
25.How much longer can you hold out ?

"You step aside, let me take over!"

Ye Xiu's gaze was fixed on the patient on the operating table, as well as the various data displayed on the instruments. As he spoke, he walked directly from the assistant's position towards Zhao Ruobing.

His mood was somber.

The patient's condition was indeed more severe than he had expected. The likelihood of death was extremely high, to the point where it seemed inevitable.


Zhao Ruobing's eyes momentarily lit up as she watched Ye Xiu walk towards her with a serious expression. However, her enthusiasm quickly dimmed. Ye Xiu's medical skills were indeed impressive, excelling in both orthopedic and cardiac surgeries. But even if he were a genius, he couldn't possibly be proficient in all fields. Could he possibly be adept at procedures involving the liver, spleen, or kidneys?

Furthermore, even if he were exceptionally talented and knowledgeable, what could he possibly do in this situation? Even the most eminent experts in the country wouldn't be able to do much, would they?

"Is it necessary?"

Zhao Ruobing didn't immediately yield her position, instead fixing her gaze on Ye Xiu.

"I mean, isn't it obvious by now? There's no need to force it anymore."

"Yeah, given the current circumstances, there's no point in prolonging the suffering of the patient."

"... "

The other doctors chimed in with similar sentiments.

They all felt that Ye Xiu was being overly ambitious. With the surgery having reached this stage, what more could he possibly achieve by stepping in now?

"My mentor once told me, never give up until the very end! So, I want to give it a try!"

Ignoring the other doctors' remarks, Ye Xiu looked at Zhao Ruobing earnestly.

Zhao Ruobing nodded reluctantly and stepped aside, allowing Ye Xiu to take over.

Ye Xiu didn't hesitate and immediately got to work.

"Do you really think you're some kind of miracle worker?"

"I want to see what kind of trouble he'll stir up!"

Seeing Ye Xiu ignore their advice and step in to continue the surgery, the other doctors couldn't help but smirk with schadenfreude. They were eager to witness Ye Xiu's failure after his attempt to act heroic and righteous. They didn't believe for a moment that Ye Xiu had even a fraction of a chance to save the patient.

They didn't even consider the possibility that Ye Xiu might have any way of helping in this situation.

They thought Ye Xiu was simply spouting lofty ideals to impress Zhao Ruobing, the Ice Queen of Surgery.

While Ye Xiu's skills in orthopedic and cardiac surgery were indeed impressive, the upcoming procedure was outside of these specialties. Could he really handle surgeries in other fields as well?

Zhao Ruobing didn't hold much hope for Ye Xiu either. She only agreed to let him try because his words and earnest expression reminded her of herself in her early days as a doctor, unable to accept failure or the death of a patient.

So she gave Ye Xiu a chance to grow and learn to accept failure. After all, the situation was already dire, and giving Ye Xiu an opportunity to try was the least she could do.

Ye Xiu paid no attention to their reactions. As he stood before the operating table, his focus was entirely on the patient. He carefully observed the data and the patient's condition.

"Dr. Zhang, how much longer can you maintain the patient's vital signs?"

Ye Xiu's gaze was hopeful as he looked at the anesthesiologist, Dr. Zhang.

Any experienced surgeon knew the crucial role an anesthesiologist played. In many critical moments, they relied on the expertise and cooperation of the anesthesiologist.

At this moment, the role and ability of the anesthesiologist were paramount.

"How about twenty minutes?"

Dr. Zhang didn't want Ye Xiu to continue the surgery either. Like the other doctors, he didn't believe Ye Xiu could achieve anything in this hopeless situation. As an experienced anesthesiologist, his assessment of the surgery was the same as theirs – it was a desperate case.

Originally, he was going to say ten minutes, as he didn't want to exert himself unnecessarily. But when he saw the hopeful look in Ye Xiu's eyes, he inexplicably blurted out twenty minutes.

Damn, why am I so stupid?

As soon as the words left his mouth, Dr. Zhang regretted it and wished he could slap himself twice.

Maintaining the patient's vital signs for twenty minutes was already pushing his limits. He would have to exert himself greatly to achieve this. Saying ten minutes would have spared him the effort of making meaningless attempts.

But it was too late for regrets now.

Oh well, I'll just endure the extra ten minutes of hardship.

Dr. Zhang sighed.

"Twenty minutes? Can you go a little longer?"

Ye Xiu's expression became more serious as he looked at Dr. Zhang, his brows furrowing.

"It's impossible!"

This time, Dr. Zhang didn't hesitate to respond.

This is outrageous! Twenty minutes is already my limit! Does he really think I'm some kind of miracle worker? I'm just an ordinary anesthesiologist!

Twenty minutes was indeed a tight timeframe.

But let's give it all we've got!

Ye Xiu gritted his teeth, determination flashing in his eyes. After a word with Dr. Zhang, he didn't waste any more time and immediately got to work.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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