
side story 5: Mary

15 years ago one of the distant relatives of the dragon clan give birth to a girl with the rare light magic they were so proud and inform the clan head so the elders have a meting and decided to adopt the girl to the main house and train her to be the best assistant to the new alfa once they fond.

So five years went by and they started to teach her so they toke turn training her until she was 14 and she completed all here study than they give her special permission to read the secret archives.

Mary was a careful and cute girl she sock all the knowledge like a sponge when she grow up she understand what her mission is so when she was 14 she read and memorised all the so she can be of help to her alfa when she turn 15 the clan head ordered the next generation to look for the missing tybe.

on this day her life changed wean she went to the aoi ochen city were here destiny started to move and she fond her alfa and became one with him.

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