
The Strongest Mage In A Ruined World

Dying after suffering from an illness without a cure, Adrian a sickly 17-year-old high schooler was pitied by the gods after they saw his life that was mostly devoid of happiness. Granting him a chance to reincarnate with his memories and their blessings, Adrian was reborn as the seventh prince of the Ragnar Kingdom with the hopes of doing things he couldn't do in his past life. But fate was sly. Forced to fight against his half-siblings after he was deemed a threat to the future Kings. But that was the least of Adrian's worries as a mysterious Organization had already locked its sights on him after finding out he was the key to their goal —plunge the world into eternal darkness thereby birthing chaos. With his life hanging by a thread after he was born, Adrian was left with two choices; solo his hardships in the Castle and die, or join the mysterious Organization and live. As for his answer, it was none. Cause who said he had to accept his fate?! Why leave your life in fate's hands?! If there is no third option why not make one?! Choosing to defy his fate despite the odds stacked against him, Adrian gradually shapes his destiny in a world where the strong rule and the line between good and evil is non-existent.

Sapa_X · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

New Daily Quest

Sitting in his usual spot, the figure of a four-year-old could be seen biting into a sandwich with a satisfied smile spread across his face.

The four-year-old just so happened to be Adrian who was sitting in his favorite spot —underneath the shade of a cherry blossom.

"Status," Adrian said aloud unbothered if anyone heard him since they were ignorant about what he meant.

As the familiar blue screen appeared in front of him, Adrian took another bite out of his sandwich while staring at his stats.

— –

[Name: Adrian Al Ragnar

Race: Half-elf

Level: 5

Experience: 640/4800

Job Class: Mage

Sub Class: None

< Health: 30/30 >

< Mana: 120/120 >

< Strength: 6 >

< Agility: 8 >

< Vitality: 12 >

< Intelligence: 15 >

< Dexterity: 5 >

Free stat points: 12

Affinity: Time (locked), Water, Life

Skills: Water Magic (Basic), Mana Sphere,  Mana Regeneration.

Title: None]

— –

"Better than how it was before," Adrian muttered keeping his eyes fixed on the screen. Although it was still lacking, Adrian knew there was still room for improvement if he utilized his Free stat points.

He had gotten a boost of 3 to all his stats after completing his quest of making Rebecca agree to teach him which ended with a few problems and got an increase of 2 after he leveled up.

Slightly shivering after remembering the agony he went through, Adrian prayed to Hermes that he should never experience such pain again. He was the reasonable type who knew that strength doesn't need to come with pain and if every path to strength needed him to feel pain he'd rather craft one that he had nothing to do with it.

It had taken him about three days of healing from an Intermediate Life Mage whom Liz just so happened to know since her childhood. If he hadn't gotten healed by that good soul, Adrian was dead sure that he'd still be in bed right now.

As for learning Life Magic, it worked but he had to start from scratch. In other words, he had to learn Spells based on them since crafting Spells was no joke as even after countless experiments he was only able to create a single Spell and it was the type known to the public.

But for now, he was as good as new and today was his break with lessons beginning tomorrow by dawn.

'Hey System, how can I level up? You aren't giving me regular quests.' Adrian half complained after totally forgetting about his System AI.

[You can level up by killing monsters and completing quests.]

Faithful as ever, the System replied but its disinterest in Adrian's complaints was evident as its voice sounded cold, monotonous, and indifferent.

"As expected, the emotionless type," Adrian muttered not angered by the way his System responded.

Honestly, Adrian had read a lot of novels and not all of them had Systems like this. Some tried everything in their power to piss the MC off, treat him like he was a mere insect, or try to befriend him he dubbed those as Systems with emotions, then there was the type his System fell into, the perfect balance between the one with emotions and the non-sentient ones, and finally the ones without an AI —the worst kind.

But on the bright side, his System wouldn't pester him and would only reply when asked a question.

Done with his lunch, Adrian stood up from where he sat. Enjoying the fresh spring breeze that filled his nostrils.

"I'm glad that I no longer am allergic to pollen," Adrian said with genuine happiness spread across his face. In his past life, he was forced to keep a healthy distance with flowers but now he could smell as much as he wanted without getting harmed.

He soon placed his hands in his pockets before he began walking home. Enjoying the sight of the flowers around him while thinking of what would await him at home.

Adrian hummed another nursery rhyme that crossed his mind as he walked home. Kicking the stones that lay on the path with a smile spread across his lips.



Locking the door behind him, Adrian looked at the empty sitting room before walking towards his room. He was sure that Liz wasn't home and it was only him and Rebecca that were in the house.

After he entered his room, the first thing Adrian did was to lay on his bed. He enjoyed the softness that assaulted him as sleep gradually kept into his eyeballs the more he lay on it.

Just as he was about to give in to the sleepiness that plagued him, Adrian saw a flash of bluish light in his line of sight coupled with an annoying ring in his ears.

— –

— –

Adrian groggily opened his eyes to stare at the screen in front of him before opening the notification with an annoyed look on his face.

Suppressing his urge to curse his System Adrian read the notification with half-opened eyes. If he didn't know that it'd be a wasted effort since his System wouldn't reply, Adrian would've used all the curses he knew just so he could get revenge for having his sleep interrupted.

"I guess I'll begin tomorrow," Adrian said deciding to close the screen and finally get some sleep.

But after a few minutes, Adrian's eyes sprung open as his brain finally processed what he read. He'd have been fucked badly if he had followed his desire to get some sleep.

Aware that swearing at his System wouldn't curb his anger after seeing the punishment for failing the Daily Quest in front of him, Adrian sighed as he stood up from where he lay —giving the screen one last glance before walking out of his room.

He was on his way out as that was the only place he could complete his quest. It was like his System told him 'You want quests right? Well, here you go'.


Author's note- Sorry for the late chapter, got brain drained after releasing the previous chapter, and lessons gave me a terrible headache.