
The Strongest Ancestor of All Time

My name is Bai Yu Sheng and I transmigrated into an Ancestor of a prestigious family? What happened to my long and arduous journey to the peak of cultivation? How else can I face-slap young masters, create a legendary pill on the first try and promise to stay low-key but still come in first place in the sect tournament? To hell with it... Let me check my stats first... ********** Name: Bai Yu Sheng Race: Timeless Human (Evolved) Lifespan: 3,220,000,000/ Infinity Cultivation: Peak of Divine Creator Title: Peak of Divine Creator, Half-step absolute being, First Ancestor of the Bai Family, Grand Patriarch of the Bai Family, Divine Temporal Sage, Divine Treekeeper, Strongest Living Being Spirit Roots: Obsolete(No spirit roots found) Connate Passives: [Descendant of the Temporal Sage]: Gains the entire inheritance of the previous Temporal Sage. [Unparalleled Sword Saint]: Perfect understanding for the pursuit of the Dao of Sword. Increased affinity for the Dao of Swords. [Unparalleled Time Saint]: Perfect understanding for the pursuit of the Dao of Time. Increased affinity for the Dao of Time. [Timeless Chronomancer]: Number 1 constitution for the pursuit of the Dao of Time. One must be a Timeless Chronomancer before attempting to become a Temporal Sage. [Absolute Defense]: Unbreakable body. The body will only start to break down when the threshold is met. Peak bodily performance until your vitality is reduced to 10%. [Immortal Charm]: Possesses highest possible charm of a human. Passives (Discovered): [10 Divine Ox]: Impenetrable skin. Endless stamina. You can keep fighting until you die. [Draconian Might ]:Dragons are the strongest and proudest beings of all realities. All living beings will suffer from the immense pressure. The weaker they perceive themselves to be, the stronger the effect will be. [Ultimate Weapons Manual]: Perfect understanding and usage of any weapon you pick up. Does not apply to Dao Weapons. [Vermilion Bird: Rebirth]: After the destruction of the physical body, the soul can instantly reborn into an egg created by the Ancestral Phoenix and her descendants. Only 1 egg can exist a time. Reborn into peak performance. [Pill Deity’s Disciple] : Increased efficacy of all pills you consume. Immune to 9999 types of divine poison. Perfect control of the Heavenly Cauldron. [Heavenly Secret Unbound Tome]: You can derive anything with the cost of your lifespan. [Temporal Sage’s Prayer Beads] Meditation and absorption of the flow of time increases or replenishes your lifespan. …. …. …. Abilities (Usage): [Chronokinesis] [Heaven’s falling desolate slash] [Ghastly Fist of Destruction] [Time Warp] [Merciless Ruination] [Temporal Drift] [Eternal Blazing Strike] …. …. …. Items: [Temporal Sage’s Hour glass: Enigma] [Ancestral Dragon Tooth Blade: Longjian] [Temporal Sage’s Prayer Beads] [Heavenly Secret Unbound Tome] [Pill Deity’s Cauldron] [Demon Lord’s Void Piercing Sword] …. …. …. FUCK! WHY AM I SO POWERFUL? ********* The story starts at the end of the cultivation journey. Chapter 1 has a lot of exposition dumps as I feel it is required for a story that starts this way. Many questions would be answered in the first chapter, however, it also raises a lot of new questions. Most cultivation stories would give this exposition at the end of their stories, so have them right now! Never had written anything before in my entire life. give me tons of feedback as that'll help me greatly. Am I making fun of cultivation novels? Maybe. Will be posting on royalroad and scribblehub under the same username, pinfue.

pinfue · Oriental
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20 Chs

Why am I so powerful?


Heavy exposition dump coming. Read the synopsis for the reason why. Have fun!


"Master! Wake up!"

"Master! Wake up!"

"Master! Wake up!"

Xiao Hei's heart raced as she cried out for her master to wake up. The void dragon had never seen him in such a dire state, his once-powerful soul slowly ebbing away. Desperate to save him, Xiao Hei offered her master the Divine Soulbloom Root, but it had no effect on him. Although his vitality remained strong, his soul continued to weaken, leaving him teetering on the brink of life and death. With tears in her eyes, Xiao Hei clenched her fists in determination.

"I won't let you down, Master," she whispered.

