
The Soul Reaping Overlord (Overlord X Bleach)

Author: Triple_Sweet
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 209.8K Views
  • 1 Chs
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What is The Soul Reaping Overlord (Overlord X Bleach)

Read The Soul Reaping Overlord (Overlord X Bleach) fanfiction written by the author Triple_Sweet on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, covering action, magic, overpowered, isekai, anime. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


Momonga in a twist of fate finds himself in the world of Bleach after the shutdown of his favorite game: Ygdrassil. How will the Overlord of Death perform as his new job of being a shinigami? What will become of his new life? Find out!

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A young and abused amil is suddenly transported to the world of the gods called Eden by king in this world, Aldemar. Although Aldemar seems quite imposing and powerful, Amil feels a strong connection to him. Amil soon learns that he is Aldemar and the goddes of creation Evelyn's son and that he has a brother whom will journey with him. For Amil and his brother to reunite with thier parents they must first start from scratch in a new world and must become immortals so that they can ascend the the levels of this world. With the help of a mysterious power of unknown origins that appears when they are transported to the new world. Not even his parents know about their new powers though but they believe that in a couple centuries, their children will scale the ranks of this new world and hopefully even surpass them to fight ragnarok. An extreamly powerful enemy that is in a deep slumber, though no one knows how much longer he will be sleeping for. *Will they succeed and survive in the new world of cultivation? *Who will be the stronger sibling? *What will thier relationship be? *Did thier parents tell them everything? *Where did these mysterious powers come from? 》Follow these brothers on this journey filled with amusement, peril, trials and tribulations, love and glory for this is the story of a godly brotherhood.《 About author* This is my first book and i am excited for your feedback. I am a young aspiring author for i have read over hundreads books and light novels of various genres in the past couple of years so i believe that i'm truly capable of becoming a writer with the amount of experience, planning and practice i have been through. I believe that this book has great potential. Please enjoy

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7 Chs


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I like it........................ ...............I like it........................ ...............I like it........................ ...............I like it........................ ...............I like it........................ ...............I like it........................ ...............I like it........................ ...............I like it........................ ...............


Join to the dark side,READER WE HAVE COOCKIES[img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins]


Looks ............good..................................................................hehehehehe...................... ......................................... .


This story has a lot of potential! you can polish your writing more but other than that your story is solid! I await the interaction between the imperials and the denizen of Nazarick and the shenanigans that Palpatine will cause in the future! [img=recommend]




Love it keep it up it has so much potential


Overall from reading the first chapter I can say that this story has a very good potential!!! I really look forward to the ineractions between the empire and Nazarick.




Take my power stones kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkajjakakakakakakakakakakkakakakakakakakakakakakakkaakakkakahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahaha


Nice book, the idea of using a OC character that is from the same world like Ainz not knowing anything about the Overlord story will be nice to watch as his empire rises


why there is only one chapter i need more i need more plz[img=update] you can't make such a interesting star and just stop at that i need more i need more i need more i need more i need more i need more i need more


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