
A Murder Is Committed

The train slowed down as it arrived at the subway station. Many passengers got off the train. Ava Burton was among those who came down. She wore a long black coat and a black hat. Her black suitcase was in her right hand.

After the new batch of passengers had boarded the train, it slowly started to move away from the station. It soon gained full speed and hurried down the railway. The crowd of passengers that got off the train started to move away from the station. Ava Burton stared at the people as they moved away from the station. She was the only one standing there.

She waited for the next train that would stop at the station. The train would be going to Oklahoma. Ava Burton moved closer to the station as she impatiently waited for the train to arrive. As she was looking around, she saw a brown hat near the station. She went over to where it was and found a man lying next to it.

Ava gasped in fear. The man was dead. She squatted beside him and she saw a bullet wound on the right side of his neck. The wound was still fresh, like it had happened minutes ago. Blood was gushing out from the spot. She saw a scar that ran all the way from the back of his left ear to the left side of his neck. It was an ugly scar. Ava wondered how he got it.

She looked around. No one apart from the two station officers were paying attention. She called out to them. "Hey!", she said and they looked at each other before rushing over to where she was. "What is this!", one of the officers exclaimed. "A dead man!", the latter commented.

"How did it happen?", asked the first man. "I have not one clue how it happened. I just found him here--dead. He must have been shot--look,", Ava said, showing them the hole the bullet left as it entered the body. "Ha! A bullet wound,", the first man said. "But we didn't hear the sound of a bullet," said the latter in a confused tone. "A silencer must have been attached to the gun, because even in the midst of that crowd, we would still have heard the sound," Ava said. "True," said the second man. "We'll call the cops," the first man said and they both went into the station to make the call.

Ava Burton stayed close to the corpse. The killer must have been among the people in the train. He was smart to have taken advantage of the crowd, Ava thought to herself.