With a heavy heart, Xiao Hei transformed back into a dragon and spread her pitch-black wings, emitting a ghostly purple glow. Using Yin-Yang Mirage, her vitality weakened, and another dragon of the same size was formed using her control of the void. Both dragons tacitly nodded to each other, knowing immediately what they had to do. Xiao Hei gave out a deep roar, activating her powers of the void, and creating a portal leading directly outside the Myriad Heaven Domain, into the absolute void.

The Xiao Hei made from the powers of the void flew directly into the mind palace of her Master. Her Master left his mind palace open and unguarded and allowed her to settle inside, allowing her to continue with the task she was assigned.

The Ancestral Sanctuary remained silent. Nobody noticed the chaos brewing in the largest palace.


My name is Bai Yu Sheng. I am currently traveling across the cosmos atop a black dragon. Why am I talking to myself you may ask? It is because I am bored. Extremely bored. I've been on top of this dragon for god knows how long. At first, it seemed like it was a fun novelty, seeing the planets and stars zoom by as I make my way towards the afterlife. That was what I assumed it was, as I last remembered collapsing in my house due to a heart attack. However, why did it take so god-damn long? How much longer was this journey going to take?

Time passed by very slowly atop the black dragon. Yu Sheng slowly reminisced about his life on earth and his untimely death. He did not even realize he was having a heart attack, until he collapsed on the ground, with his soul expelled out of his body, giving him an out-of-body experience.

"Shit, does the afterlife actually exist?" Looking directly at his limp body, Yu Sheng cursed under his breath.

His first thought after staring directly into his own cold, lifeless eyes was that he was going to suffer eternal damnation for not believing in god. However, before he could get lost in his thoughts, his soul started to rise. It started to pick up speed, and he was not able to stop himself from rising quickly beyond the atmosphere, and into outer space.

Yu Sheng squinted his eyes towards the location he was rising towards. He could vaguely sense that there was something out there, staring at him, and felt a chill run down his spine. However, he could not pinpoint the exact reason he felt this way.

Despite being in outer space, Yu Sheng could still hear his own heartbeat, and when he called out to "the being" that was staring at him, he could hear himself talk as well.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?" He whispered meekly.

Almost immediately, a faint outline of a dragon appeared directly in front of Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng held his breath in fear, not daring to even make a single squeak in front of this terrifying creature. No wonder he felt chills previously, the dragon was directly in front of him. He couldn't find the creature as it was invisible.

Yu Sheng timidly stared directly into the eyes of the black dragon, its purple eyes reflecting a sense of loss and sadness. He started to get lost in its eyes, and slowly reached his hands out to touch its snout. It was as if the dragon was enticing him to come closer. Just as he was going to touch its snout, a black mist was dispersed from the mouth of the dragon. Inhaling this mist caused Yu Sheng to faint, eyes rolling back. The dragon carefully placed him on her back, and she started to hurriedly fly towards her unknown destination.

5th Chaos Domain. That is the name of the reality that contains the planet earth that Yu Sheng came from. The path of cultivation is sealed for all living beings on earth, and so are 99.9% of all living being in the 5th Chaos domain. It was not always like this, however, as many aeons ago, cultivators following the Heavenly Dao can be seen roaming the universes and beyond. Nevertheless, do not underestimate the 5th Chaos domain. It is one of the rare few instances in which a creature born from the Heavenly Dao has surpassed it, and usurped it from its throne, becoming the new overseer of reality. His name was Absolute Being Xin Shen. Make no mistake, Xin Shen did not seal the cultivation of all living beings in fear of being challenged in the future, he did so to protect them. Cutting off all paths of cultivation, Xin Shen cuts down on all karma that its living beings would have inflicted on themselves if they otherwise became a cultivator.

The loss of cultivation, however, actually gave the living beings in the 5th Chaos Domain new strengths. Those strengths lie in their increased abstract intelligence, which gives them an edge in other realities. Absolute Beings in other realities are not able to detect when living beings reincarnate or transmigrate into their domains that want to either spy or tamper with their realities. They are usually benign, however, what gives them the most headaches are those living beings who were originally from the 5th Chaos Domain. These living beings always somehow outsmart themselves or the natives there, seemingly knowing what would happen next, as if they already knew what was going to happen.

At this particular moment, Xin Shen felt a disturbance near the edge of the 5th Chaos Domain. A native soul, being dragged out? He immediately started to derive what exactly was going on, and after realizing what was happening, he vanished into thin air.

