
The Strongest God Is Now Human?!

After a long war against the humans the gods began to fall one by one, to one man, Shin, The God Killer. He went around slaying every god in sight, until he came across Azir, The God of Combat. After a long battle between the two, Azir fell. "Any last words you weak god?" Shin said to Azir. "Mark my words human! Your victory will not last long! I will return! Stronger than ever!" Azir's words echoed through the entire universe before dying to the hands of The God Killer. [Blip!] [Gods death detected, All requirements are met, Welcome Azir, would you like to start anew?] With his new found system Azir, or, Asune, Now fights to regain his glory and become the strongest being there ever was. "You lack faith." Update Schedule (Subject to change): 2 chapters everyday 1000+ words each

VioletBliss · Fantaisie
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21 Chs


"I've been in this world for nine years now. I'm beginning to understand it, but then again, there are still things I will never be able to find out." Asune thought, meditating in his room, his hair now longer and kept up in a small ponytail, wearing a black shirt with black slacks. "There are things that I have learned, though," he thought. "I learned that my full name is Asune Christopher Jackson, and I also know that there is a school nearby; it's just beyond a hill in the Forest of Dread.

The Forest of Dread is the forest surrounding the kingdom of Filinder. The kingdom of Filinder isn't that big either; there's a giant castle in the middle of the kingdom, and there's maybe 300 homes surrounding the castle. Of course, this includes the respective spacing and the roads, alleys, and water fountains. The kingdom really isn't all that big compared to my kingdom, which I hope is doing well." "Also, my true essence has gotten bigger, which is big considering if I run out of mana, that will probably save my life." 

"Speaking of mana"

"I haven't awakened yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm close to it. I get these mana spikes every now and then, and according to the book, I'll know when I'm awake, when the spikes begin to shoot out mana from my body." "I still haven't chosen a starter pack. I want my choice to be certain. but my level has gone up 10 fold; I am now level 20, just from doing the daily quest." "Naturally, these tasks are meant for people my age, but either way, I benefit from them. I think I'll choose my starter pack at 10; by then, I should have awakened, and the choice would be much easier."

"I also became a high enough level to choose a class, and I chose the hunter class because it gave the best benefits; it allowed me to be a master with my hands, a bow, and a long sword, while the others..." He thought, thinking back to what the others said:

[Thief: Move faster and be more silent.] , [Archer, Master bow.] [Grave Digger: master short swords; any short sword mastered will collect souls.]

"Though the last one didn't seem so bad, it just didn't fit who I am." He thought. "Wait, wasn't there a starter pack that I had to choose for the hunter class to see more? I wonder what the rest of it says. " He thought as he stopped meditating, "Starter Packs!" [blip!]. [Choose any starter pack you want.] "Hm, let's see, hunter. Oh, here it is." "See more."


[Hunter: Training will permanently increase stats by 2000% faster.] Automatically learn the skill {Hunted}. If this starter pack is chosen, all stats will increase by 50. When hunting monsters stronger than you, exp earned will be doubled. 

"That's one hell of a starter pack, which makes me terrified of the side effects."

[Side effect (Permanent): Every day, a random monster 10x stronger than you will spawn somewhere nearby and only hunt you; it cannot be killed by anybody else. If you fail to kill this monster in a certain amount of time, all of your stats will be cut in half.]

"Got damn it," he thought.

"No wonder this is The starter pack is so op, the side effect is horrendous." He thought, now conflicted. "But it is really good nonetheless. Now I'm conflicted, because this will really help with training, my true essence." "UUUGHH," he thought, rubbing and shaking his head. "I'm not one to go back on my word, but maybe just this once." [Would you like to choose this starter pack?] Asune hesitates, but he presses [Yes]. [Starter pack chosen!] "Ugh, that took everything out of me." [Congrats! You are now strong enough to teleport to "The Underground." "Hm? What's this?"


[The underground is a place where people with the system reside; they test their abilities against each other.] "Oh? That seems interesting. But not today. I have things to do." He thought about pressing no and getting up.

"It's time to go to school."

"Mom!" Asune calls out. "Yes sweetie?" Natalia replies. "Can you come here really quickly?" He said it loudly. "Sure, one moment!" She replies again. A few silent seconds go by, and suddenly the door flies open. Natalia, now with an eyepatch, says, "What's up?" "I want to go to school." Asune said, his face now becoming stern. "With your brother and sister?" Natalia asks. "Oh, I forgot to mention that I do have a brother and sister," he thought. "Yes," he said. "But," he added, "I don't want to live at school; I want to stay there for a few days and return home.

"Oh? Really?" She said it happily. "Yes." He Replied. "How will you get to and from? We don't have much money." Asune looks at his ULR, which is now 500,000. "I can convert these into gold coins; it'll be fine." He thought, "I made a friend who will take me." He said it proudly. "YOU MADE A FRIEND?" She said it excitedly. "Yes, mom, I did." "Ah! My little boy is growing up so fast." She said, "Oh! If you want to go to school, you must go now! Admission starts in 5 hours!' She pointed it out. "Bingo." He thought with a smile. "I will get you a ride in one moment!"

"I knew admission started today; I timed this so perfectly. Im so smart and handsome." 

" . . ."

"What is wrong with me?" Soon after, his mom brought him a carriage. "My baby, I love you so much, okay? Don't ever forget that! Okay?" She said, her eyes filled with tears. "Alright mom. I love you too." He replies somberly. "Though I am a god, that does not mean I am void of all feelings; I know what motherly love feels like. I miss this feeling." He thought. "Okay, I'll let you go now; don't forget me, okay?" "I will be back soon, mom! It's okay." The carriage begins to move. "Okay, I love you!" She yells, "I love you too!" He yells back.

"The reason she's like this is because my brother and sister left the house around this age as well, and they never came back." He thought. A few minutes go by as they pass many creatures in the forest—birds, bugs, bunnies, wolves, even a goblin—as they approach the hill and see the school in the distance.

"This school.."