
The Strongest Mage In A Ruined World

Dying after suffering from an illness without a cure, Adrian a sickly 17-year-old high schooler was pitied by the gods after they saw his life that was mostly devoid of happiness. Granting him a chance to reincarnate with his memories and their blessings, Adrian was reborn as the seventh prince of the Ragnar Kingdom with the hopes of doing things he couldn't do in his past life. But fate was sly. Forced to fight against his half-siblings after he was deemed a threat to the future Kings. But that was the least of Adrian's worries as a mysterious Organization had already locked its sights on him after finding out he was the key to their goal —plunge the world into eternal darkness thereby birthing chaos. With his life hanging by a thread after he was born, Adrian was left with two choices; solo his hardships in the Castle and die, or join the mysterious Organization and live. As for his answer, it was none. Cause who said he had to accept his fate?! Why leave your life in fate's hands?! If there is no third option why not make one?! Choosing to defy his fate despite the odds stacked against him, Adrian gradually shapes his destiny in a world where the strong rule and the line between good and evil is non-existent.

Sapa_X · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

I wonder when I'll be able to go there?

Adrian stared behind him with squinted eyes as he prepared himself for the worst possible outcome. But even after waiting for ten seconds, no one opened the door.

"Ahh... That was scary." Adrian said submerging himself completely in the tub. Since the door to the bathroom wasn't opened, he deduced that Liz must have gone out of the house.

Adrian raised his head before muttering. "Must be time for her to work."

Aware that Liz worked for some big shot but ignorant about who they were, Adrian spent most of his time alone as he knew she had to go to work early and only went this afternoon cause it was a weekend.

As long as her job did not involve her getting hurt, Adrian didn't care about the job she did, whether she was mostly at work, or if she needed to resume early.

Don't get him wrong, he'd be worried if she came home extremely tired what he meant was the time she needed to resume and the hours she spent didn't matter as long as she was fine.

"Maybe I'll ask her about her job," Adrian muttered staring at the water in the tub absentmindedly.

Shaking his head after he began thinking too much, Adrian stood in the tub and said. "Since she isn't here, I might as well finish my bath."

He got out of the tub before walking towards a mirror. Ignoring his little brother who danced as he walked, Adrian looked at his reflection with content on his face.

"A real ten outta ten." He stroked his hair backward as he looked at his handsome face.

"Other guys should just compete for the second most handsome boy in the world as first place is already mine," Adrian said changing his posture as he gazed at his reflection.

Running his hand through his short messy white hair —that made him look even more handsome, Adrian winked at himself before walking out of the bathroom. Satisfied with appreciating his perfect face.

Adrian walked into his room with the same look on his face before picking clothes similar to the ones he had dirtied.

With a snap of his fingers, the remaining water drops that clung to his skin all floated before turning into vapor.

Unceremoniously putting on his clothes, Adrian walked out of his room with his hands in his pockets and hunger in his stomach.

"I hope there's something left for me to eat," Adrian said with worry evident in his voice as he walked down the stairs.

Sparing the living room a glance, Adrian made a beeline towards the kitchen as the hunger he felt increased.

He entered the kitchen before running his eyes through every nook and cranny. But Adrian wasn't the type to give up as even though his eyes had failed him his hands wouldn't.

Expertly moving through the kitchen like a thief stealing from his favorite spot, Adrian acted like he was used to stea... I mean good at searching for things in the kitchen.

"Sigh..." A depressed sigh escaped Adrian's lips as he lay like a ragdoll on the Kitchen floor. After thirty minutes of constant searching, he hadn't been able to find anything not even a breadcrumb.

"She really makes this place spotless," Adrian said with depression coating his tone. He could swear that a large-scale war was taking place in his belly after he failed to feed himself.


"Damn you." He cursed with twitching eyebrows after his belly had the nerve to protest despite his current predicament. If his belly just so happened to be a human, Adrian would've beat the hell out of it as its protest was just so infuriating.

Standing up from the Kitchen floor after a while, Adrian walked out of the kitchen as if his body would collapse at any moment.

"I've never been this hungry in both my lives," Adrian muttered plopping down on a couch before he continued. "Hopefully she would be back soon."

Hungry and tired, Adrian closed his eyes as he waited for Liz to come back from work.


"I can't take this anymore!!" Adrian yelled opening his eyes akin to a ghost out for vengeance. His eyes were reddened with them seeming to bulge out of their sockets.

"I can't take it anymore." He muttered standing up from where he lay.

After waiting patiently for her return, Adrian's hunger had reached the point when it began making him irritated but as the calm adult he was he could keep his emotions in check.

"An hour had already passed." Adrian wanted to cry as he mustered every ounce of his strength to take a step forward. Each step he took consumed a lot of his energy making him take some time before he reached the door.

Adrian placed his hand on the doorknob before slowly opening it. If someone had seen how he was behaving, most would've said that he was overreacting since it was just hunger or wasn't acting well since he's supposed to be angry. But neither would've mattered to him as he was different from the rest.

"I guess I have to make do with fruits," Adrian said stepping out of his house before he began walking towards where he remembered an apple tree was planted.

His slow and heavy steps coupled with the constant protests of his tummy would make anyone who walked beside him know that he was hungry... very hungry to be precise.

"Stop talking will ya?" Adrian said to his stomach after seeing some girls his age laugh at him from a distance.

"I'll make sure I find you all." He said through gritted teeth ignoring the girls as his stomach was his first priority.

"How dare you laugh at me, someone who's more handsome than your future husbands." That's what Adrian would've said if he had energy but now he didn't have energy so he kept quiet and continued walking.


"I'm finally here," Adrian said with a relieved smile on his face. Having unknown strength course through him, Adrian ran towards the apple tree before plucking an apple.

Although it tasted good, Adrian didn't bother commenting on how it tasted as he just kept on eating.

Done with the first apple, Adrian plucked another one before eating it and sitting on the tree's branch after he stopped feeling like a feather.

Biting into another apple but this time savoring its taste, Adrian enjoyed the scenery before him with a smile.

"I wonder when I'll be able to go there?" Adrian muttered as he gazed at a beautiful Palace in the distance.


Author's note- I've decided to release my chapters at 21:00 GMT since I realized that 22:00 wasn't favorable.

And drop some Power Stones, Comments, or Reviews. Y'all know I don't ask you guys for anything just this once.

Also kindly point out any part that the Novel's quality might've declined.