Xiao Hei was exhausted. She had been traveling across the absolute void for hundreds of millions of years. She was only at peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm. In the entire Myriad Heaven Domain, there were weak and strong Worlds. Weaker Worlds were used as lower realms to bigger, stronger worlds. To mortals and cultivators, a single world is infinitely large. Only when one becomes an immortal emperor can one travel between worlds easily. Xiao Hei, being a Heavenly Sovereign, can create and destroy worlds. Rightfully, her world is placed near the centre of the Domain tree, which is a cluster of worlds that are slowly fusing. The most prevalent leader of the domain tree is the Bai Family, in which she was a servant to one of its ancestors.

All this strength that belongs to Xiao Hei is useless, however, in front of an absolute being. Especially after being exhausted travelling between domains. Xiao Hei was a void dragon. Being born in the void, she has very keen senses when detecting fluctuations in the void. Almost Immediately after Xin Shen came into the vicinity of Xiao Hei, she felt his presence. She had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach when she felt this familiar aura. It was just like her Master's spine-chilling aura. No, It was even worse. Whatever this entity was, it was stronger than her Master.

"What is your purpose here?" A deep, dominating voice rumbled.

Xiao Hei found it hard to stand under immense pressure, almost wanting to prostrate herself before this supreme being. She wasn't weak, nor was she ignorant. She knew exactly where she was, and who the overseer of the 5th Chaos domain was. Absolute Being Xin Shen. Her entire body trembled.. She swallowed a non-existent knot in her throat. The passive aura permeating from Xin Shen was already enough to kill a heavenly Sovereign like Xiao Hei, but it seemed like Xin Shen knew why she was there.

Remembering the words that her Master told her before, she hesitantly spoke.

"Greetings Great Overseer, My Name is Hei Longyu. I came fr-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Xin Shen snorted. "Did that Bai brat send you? How dare he send some random dog to my territory? Ask him to come to me himself or scram!"

Dog? Xiao Hei shuddered in fear. A Heavenly Sovereign could cover the entire sky if they wanted to. However, to Xin Shen, they were just mere dogs.

Xiao Hei transformed back into her human form. She took out a badge that was given to her by her Master and gave it to Xin Shen.

Xin Shen raised his eyebrows. Didn't he just tell her to scram? Looking at how afraid, respectful and in awe she was of him, he decided to give her a chance. He took the badge and started to pour his divine sense into it.

Xiao Hei broke into a cold sweat when she saw Xin Shen frown while looking through the contents of the badge. She did not dare peer inside it beforehand, afraid that it might cause a backlash as she was not strong enough.

Xin Shen did not say anything. The silence was deafening. Xiao Hei found it extremely difficult to breathe, and she was glad she used the black mist to knock Yu Sheng out beforehand. She was afraid that he might straight up die in the presence of such a powerful being.

"Go." Xin Shen asserted, breaking the silence.

I was let off so easily? Xiao Hei thought, but thanked her Master in her heart for whatever was inside the badge. After bowing to Xin Shen, she transformed back into a dragon, turning around towards the Myriad Heaven Domain.

Right before she was about to leave, Xin Shen looked at the battered Xiao Hei and sighed. "You are not in a good condition to travel the absolute void. Take this as my final favor for your Master."

Xin Shen raised his index finger and pointed in the direction of the Myriad Heaven Realm. An orb of nothingness started to materialize on his fingertips, and it grew bigger and bigger. Xiao Hei did not know what she was looking at. She could not put her mind around it. The orb was not black, nor was it visible. It simply looked like it did not exist. However, it must have existed, as space was bending around it. The starry skies around Xiao Hei started to tremble, as they and the surrounding stars started to fall towards this mysterious orb.

"Enter it now. Or do you want these stars to follow you on your journey back home?" Xin Shen revealed.

Xiao Hei did not think twice before stepping into the now extremely large orb. She looked back towards Xin Shen and bowed, not forgetting to commit to memory the solemn look he had on his face before vanishing into nothingness.


"Host wake up!"

"Host wake up!"

"Host wake up!"

A cute-sounding voice rang inside Yu Sheng's head. Yu Sheng had completely forgotten that he had actually passed away. He was still half-asleep, now getting annoyed that he was getting woken up.

"Host! I know you can hear me!" The same cute-sounding voice rang, this time, however, with a certain sense of urgency.

Yu Sheng begrudgingly opened his eyes, and memories started pouring in. But what greeted him was not the starry skies he was expecting, but a grand temple. He looked around and realized that he was currently seated on a crystalline throne.

