
Chapter 1~ The past before the present

Mari Brown

I wish I never fell in love with him. His cold blue eyes, chocolate brown hair, his slightly tan skin just calloused enough to make you know he was an army man. His name is Dean Levanto a nobleman and a powerful one at that, he was the General for the Queen's Army and I was a simple office worker for the government. I would see him every once in a while when our country was at peace he would go to his office in the special forces division that no one but special forces employes could enter. I was considered part of the army but I was an officer I worked in the logistic department, not the attack force. Every 3 weeks I swear another person was kicked out of our team because she or he fell in love with The General, I was in love with him too but I kept my lips tightly closed I never planned on telling him I liked him. Never would I have thought that he would find out anyway. Our country was thrown into a civil war Claude De 'Grasse was a nobleman from the family that was only second to the Royal Family. Lot's of politicians were pushing Claude towards being the new king because they didn't feel that a woman should rule the country. Alexandra De'Drakon rightful heir to the throne and last of her bloodline. She was beautiful so beautiful that Dean the stone-cold demon and her General was presumed to have been her lover. I wanted to be on the right side but the heartache of The general possible loving someone else made me end up moving towards Claude. don't get me wrong Claude never wanted to be the king, but he was so easily manipulated when his heart was broken Claude was in love with the same man as me and we will never forget that. We married but we never once touched one another never..... We love each other like best friends maybe even lovers but our heartache left a deep scare. We could bond over lost love. Not long after we married Alexandra and Dean also got married and that's when it hit me I was never in love with Dean I was in love with the idea of being Dean because I was in love with Alexandra! She was my Golden Glow with her beauty and brain. She made these great inventions that no one would think of and she programs for the poor! But she was also so cold she had the same Stone-Cold face that Dean had the only time I ever saw her face crack was when she stabbed her sword through my stomach and I shot through her heart.

Claude De'Grasse

Today I met someone he seemed cold but I saw him give a boy some money to buy candy. a man after my Heart! After my parents died I truly realized how disgusting nobility can be I know they are trying to manipulate me, and I'm trying so hard not to be manipulated but it can't be helped not after I found out about his engagement to her... And I was going to tell him how I feel. I heard rumors of him being engaged to Alexandra and I was burning with jealousy! At first, I didn't know why I was being so irrational I knew I loved him but that didn't mean I had to go crazy that's when I met Maria she also loved him or so she thought. Before we left for the final battle she told me that she was in love with Alexandra and she was in love with the idea of being Dean. but we still love each other right before we went into battle we kissed each other for the first time and that's when I knew and she knew we were in love with each other and two different people at the same time. My last battle with the Dean (oh Dean my love how I wish we could be.) I told him when he stabbed me through the heart that I've always loved him.

Dean Levanto

It's been 2 months since I and Alexander had gotten married. We got married as more of an agreement that I would never betray her as Claude had. When i was investigating the sudden radical changes from Claude's normal behavior. I discovered that a new type of a drug developed from a neighboring enemy country was used and was the cause of his drastic change. I and Alexandra weren't in love with each other well at least not at first, but as the years went by and the Civil War grew more and more tense we eventually did fall in love. And the Solace of each other we only ever kissed once before we parted ways for the final battle I never told her that I was in love with Claude and she never told me but she was in love with someone else, but I remember one time she told me about this little girl she once met someone at a park when she was younger that had no idea who she was even though she had royalties blond hair and purple eyes! I later found that that was her first love she had been spying on the person for years finding every bit of information on them that she could. The only thing I know is that she was the one that married Claude and that broke Alexander's heart. I know this broken her heart because after they married she was never the same. right before I die Claude told me that he had always loved me and I wish I had the courage to tell him then that I had always loved him.

Alexandra De'Drakon

why....why are men filled with greed. How my heart breaks for my country that will be destroyed and left with nothing after my death. I won't live long now I'm bleeding out for my heart the only reason I'm not dead yet is because of my magic. In my arms is the girl I've loved for years and she's loved me she told me that she's always loved me. I wish I could rewind time and go back to the day that Claude was poisoned. I wish Dean had told me who he loves I wish I had told him that I love him but i also love Maria. I thought that I was cold but that's just how it is when you grow up in the midst of a greedy battle for power and control. I remember the day I met Maria like it was just yesterday not even yesterday hours earlier. I still don't know how this little bundle of joy got in my garden at my private estate in the city the funny thing is she didn't know how she got there either all she knows she was chasing a cat! we talked for hours until she said she has to go or her mama would be worried she didn't know the whole time someone was watching us play my guard assigned to me by my father for protection before he died. for the next 10 years, I found all the information on her, her likes her dislikes all of it! her crushes, her family, her enemies, her friends, I was obsessed and I like the feeling of it. while I sit here dying the only thing I could think to do was kiss her forehead and say "I love you, my sweet Maria." as my last words.