

The figures of three people stood straight and upright like a bamboo, staring into each other's eyes. "Enne..." The shortest amongst the three called out. Her fluffy cheeks and round face trembled when she saw Vivienne. Just when Vivienne was about to comfort her, the latter yelled out "I thought I said to avoid trouble! You ended up in that dungeon again. Not even caring about our feelings, are you even human? Today if I, Qenning Zwilling, do not properly lecture you, you can forget my name and status!"

When Zen saw them, he couldn't help but laugh. 'Little sister is so feisty ah!' he thought, letting out a couple of chuckles. Vivienne only stared back at Qenning with deep emotions stirring in her eyes. She felt guilty for making her friend worried and wanted to apologize, but Qenning did not stop. She knew if she let Qenning get it all out, she'd feel better and calm down.

"You brat! The cause of my early death! Let me find you in another dungeon again; I'll burn your eyebrows if I do!" Another round came, but Vivienne immediately stopped her. "There will be no next time. I am no longer a Leone nor a part of that Leon family. We've cut ties today." Her face was gravely cold, so rigid that nothing could falter it. Qenning immediately stopped her ranting, but her anger flared up again.

"That blind dog dare to kick you out? He kicked out a pearl, and he didn't even realize it!" Qenning yelled. Her exquisite eyebrows scrunched up while looking intensely towards Vivienne. Zen languid and carefree demeanor seems to have evaporated into dust in the blink of an eye. His posture was upright while his idle face turned severe instantly. A dark, cold air loomed around him, making the air suffocating to breathe in.

Qenning was not a genius, but she didn't need to be one to know her brother was mad. "Calm down. It is the best outcome for me. I no longer have to be trapped by marriage nor be tied down because of familial ties." Vivienne said, her face showed a slight smile when she knew how much her friends cared. "What about Maverick and Beatrix? Knowing them, they'll probably leave once they find out." Qenning found Dietrich to be an extreme fool. He had so many pearls at his side, and yet he focuses on refining rocks.

Vivienne nodded, she will always have a place for her siblings inside her heart. She will forever be grateful to them for protecting and supporting her. However, Vivienne began to feel that the family has been tolerated for too long. She knew she was selfish, but she will be the only one to decide her fate. That was an untouchable right that no one else was allowed to take away; not even her so-called father. She let a small giggle thinking about the bright future.

Zen saw this and smiled. No matter how mad they are, they will settle their score with Dietrich later and focus on Vivienne, who needed their company at the moment. As if twin telepathy was real, Zen and Qenning looked at each other before each hooked on to Vivienne's arms, one to the right and one to the left. They dragged her out of the tea house and into the bustling streets. "Wherever our Enne goes, we will go!" Qenning exclaimed into the brilliant starry sky. Zen nodded as they went to different stalls to buy masks, candy, and little toys which delighted the childlike Qenning.

Inside the grand mansion of the Leon family, a vase was thrown to the ground, greatly intensifying the mood. "Dietrich! You dare chase Vivienne out the family? Knowing she is my, Maverick Leone, younger sister? " Maverick shouted to the man sitting on the master seat of the family.

Servants were shaking while their young masters and young mistresses entered the room. "Big brother, why so discourteous?" A young male voice was as clear as day, but it contained malicious intent. "Tristan, do not provoke me!" Maverick warned the young lad called Tristan. "So fierce big brother, we just lost another mouth to feed. Not a big deal at all." Reana stepped in to help her younger brother.

To be born of concubines, they naturally envied the official wife's children. The difference in treatment was too vast. Luckily she caught her father's favor or else who knows what would happen to them.

"Reana to be so old yet picking on the young, are you not ashamed? To lose one mouth to feed you say, do you consider yourself the main wife of the family? Audacious! Is this your pathetic excuse of a scheme?" Beatrix words stabbed Reana like daggers. Reana did not covet the official wife position; she only wanted to be seen as a legitimate daughter of the Leon family.

"Hmph! How dare you spew lies?" Tristan hollered at Beatrix who stood more rigid than a stone wall. Her stance did not falter as she looked at her younger brother with golden hawk-like eyes. Chills were sent down both Dietrich and Tristan's spine when they saw Beatrix's look.

Dietrich was now getting annoyed. Besides bringing achievements to the family, these children of his only knew how to stir and create troubles for him. He picked up the glass cup next to him and threw it to the ground. The loud sound stopped the bickering and yelling, returning to the silence it once had.

Maverick was the first one to speak again, "You have no control over the internal affairs of your household, such an incompetent father like you is not worthy! Since you chased Vivienne, do not expect me to stay either." His words echoed in the spacious room as he left.

"Since big brother and little sister left, is there a need for me to stay? I'll also take my leave!" Beatrix said those words neither soft nor firm; she could care less about the family. She strode out confidently, leaving only her fading back for them to stare.

"Good! All three of you are amazing! Fewer mouths to feed and bodies to clothe! What a blessing for my Leon family!" Dietrich let out a crazed laugh as his eyes began to dilate. "Anyone else who wants to leave can leave! I don't need disobedient pawns! Haha!" His laughter rang throughout the room, sending shivers down the spine of the servants. Everyone looked on as if he was a mad demon who awaken. Scared for their lives, no one dared utter a sound, letting the man's laugh to ring.