Multiple smaller thrones bore resemblance to the very throne he was sitting on, two were situated right next to him on both sides, and 2 more were situated on the aisles alongside it. Each of these thrones was graced by beautiful women.

On his left, there was a woman with her eyes closed, and her arms placed on the armrests. She had dark red shoulder-length hair and was adorning a red hairpin and earrings that resembled a pair of phoenixes. She was wearing what looked to be a red empire waist dress that gave off a fiery aura. She was also well-endowed, and the tight dress helped by accentuating her curves.

On his right, there was a petite woman with pitch-black hair. She had her hair tied into a bun, making her look more elegant, in contrast to the fiery woman. She had her hair tied into two buns, creating a hanfu hairstyle. She was wearing a qipao, and although she did not have the same curves as the woman in red did, the qipao revealed her long slender legs, which was very attractive to Yu Sheng.

He was going to observe the other women present when the voice that was ringing inside his head could not take it anymore and decided to grab his attention.

A blue screen appeared in front of him, taking Yu Sheng by surprise. However, the shock quickly washed away when he started to gather his bearings. He had initially thought that he had died and gone to the afterlife, but he was transmigrated instead. How could someone transmigrate without his cheat? He quickly settled into his new role. Years of reading novels had numbed Yu Sheng. This "shocking" revelation of transmigration was something everyone had dreamed of.

Seeing that she had garnered the attention of Yu Sheng, Xiao Hei proceeded with her introduction,

"Ahem.. Welcome host! My name is Xiao Hei, Also known as the Strongest Ancestor System! I was created to help you settle down in your new role!" The cheery voice seemed to contrast the solemn and gloomy atmosphere of the temple.

"First off, Lets take a look at your stats!"

Name: Bai Yu Sheng

Race: Timeless Human (Evolved)

Lifespan: 3,220,000,000/ Infinity

Cultivation: Peak of Divine Creator

Title: Peak of Divine Creator, Half-step absolute being, First Ancestor of the Bai Family, Grand Patriarch of the Bai Family, Divine Temporal Sage, Divine Treekeeper, Strongest Living Being

Spirit Roots: Obsolete

Connate Passives:

[Descendant of the Temporal Sage]: Gains the entire inheritance of the previous Temporal Sage.

[Unparalleled Sword Saint]: Perfect understanding for the pursuit of the Dao of Sword. Increased affinity for the Dao of Swords.

[Unparalleled Time Saint]: Perfect understanding for the pursuit of the Dao of Time. Increased affinity for the Dao of Time.

[Timeless Chronomancer]: Number 1 constitution for the pursuit of the Dao of Time. One must be a Timeless Chronomancer before attempting to become a Temporal Sage.

[Absolute Defense]: Unbreakable body. The body will only start to break down when the threshold is met. Peak bodily performance until your vitality is reduced to 10%.

[Immortal Charm]: Possesses highest possible charm of a human.

Passives (Discovered):

[10 Divine Ox]: Impenetrable skin. Endless stamina. You can keep fighting until you die.

[Draconian Might ]:Dragons are the strongest and proudest beings of all realities. All living beings will suffer from the immense pressure. The weaker they perceive themselves to be, the stronger the effect will be.

[Ultimate Weapons Manual]: Perfect understanding and usage of any weapon you pick up. Does not apply to Dao Weapons.

[Vermilion Bird: Rebirth]: After the destruction of the physical body, the soul can instantly reborn into an egg created by the Ancestral Phoenix and her descendants. Only 1 egg can exist a time. Reborn into peak performance.

[Pill Deity's Disciple] : Increased efficacy of all pills you consume. Immune to 9999 types of divine poison. Perfect control of the Heavenly Cauldron.

[Heavenly Secret Unbound Tome]: You can derive anything with the cost of your lifespan.

[Temporal Sage's Prayer Beads] Meditation and absorption of the flow of time increases or replenishes your lifespan.




Abilities (Usage):


[Heaven's falling desolate slash]

[Ghastly Fist of Destruction]

[Time Warp]

[Merciless Ruination]

[Temporal Drift]

[Eternal Blazing Strike]





[Temporal Sage's Hour glass: Enigma]

[Ancestral Dragon Tooth Blade: Longjian]

[Temporal Sage's Prayer Beads]

[Heavenly Secret Unbound Tome]

[Pill Deity's Cauldron]

[Demon Lord's Void Piercing Sword]




give me tons of feedback. first time writing and am a complete novice

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