8 I've noticed something

On average I have more men that read my shit. Why I have no idea. It's absolutely bonkers and down right terrible. I just started writing again. If you're into creepypasta or want a quick short story about my shitty ex I have two other books available. Mistake I'm still working on though, and the one about my ex is short.

Just one big ass chapter.

To be honest, I never thought people would read what I'd have to say. I thought if I talked people would hate me. I think I'm too rough on my baby and my boyfriend.

Maybe I need to take a trip to the Looney bin. I haven't decided honestly. You totally don't have to read it, but I definitely want people to know that it's available if ya like stories or fanfiction.

I'm absolute garbage. thanks for letting me rant. as always

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