
Glimpse Of Primordial Energy.

When he teleported back to his room in Xia Manor, he was surprised.

Xia Qingyue was in his room and was laying on his bed--

' Wait a sec....' He looked around and everything was different in this room.

It wasn't Xia Qingyue that was in his room, rather Ikuya who teleported to Xia Qingyue's room.

" What are you doing here?" A cold voice reached his ears.

Ikuya saw Xia Qingyue looking at him with a flustered look as she was trying to keep her composure.

" Oh? I came to the wrong room. Anyway.... Good night, little girl." Ikuya said as he teleported back to his room, which just happened to be the room next to Xia Qingyue's.

' This explains why I ended up in her room.' Ikuya thought as he scanned the room next to his room in the opposite side and surprisingly, Xia Yuanba was there.

It seemed that his room was between the rooms of the Xia siblings.

' Forget it, I'm too mentally tired to care about it.....'

Ikuya already had too much distressing thoughts on his mind concerning his 'family', so, he didn't want to pay any attention towards the Xia siblings at the moment.

Ikuya removed his white boots and his grey tunic and set them aside.

Ikuya fell on the bed and closed his eyes as he slowly drifted into sleep as his 'Auto-Defense Programmed Reflexes' were activated again.

In Xia Qingyue's room.

" Little girl....?" Xia Qingyue muttered in doubt to confirm that she did not mishear Ikuya.

" That guy! Who does he think he is, treating me like a child!!" Xia Qingyue was getting angry, an emotion she never exhibited since her mother 'Dongxue' left her.

Although Xia Qingyue never cared, everyone has always treated her with politeness and respect and other positive manner. Even her father and brother don't treat her in a casual manner ever since she started cultivation.

Her 'Heart Of Snow Glazed Glass' made it easy for her to read other people and sense the nature of the people she came in contact with. After all, not many people could look her in the eye since the 'Heart Of Snow Glazed Glass' started to reveal itself, even if she wasn't aware she possessed such an ability.

But Ikuya was different. He has the ability to manipulate Mental Energy. Mental Energy is not the energy of one's soul, but one's consciousness. Other people are not aware of Mental Energy, so they cannot use it to guard their consciousness and their innate nature.

From the moment Xia Qingyue met the blue-eyed freak, she's been treated like a child and when she thinks of how he disregards her so casually, Xia Qingyue felt a fire burning in her heart, an urge to teach the blue-eyed freak Ikuya a lesson.

This thought itself was displaying her childish naivety. After all, no matter how cold she tries to be, she's in the end only a girl who is not even thirteen years old.

She was so absorbed in her rage towards Ikuya that she didn't even realize that Ikuya had used teleportation.

Then she thought about how Ikuya looked different in his new black outfit, the kind which you don't get see in the Blue Wind Empire.

Xia Qingyue closed her eyes to calm her flustered mind and with a great deal of effort did she achieve it.


The next morning.

Ikuya got up and saw that the sun has not yet risen. He got off the bed and wore back his grey tunic and his white boots.

He got out of the room and in the middle of countless courtyards in Xia Manor, there was a 15 metre wide pond with clear water.

There he saw Xia Qingyue looking at the pond in a melancholic way.

She sensed someone looking at her and turned around to see the blue-eyed freak looking at her with a slightly curious expression.

" Good morning." Ikuya greeted her with a slight smile.

Xia Qingyue hurriedly walked away right after she saw Ikuya and decided that she needs to return to her sect very soon or her cultivation of Frozen Heart Arts will stagnate because of Ikuya's presence.

" She could've at least greeted back. What an impolite little girl." Ikuya muttered.

Ikuya didn't think too much of it. Since he can see that Xia Qingyue is trying to avoid him, he is disinclined to bother with her.

He decided to get some morning training done. But....

Not much to his surprise, there were still a couple of people in the courtyard. A couple of guards, some assistant merchants, a person asleep on a bench etc.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to do any training here, Ikuya disappeared from the place, only to reappear high up among the clouds.

But by this time, the sun had risen. The sun was too bright, and he would rather get a few hours in before he dared attempt to look at it. For all his senses, his eyes were the most sensitive, and the sun was no exception.

Back on Earth, the solar radiation of the sun was nowhere near as concentrated as it is in this Blue Pole Star. One top of it, there are three suns around this planet. It's not strange since the Blue Pole Star is hundreds of times larger than Earth.

Well he could blow them up, but he was pretty sure that would end up killing not only the residents of Blue Pole Star, but also the other surrounding planets in this particular galaxy.

