

The cold night breeze whistled past, dragging along the dancing flakes of snow. The freezing wind slipped through my wet fur coat, biting into my skin. I shivered weakly as I gazed at the blazing flames that flickered in the empty horizon.

I was so close...

So close... but yet...

"Crow," I called, "I know you're there."

A small shadow swept above the blanket of snow as a black creature as dark as the night sky landed silently beside me, his talons crunching into the snow.

"We were too late, Black Cat." The black crow replied.

"Perhaps for this event..." I struggled to take in a painful breath. "...but we'll be on time for the rest--I promise."

The crow turned to face me, his violet eyes pierced into mine.

"I don't think you'll be able to live through this one." He pointed at the wound that cut through my abdomen with a silver nail. "You're cut really badly. What happened?"

I sighed, dropping my head back onto my frozen paws, my consciousness wavering.

You need not worry, Crow. For once I black out, the story will begin.

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