescued her before giving birth to Zesshi."

"That's horrible."

Alea saw Ainz looking through the window thinking about Zesshi. From what she knows, the elves race has never been known for rape, because that was a disgusting act, even the dark elves are not like that.

"I remember our first encounter nine years ago in the Great Forest of Tob. The undead have a really bad history in the other continent, most of them do not have free will and they attack every living being that moves. Even some others who are intelligent, they still have that hatred for the living. And her squad, the Black Scripture saw me as nothing but an evil creature that should be exterminated. Zesshi was the last one standing and she never expressed hatred towards me… After defeating her, I healed her wounds and I was going to leave but she insisted and wanted to be with me."

Alea and Sirius were almost in tears while hearing this story and the noble voice of the Sorcerer King. The high elf queen envied Zesshi to have such a dramatic scene, she hated herself for not being strong.

Next Ainz told them about the story of Keno, how her kingdom was destroyed by an unnatural disaster and the story of Vrakulina and her vampire clan that was hunted for decades by the scriptures of the Slane Theocracy. Alea was starting to hate this nation for their ways of treating the non-humans.

The company arrived at the gates of the capital Amonthor. Ainz did not want to stay anymore inside the carriage, so he went out. Alea and Sirius followed him on the right side, while Kuro, Saphir and Angmar on the left. The loud sounds of horns were heard upon the walls and the gates of the capital opened.


Except Arwintar, the other cities of the Nazarick Kingdom have gothic structure, but the Elvenor Kingdom was something different. The only way Ainz can describe Amonthor was ancient Greece or Rome: crepidoma, columns, entablature, pediment. At the temples, the hypostyle columns rise in two tiers, to a height greater than the walls, to support roofs without struts. The high elves citizens even wore clothes like the ancient greeks.

"What do you think of Amonthor, Ainz?" asked Alea with an uneasy feeling. She feared that Ainz would be disappointed

"Absolutely amazing!"

Her sweet smile reached her eyes from happiness. The Sorcerer King seems very pleased with how the city looked like.

Ainz had seen a view like this only on the internet and some of the grand buildings were similar to the surface of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Just by remembering the mighty tomb, Ainz was hit by the nostalgia and the green aura appeared for a second.

"Im-Im glad you like it Ainz." said Alea, smiling.

"Umu, I feel like I was seeing the ancient cities of Greece and Rome. But the capital of your Kingdom is perfection."

"Tha-Thank you very much."

She was about to fall upon his arms again but she must resist. The citizens were standing at the sides of the road staring at the undead king and his forces with surprised faces and Alea did not want to behave like a lovestruck in front of her citizens. News had been spread about the Sorcerer King that saved the village and the high elf queen from the monsters.

The company walked through the city and Ainz was loving it. Many high elf citizens that were upon the third floor of the buildings had come out on the balcony and were dropping colorful flowers for the returning of the queen and the coming of the Sorcerer King.

Ainz was literally fascinated, these elves were lovely and peaceful people, this is how Ainz always thought the elves to be. Even the wood elves and the dark elves in his kingdom had transformed like these high elves. At last nobody here was looking at his kind with frightened faces or running away from him.

"Sirius, that must be a temple right?"

The high elf priestess bounced smiling when she heard the Sorcerer King calling her name. Ainz had pointed his finger at a large building that looked similar with the parthenon of Athena. Before the temple stood a high golden statue that resembles a beautiful goddess, On her right hand, she was holding high a staff that had on top the form of a sun. It was like the staff of Sirius.

"Yes your Majesty, this is a temple dedicated to the sun goddess."


"Ainz, what god do the citizens of the Nazarick Kingdom worship?"

The high elf queen did not want to let the priestess have fun so she jumped in the conversation so Ainz can have his attention on her.

"My citizens worship me."

The two high elf beauty's stared at Ainz with widened eyes.


Both Alea and Sirius spoke at the same time with shocked eyes.