Booming sounds could be heard as Ikuya trained in adapting to Goku's fighting style. Though, Ikuya felt that it would have been better to have a sparring partner as it would make it easier for him to adapt.

But Unfortunately, profound practitioners focused mostly on pure strength and not close combat skills. He is pretty sure that even those so called Sovereigns wouldn't be able to make a good sparring partner for him. Maybe the profound practitioners who focuses on swords and fists might be able to slightly keep up with him if he holds back.

After he was done, Ikuya got off the ground and returned back to the courtyard he's been assigned to.

He got to his room and refreshed himself. He then took out a True Profound Realm profound beast's carcass, cleaned and cooked it.

Saiyans needs to consume a lot of food a day to maintain their metabolism. Owing to their immense strength and intense aura, their energy and nutritional intake needs are a great deal higher than most of the other races.

This is because, Saiyan's body can absorb all the nutrition from the food they consume and it will also supplement their strength. While this trait of a Saiyan can be a problem, it is definitely a reason for their supernatural strength. Ikuya is also no different.

Ikuya also gains a lot of energy from the meat of profound beasts, which also reduces the amount of food he needs to consume, although not by much.

After a hefty meal, Ikuya sat cross-legged and was about to look through the 'Origin Mental Force' scripture and start to cultivate it, when someone knocked the door to his room.

" Master Ikuya, Would you like to have breakfast now?" Came a feminine voice from behind the door.

" Yeah, Of course." Ikuya said shamelessly despite the fact that he just cooked and ate a big profound beast. He got off the bed and walked out of the room and saw the head maid of Xia Manor, Xia Dongling.

He followed her to the dining room and this time, Xia Yuanba was looking at him warily and Xia Hongyi was calmly smiling as he asked Ikuya about how his sleep was.

Meanwhile, to her family's surprise, Xia Qingyue joined them during breakfast. When Ikuya was gorging himself in the food, he could feel her gaze boring into him. It was obvious to him that she held strong suspicions and..... interest about him, which he couldn't care less about.

As long as she did not cause him any trouble, which might possibly force him to take hard measures, Xia Qingyue can stare at his face for all she wants.

With some talk with Xia Hongyi, the breakfast time was over and this time, Ikuya didn't hog all the food for himself and allowed Xia Yuanba to get his fair share.

Ikuya wasn't very hungry and only joined to eat breakfast with them because of the free food. But Xia Yuanba seems to have gotten the wrong idea that Ikuya was holding back for his sake.

Other than that, Xia Yuanba seems to have become a lot more talkative with Ikuya as the blue-eyed Saiyan would occasionally respond with simple words.

Ikuya didn't mind conversing with Xia Yuanba as the sturdy youth was pretty innocent and held no deceit behind his words.

While conversing with Xia Yuanba, Ikuya stealthily took a strand of hair from Xia Yuanba and decoded his Genetic code.

In all honesty, it was very easy to decode the Genetic Code. In terms of complexity of the Genetic coding, Xia Yuanba's Genetic code was nothing compared to the extremely complex and confusing genetic code of the Saiyan.

It wasn't that Ikuya didn't analyse Xia Qingyue's gene. But the information and the abilities of her special traits were nothing short of useless to him.

And with that, Ikuya was able to replicate the Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins. He was also able to go deeper into gene, unlocking the genetic information of the previous generation, which happens to be that of a useless man and a heavenly natural born female genius.

Yes. That's the only thing he could refer to the female parent as. Her talent is the highest, Ikuya has analysed so far, with the exception of his own genes. Even Xia Qingyue couldn't compare with it.

But, he got knowledge of something else. And that is, Primordial Energy!

The highest level of energy in this universe! The Divine Stainless Body of Xia Yuanba's parent.

Ikuya wasn't able to get much information on the physique from Xia Yuanba's gene and the information he got was pretty useless. He could go further into the DNA to unlock more information, but the exaggeratedly huge life spans of the cultivators in this world was making it impossible for the current Ikuya to achieve it.

Ikuya can only get the information by directly accessing the original host's gene.

Though, Ikuya wasn't really interested in it because of the special physique, but the concept of primordial energy.

Ki Power Level --> 95,000

Cultivation --> None.

Total Battle Power (Base Form) --> 2nd level Tyrant Profound Realm.

[Ki + Physical Strength = Ki Power Level]

[Cultivation = Profound Energy]

Arkszerocreators' thoughts
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