
Chapter 8 Accidental Encounter

The news about Elder Ye being discharged from the hospital without any illness spread quickly. Those who had been waiting to see the fall of the Yes choked as if there was a fishbone stuck in their throats. As long as Elder Ye lived, the Yes would not collapse.

After learning that Elder Ye's health was not in serious jeopardy, the Songs could only swallow their frustrations. Now, the thought of having Ye Chenfeng kneel at the entrance of the Songs to apologize seemed like a mere pipe dream.

Everyone knew how fiery Elder Ye's temper was in his youth, when he was nicknamed the "Lion of the Yes." The Songs had to carefully consider the consequences of truly angering Elder Ye. Provoking him could lead to him marching over to their residence, gun in hand, to settle scores, potentially escalating a trivial matter into a major ordeal—a result the Songs would rather avoid.

Elder Ye intended for Chenfeng to rest at home for a couple days before setting off for Tianhai. Following his grandfather's wishes, Chenfeng decided to use these two days to purchase essential items in Capital City.

Chenfeng searched online for the largest medical equipment store in Capital City and drove a Mercedes sports car to his destination. This blue Mercedes coupe was a birthday present from his mother back in the day!

His mother's love for him was meticulous, but now, sifting through the memories in his mind, Chenfeng was only left with endless sorrow. Silently, he vowed to shatter the murderers' bodies into pieces for causing his parents' death.

Starting the engine, he slammed on the accelerator and the Mercedes sports car shot out of the Ye residence like an arrow released from a bow.

About half an hour later, Chenfeng arrived at his destination. He got out of the Mercedes with a dashing air, closed the door handsomely, and the sunlight made a 45-degree angle down upon his charming face, causing the girls passing by to swoon over his high, rich, and handsome demeanor.

Without pausing, he walked straight into the medical equipment store. At that moment, his mood was far from bright. The death of his parents was a knot in his heart, and his only thought was to enhance his strength as soon as possible and then find the murderers to avenge his parents.

The saleswoman was a radiant woman in her early twenties. Seeing Chenfeng enter, she immediately displayed a spring-like smile and hurried over, asking sweetly, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Do you sell silver needles for acupuncture?" Chenfeng asked succinctly.

In his previous life, Chenfeng certainly distinguished himself in the medical field. Using eighteen silver needles, he had saved countless lives. Of course, besides saving lives, silver needles could also be used as hidden weapons.

Thus, in his last life, he was bestowed with the nickname "Eighteen Life and Death Hands," meaning that with his eighteen silver needles, he could grant life or bestow death.

The saleswoman looked puzzled at the handsome man before her—she probably hadn't expected Chenfeng to come in to buy silver needles. But she quickly regained her enthusiastic smile, "Sir, please wait a moment. I'll fetch them for you right away."

In no time, there were three to four different sets of silver needles, varying in price, displayed on the counter. Chenfeng's eyes were immediately drawn to the most expensive set, which contained silver needles of various lengths and was very comprehensive. However, the material was of no comparison to the high-tech synthetic needles he had used in his previous life. In every aspect, those needles surpassed this expensive set by more than a hundredfold.

"I'll take this set," Ye Chenfeng handed over his bank card to the sales clerk. Though he wasn't particularly satisfied with the set of silver needles, they were passable for now. He planned to forge his own set of silver needles when he had the time.

After paying, Ye Chenfeng put away his acupuncture kit and prepared to leave.

"Xueling, isn't that your fiancé Ye Chenfeng?" a woman said to another woman not far behind Ye Chenfeng.

"Tingting, who said he's my fiancé? That's just a family arrangement; I've never acknowledged it," the woman called Xueling replied with a sniff and a cold harrumph.

Beside these two women stood a man in his late twenties, looking part-human, part-dog, impeccably dressed in a suit with gold-framed glasses on his face, giving off a very cultured vibe. However, the glances he occasionally cast at Bai Xueling held a deep longing.

With his Soul Force at the Second Level, Ye Chenfeng's hearing was much better than average. Hearing his name mentioned, he unconsciously looked towards the source of the sound and muttered to himself, "How could it be her?"

The "her" Ye Chenfeng was referring to was, of course, his betrothed, Bai Xueling. She had a figure that was curvy in all the right places and a cold beauty that made her seem like a celestial untouched by the mortal world—no wonder she was known as the Capital City's number one beauty.

The other woman, less attractive in comparison, was named Zhou Ting, a good friend of Bai Xueling. The Zhous had some status in the Capital City, being a third-rate family. The sycophantic man was Zhou Jue'an, Zhou Ting's cousin.

Zhou Ting was keen on setting up Bai Xueling with her cousin Zhou Jue'an. Although Bai Xueling was engaged to Ye Chenfeng, they weren't married yet! If Zhou Jue'an and Bai Xueling could be pushed to a point of no return, then even if the Bais refused to cancel the engagement, the Yes would probably initiate the cancellation themselves.

If the Zhous could hitch a ride on the Bais' mighty vessel, their power would surely rise significantly. Although this plan might offend the Yes, there's a saying, isn't there? "Fortune favors the bold." Bai Xueling was Elder Bai's favorite granddaughter. Secure her, and the Bais would surely defend the Zhous when the time came.

"Xueling, I really feel for you. Ye Chenfeng is just a fool with panic disorder. In what way does he deserve you?" Zhou Ting said with a dissatisfied curl of her lip.

"Exactly! Xueling, Ye Chenfeng is nothing but a piece of shit. I, Zhou Jue'an, may not be much, but I'm still a thousand times better than Ye Chenfeng," Zhou Jue'an said, adjusting his gold-rimmed glasses.

Bai Xueling's brow furrowed slightly. She did not like Zhou Jue'an at all. If it weren't for the sake of her good friend Zhou Ting, she would have already walked away.

A mysterious flame of anger flared up inside Ye Chenfeng as he watched Zhou Jue'an fawning over Bai Xueling. He felt as though he was being cuckolded. Although he held no affection for Bai Xueling, they were still engaged in name! How could Bai Xueling allow such a thing to happen?

What was even more infuriating was that Zhou Jue'an had dared to compare Ye Chenfeng to a piece of shit, causing Ye Chenfeng's already sour mood to plummet further. Yet, his face still maintained a breezy smile.