"Ye-Yeah, It happened really fast. I have done everything for my citizens to be happy. Their previous rulers were corrupt and did what they wanted, not caring for the lives of their citizens. When I started to make their life better, they started to see me... differently and I didn't expect them to worship me."

The number of those who worship the God of Life and Death was unimaginably large. In massive cities across the Nazarick Kingdom were built a lot of churches for the citizens to worship their undead god. The angels of the holy order were responsible for the administration of the church and to heal those who get sick.

Now the Sorcerer King turned out to be a God, Alea and Sirius were speechless. Ainz was full of surprises.

"As, as expected of you, your Majesty." said Sirius. She could not describe the feeling of being near a true god. The aura of the Sorcerer King was fearsome but in her eyes it was divine.

"Well, let's forget about that."

Alea wanted to ask him more about the religion but she saw that Ainz did not prefer that kind of conversation.

"Mhm, A-Ainz I have invited the nobles of my kingdom for dinner tonight. Would you… like to be present." asked Alea with her red cheeks.

The way she acted reminded Ainz of his vampire wife Vrakulina. While Vrakulina was more seductive at trying to get closer to Ainz before becoming his wife, Alea was timid and embarrassed. Sirius on the other side was a kinda sluty girl that wanted attention all for herself.

"Sure, why not."

"But I can't eat tho…"

The Dragon Lord that protected the flying castle that belonged to the Eight Greed Kings, was standing in the middle of the grand room where he also slept. Tsar observed around, the architecture of this place was astonishing and valuable.

On his left side was a grand door with a carved dragon on it. He had tried to destroy it countless times but he never succeeded because that path was sealed. If he uses his trump card, this place will take too much damage and Tsar did not want that.

Eryuentiu was a base that he should protect with his life. The secrets that are hidden here should not fall on the hands of evil beings that want to destroy or invade this world.

"What are you Ainz Ooal Gown?"

The Sorcerer King appeared out of nowhere just like the Six Great Gods, the Eight Greed Kings and the Demon Gods. How and why is this happening? What did his father do to bring these entities here? It was all his father's fault, because of his greed, he brought catastrophes upon this world. Tsar never told this to his friends, only the Dragon Lords of the council know that and they kept it secret.

Inside the grand room arrived an old woman.

"Hello Tsar." she greeted him but not with the cheerful tone like in the past.

"Welcome back Rigrit, how was your journey? Did you find the Dark Hero?" asked the Dragon Lord with a worried voice.

"Wow, you were concerned about me?"

"Ah… sorry it's just…"

"Yeah, yeah, I know the reason."

Rigrit had heard about the rising of the Nazarick Kingdom, and she was shocked how fast it conquered the surrounding nations. She was worried about her friends and decided to go there and find them.

"Well, I did not find Momon. It's like he has disappeared from this continent leaving no trace around."

"That's unfortunate."

When Rigrit told him that the Dark Warrior who was stronger than him, he was excited to meet with him. A human that surpasses the strength of a Dragon Lord is almost non-existent. Only those monsters from the other dimension were capable of slaying Dragon Lords easily.

"Rigrit is true? Is it true that Evileye…"

"Yes…" said Rigrit with a sad tone. "I thought that she married the Sorcerer King to gather information about his strength, but when I saw her on the streets of the capital… she seemed happy… really happy. I've never seen her so happy in the past."

In the time of the Demon Gods, Evileye was a little arrogant girl, but she cared for her comrades, she would have given her life to save her comrades from the claws of the powerful demons.

Rigrit did not understand it. Why would she marry a terrifying monster. She always had tried to protect the weak and now she loves a being that has its hands covered with the blood of the innocent. What was she thinking?

"Ainz Ooal Gown is a powerful undead, he might be controlling her mind and she has no way to break his magic." Tsar did not want to believe it that his friend would turn like this. She was the one who hated evil monsters, and not join them.

"Maybe it is as you say, maybe it's not. The Evileye were know it's long gone now." Rigrit sat on a place to calm herself, because she was tired from her journey. For a human she should be dead by now, but Rigrit did not want to let this world be destroyed by monsters that did not belong here.

