
The Strongest One Attribute (Old)

Auteur: xRevels
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Oda Shinichi is the Strongest Young Prodigy of his previous life. He achieves first place in every Martial Art like Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Kung Fu, Karate, etc. Despite being the strongest. he did not enjoy his life because all he did is practice, practice, and practice to meet his Family's expectations. Shinichi died in a car accident when he is on his way to the Final stadium of the "Karate World Championship" and got reincarnated to the world of magic and swords with only one attribute. --- I am not the owner of the photo, I failed to contact the illustrator. If the owner saw it, please contact me, I will remove it if requested *DISCLAIMER! All names, characters, places, and events come from the author's imagination or fiction. Take note that this is for only 18 years old in above.

10 étiquettes
Chapter 1Second Life

In the middle of the road, one young man is sitting in the back seat of the car that looks bored, and on the driver seat is an old man wearing a butler suit.

"haaaa~ I hope my final opponent this time is strong enough to at least make me sweat."

They are on the way to the final stadium of the "Karate World Championships". The young man is the holder of the crown and has the title of "Undefeatable Prodigy" you can always see him on magazine tv shows etc. He won lots of 1st place trophies not only in Karate but in other Martial Arts too like Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Kung Fu, etc. He is what you call a once-in-a-million prodigy.

"Young master I heard the challenger this time is a dark horse with an unknown origin and also has an undefeated record too lots of people say he has a chance on defeating you"

"Really? I hope he`ll make my blood boil again, the feeling that I lost a long time ago haaaa~"

This young man is also the son of the Richest family in this continent ever since his father saw his talent in martial arts. The young man didn't do anything other than practice. His father even contacted all famous Grand Masters in Martial Arts World to teach his son and to also start a career in Martial Arts because their family is only good at business. When he saw his son's talent, he thinks that it was time to enter the martial arts world.

"Though I hope I lose this time I`m tired of living like this I want my freedom. My father doesn't even want me to have a date with beautiful girls every time I tell him that I need it for inspiration because I'm getting tired of always practicing none stop but he always rejecting me haaaa~"

"Young master. Master only think about your futu-"

The butler, who suddenly saw a truck speeding up towards their car cut on what he was about to say and instantly tried to avoid a collision. but it was too late.


Their car crashed into the truck. When the car stop moving the young man who was seriously injured, said weakly.

"Sebastian, are you alright?"

The young man widens his eyes after seeing the butler's condition he's not moving anymore and at this moment he thought that the butler passed away already. The young man tried to get out of the car. but due to his severe injuries. he was unable to move his body. he could only do is sigh and accept his faith

"Haaa~ I didn't think that I will die like this."

"Maybe this is a good thing too. Now, I will be freed to my family's shackles."

The young man closes his eyes and whispered.

'If I have a 2nd chance to live, I will make sure to have my freedom and enjoy the life with beautiful girls'

With that last thought, the young man passed away.


When I woke up the first thing I did was to call Sebastian. I heard a child's voice. after that, I tried to stand up but my body is not responding well. I tried to open my eyes but it's not doing well too.

'Am I crippled now because of the accident?'

That was the first thought that entered my mind. I tried to speak again and call for someone.

"Aa- "

'What? Is there a child nearby?'

I tried to speak again but it seems that the child's voice is coming from me.

'Why is my voice so childish?'

When I was processing what is going on. Suddenly I heard someone approaching. I heard an old man's voice but I can't seem to understand what he was talking about. I was so confused about what was going on. I suddenly felt warm. The old man picks me up. I feel so comfortable and lost my consciousness.

When I woke up. I look at my surroundings. It looks like I was inside the bamboo house lying on the bed. The building is made of bamboo together with the smell of food. it looks like something is in my eyes at that time, that's why I can't seem to open it. now I can see properly. When I look more, I saw an elder with long white hair and a robust body build. I can see that he has an aura of a master just like my Master's in my previous life. No, this old man is much stronger than my master's back then. That's right it seems like I was reincarnated and now I was in the body of an infant.


I tried to call the old man and tried to speak. Well just like how it is, I really can't speak properly. The old man heard me and turn to look at me.


He turned to look at me and tell me something and continue what he was doing. As usual, I really can't understand the language.

'Am I in another country? Another continent? Or in another world like those novels, I read sometimes when I finish my practice routine? Well, I will learn it eventually.'

After a few minutes. The old man is now finished cooking and sits beside the bed holding a bowl of soup to feed me. He tried to tell me something with a kind look on his face then he blows the spoon with a hot soup and feed me and I drank it. The old man smiled at me tenderly as I drank all the soup and finished everything. The old man strokes my head. He stood up and go went to the kitchen. Once my stomach is full, I soon became sleepy and after holding it for a while I suddenly fell asleep.

The next morning, when I woke up. I tried to verify if it was all nothing but a dream. and just like yesterday I was in the body of a child.

'Really? how did I end up in the body of a child? Well, whatever even If I try to think how I reincarnated I won't be able to understand. Let's just forget it and enjoy our 2nd life Hehe.'

At this time, I felt the emotion that I had forgotten a long time ago. The feeling of excitement, the feeling of wanting the freedom to do what I want and not be bound by being a young master of the richest family that needed to meet their expectations without fail.

'This time I will feel the freedom that I didn't achieve in my previous life, I will enjoy my life to the fullest with beautiful and cute girls. This is a new world for me.'

Clenching my fist tightly and told myself that I will achieve it without fail, with burning eyes and determination.

'This is the start of my new journey.'

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