"What about the others?"

"Gagaran, Tia and Tina have joined the Nazar Forces, the mortal army of the Nazarick Kingdom. Lakyus is living in the Slane Theocracy, a person like her will have a high position there."

"Damn it."

Tsar hit the floor with his tail.

"This Ainz Ooal Gown fellow is trying to divide and conquer us."

"Yeah, I have seen terrifying and divine beings there. Undead, vampires, demons, angels, dragons and wyverns all serving the Sorcerer King. Just what the hell is going on?"

Trar was disgusted with the dragons who had joined with the Sorcerer Kingdom. Such evil being trying to control his race was unacceptable. He had tried to contact the other Dragon Lords that lived around this continent, but none of them were there. It was like they had migrated far away from this part of the world.

"I'll tell you what's going on. This monster is another greed king that has come to conquer this world. His rule might be peaceful right now but for how long? He is undead and will stay here forever bringing death and misery upon our world."

"What do you plan to do?" she asked.

"An alliance… yes that's it, we should form an alliance with the free nations to destroy the Nazarick Kingdom."

"Tsar you need to think really deep into this. The Greed Kings destroyed each other, the Demon Gods were alone when we killed them. This one has an entire army of loyal monsters on his back, and… who are the other nations? Slane Theocracy? The Sorcerer King destroyed a large number of their army and took their elven slaves, the nation might be in a deep crise. The City-State Alliance might join with the undead in the twinkling of an eye."

"Do not worry my old friend. The wild magic will always be the strongest and there exist other nations in the other continent."

"Haah, you Dragon Lords have many secrets and decide to bring them to light when the world is in chaos." said Rigrit with a small laugh.

She got him there, Tsar did not know how to respond to that. He was older than her but his friend was just better.

"Anyway, are you sure they will join forces with us?" she asked.

"Yes I think, I don't believe they will stand idly with an enemy like the undead around."

"Very well Tsar, but we must move quickly. The Sorcerer Kingdom might reach them before us. If you want to send a messenger, I'll go with him. I want to see new lands before this world ends in the hands of the Sorcerer King."

"Come on Rigrit, stop saying scary things."

The dragon and the human stood in the flying castle for a long time making plans for the grand alliance that will save this world from the Supreme Overlord.

Royal Palace, Elvenor Kingdom.

Inside the luxus grand room, a lot of people had gathered. They were the high nobles of the kingdom that had come from far away. All of them had wealth beyond imagination and wore expensive clothes.

The tables were round and covered with white tablecloths and in the middle of the table was an amazing candle. Sitting on the chairs were the high nobles and were chatting with each other.

The high elf servants that had an athletic body brought the food quickly upon the table and filled the cups of the nobles with wine. On a corner of the grand room, lovely high elvish music can be heard to satisfy the guests.

"Well damn this is nice."

Ainz was surprised how Alea had prepared all this for him. The table where Ainz was standing was horizontal straight and in a position that anyone could see him. On the right side was Alea, she was extraordinarily beautiful. The black dress she wore was also beautiful and showed a lot of skin like the high elf priestess. Next to her was Sirius and some other high nobles. Ainz had on his left side Kuro, Seraph, Angmar.

The food seemed delicious, Ainz and Angmar can't eat it, but for the angel and the demon was not a problem. Some nobles were staring at him and the others with curiosity and some other nobles were making funny jokes because of his appearance.

Alea raised from her chair, took her glass and raised it.

"High Nobles of the Elvenor Kingdom welcome. It is my pleasure to have all of you here in my palace tonight." her voice echoed inside the wide room.

All the nobles stood on their feet in respect for their high queen.

"Today I have the honor to welcome a great ruler that saved my life and those of our citizens. He is the ruler of the Nazarick Kingdom Ainz Ooal Gown."

It felt kinda weird for the nobles because the queen sounded very lively like never before. Ainz took his glass and got up from the chair.

"Good evening nobles of the Elvenor Kingdom, I am the Sorcerer King of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick, Ainz Ooal Gown. We are most grateful for this warm welcome to the Elvenor Kingdom. Please take care of us."

The high nobles raised their cups as a welcome for the Sorcerer King. Everyone sat on their chairs and started to eat, drink and chat with the others. It seemed that the nobles did not care about him, but it was not a problem for Ainz. At last these are not the ugly nobles of the Re Estize Kingdom.

These guys were all handsome, the female nobles were class beautys. Ainz felt like he was inside an anime. With this appearance, of course they will look at him with disgust.

"By the sun goddess, her majesty has brought a corpse in our lands."

"Fufufu, that face is so funny."

"He looks like a scarecrow fufufu."

"I have to admit it, this Sorcerer King and the other one with that black mask-crown thing upon his head are kinda scary. I don't want to be near him, but our great queen is brave."

"Mhm yes, it is as you say, Sir Elis. When I saw his soldiers outside, they had a scary aura that sent chills down my spine."

"Oh that's true, Sir Fabian, it happened to me too hahaha."

Cheers and laughter were heard inside the grand room. Ainz did not expect to be disrespected by the nobles like that, but he was in the land of the high elves. If they see someone with a different appearance, of course they will think differently about him in a bad way. He had seen scenes like this in the other continent too even back in YGGDRASIL.

The high elves have a strong hearing but Ainz was superior and he can hear their voices like he was on their table near them. Alea gulped when she saw Kuro with a murderous face, it appears that she can hear the nobles badmouthing her master too.

She was about to rise and shout at them but the skeletal hand of Ainz was upon her hand. Alea's face turned red from this, the person she wanted was touching her again.

"It's alright Alea."

"But Ainz you are the ruler of a nation. My Kingdom would have been mourning if you weren't there to save my life."

What the nobles were saying was disrespectful and this can take a bad turn. From their words Ainz might take offence and leave and she will be lonely again. Let alone, this might lead to war just because of their words. The nobles did not know how powerful the guests from the west were.

"It's alright, I've seen scenes like these before, It's not the first time."

"He is so humble. Ah please don't let go of my hand."

A noble that was near the table where the queen was decided to rise and turned his head at the Sorcerer King. The color of his hair was golden and had a side part haircut, blue eyes and wore noble clothes like the ancient romans.

"Forgive me your Majesty the Sorcerer King, can this one ask you something?" he had a very feminine voice, that's what Ainz thought.

"Please do."

"Thank you very much, your Majesty." he bowed his head. "My name is Rodon Valar. My estate lies at the east side of the Elvenor Kingdom at the border with the Celestial Holy Empire."

"Celestial… Holy Empire… A nation with the title "Holy" exists here too?

Ainz was getting sick of these kinds of nations with this ridiculous title. What's so holy about them? He was still waiting for the question. Everyone was paying attention to Rodon.

"I have visited the libraries of the Holy Empire and I have read old books and seen pictures of beings there that resemble you. Not completely like you, your Majesty, because they mostly were… ugly and had some skin on their body."

Some nobles far away were giggling when he said ugly. Maybe he did not have intention to disrespect him but for them it was funny. Kuro and Seraph wanted to turn this room into a lake of blood and corpses.

"What a bunch of goofy ass bitches."

"But that does not matter, the problem is their nature. These creatures hate the living beings like us and will kill the living at the moment they see them. Are you like those creatures, your Majesty? Are you an… undead?"

Ainz had captured the hand of Kuro because she wanted to tear this fool to shreds. He really did not understand who he was talking to. If Ainz let her free, there will be heads flying in the air.

"You are not wrong master Valar. My kind is called Overlord and yes, I am an undead."

"So… do you hate the living beings?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I don't master Valar. I never hated the living and if I did, I wouldn't have freed those high elves from the orcs. I would have just killed them all and then I would have come here to start another massacre and another one, another one, and another one till everyone and everything is dead.

Rodon and the other nobles had turned pale and their legs were shivering. Now they understand that Ainz Ooal Gown was a being that they should make fun of. They feared that he might have heard their funny jokes about him and might ask their queen for their heads. That would be a terrible fate for a high noble.

"But I am not like those lowly undead that you have readed on those books, master Valar, and I have met an elf that was way more evil than an undead. But I'm just a ruler that wants to protect my citizens and ensure prosperity, just like your queen.

There are different stereotypes in every race. There are those who want to see and do good, and there are those who are evil to the guts and want to see the world burn.

"Forgive me if I offended you and your kind, your Majesty." Rodon bowed his head deeply.

"No problem at all."

Rodon sat again on his chair. He regretted asking him, but he was also glad he did it. Now he will not look down on him like an ugly skeleton because the Sorcerer King can erase him from existence. And he will make sure to inform the Holy Emperor about the Sorcerer King when the time comes.

Now Alea got up from her chair again and all the nobles turned their eyes at her. Ainz was curious what she wanted to say to the nobles now. He hoped for a good relationship between the two nations. The high elf citizens were good people.

"I hope to have all your attention and I want all of you to listen to me well. I have ruled this nation for a long time and I did my best to protect the happiness of my people... but there is a problem…"

Everyone was listening to her intently, even Ainz.

"My people love me as their queen and that makes me happy, but I want to be loved as a... woman. For decades I have been waiting for someone but there was no one that wanted me. I'm sorry to say this in public high nobles, but I know your little secrets."

The nobles understand that, they know what she meant about the little secret. They all tried to hide themselves like turtles behind their wives shoulders. Still Ainz did not get it. What was she talking about this someone? What secret? He wanted to know that.

"I suffer for love and I want to get married. Yesterday I thought that I died a maiden, but I was saved by the most noble person in the world."

"What is going on?"

"Tonight I, the High Elf Queen Alea Nylaathria, asks for the hand of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown."

Nobody dared to move a muscle, not even a fly can be heard. Only silence prevailed in the grand room. But Ainz was hearing something… it was his green aura that was exploding nonstop.

"Wha- What the- Why? She-She wants what?"

There were so many questions that were clashing with each other inside his skull. He was not sure which to use first.

Ainz turned his skull slowly at Alea on the right side, she also had her eyes at him.

"I-I am out of words."

"Ainz... would you want to be my... husband?"


He was trapped here. She was a beautiful female that every man would dream to have, and these gay nobles did not care about her. He really did not want to break her heart but if he accepts, how will his other wives react to this? Can the citizens of the Elvenor Kingdom accept him?

"I- I… I'm a bit… shocked." even the demon, the angel and Sirius were still shocked with their jaws open.

"I'm, I'm sorry about that." said Alea.

Ainz got up and saw Alea in the eyes. There is no coming back now. He is a man, a king and he should make his decisions in an instant.

"Are you sure? These guys… I don't think they like me."

"Who cares, I want to be happy with the one I love." she was determined and nothing can change her decision.

"Fine then, I accept. As your husband, I'll make you happy Alea."

At that moment, all the female nobles raised on their feet, they applauded and cheered for the High Queen and the Sorcerer King. The eyes of the maids flooded with tears of joy. Finally they will see their beloved queen smiling again.

The male nobles were still shocked and were staring at each other. They disrespected him before, now that he was her husband, things might not be good for them. What should they do? Should they kneel before him and ask for forgiveness? This has turned into a nightmare.

"To tell the truth, I did not expect that Alea."

"Tha-That's why I brought them here, so they can all hear my words and my decision."

"She planned this?!"

Just how far can this woman go? When did she fall in love with Ainz? Our Overlord did not know that.

"I will alway be with you, Alea."

Her mouth curved into a smile and her cheeks turned red. After so many years, she finally found someone that will love her… or was he who found her… Anyway, this was the best day of her life. Alea wanted to travel around the Nazarick Kingdom, see the ocean and on top of that… to be in bed with her love.

"Dear." she approached him. Now Alea can call him how she wanted.

"What is it Alea?"

"I want to sleep, can you send me to my room… dear?" she said with a seductive voice.
