
chapter at the end

5 years later (just before the Greyjoy rebellion)

In these past 5 years Woden has been studying non stop. On anything nonmagical or magical. From the tiniest detail to the largest.

He found out how to protect himself from most curses and it was pretty simple. What you need for most curses is a name and an image. So he changed his name that he thinks of when he uses magic thus changing his for the lack of a better term spiritual name.

He learned about foci crafting, enchanting, dragon hatching and the different techniques.

There are different techniques to hatch a Dragon there was human sacrifice, also the mother dragon can hatch them, but what he found interesting about that is the mother dragon uses some form of magic to hatch the eggs even if they are dead.

Woden has thought about hatching some dragon eggs but hasn't really found the time to with all the studying he has done.

He has learned ancient Valyrian magics, magics from essos, from the first men, from Ashai, and anywhere he could translate the text from.

Woden has also delved deep into blacksmithing and magic together. And found a couple ways of making Valyrian steel.

One way was to quench the enchanted steel in the blood or dragons. Another way which he preferred was to use a Valyrian blood magic ritual using his blood that would bind the magic to the sword.

This was one of the reasons he was in his uncles solar.

Which was a weird appearance as he would spend all his time in his tower reading and practicing magic.

When Ned looked at Woden he saw a gaunt, pale child with eyes so red and radiant that he shivered staring into them. Don't get him wrong he loved his family but he has never been able to connect with his oldest nephew.

Ned had been busy as well handling the book and paper business. With the extra income he was able to create more construction jobs for the north and has been building more farms that grow vegetables that can survive in the north. After the food had been secured and was progressing smoothly Ned started more projects such as infrastructure and the rebuilding of watchtower and has played around with rebuilding some castles.

That was not all as he had built up the standing northern army and militia.

Breaking out of his thoughts he looks at his nephew who has unknowingly brought the north back from total annihilation. Of course Ned doubted that Woden knew this or even cared about it.

"What have you come to tell me, nephew" Ned starts with a genuine smile.

"I have 2 requests and 1 warning for you uncle. Which would you like first?" Woden said in his neutral tone that kinda creeper out Ned Stark.

"The requests first" Ned said not thinking the warning could be bad as this was peace time.

"I have some experiments I would like to try. These could be more dangerous than the others as most of the magic going into the experiments are complicated."

"What are the experiments"

"One is seeing if I can revive and hatch a Dragon egg without a live sacrifice and the other is a recipe for Valyrian steel that I have found."

Ned thought for a minute or two before sighing and standing up. He looked down at Woden and sighed again.

Finally he said. "No you can not. Not in Winterfell or wintertown at least." He takes another couple seconds before continuing. "Woden Stark, I,  Ned Stark lord of Winterfell and the warden of the north declare you the Lord of Moat Caitln for you and your children and their children. I also give you the title of Sorcerer of The North (roll credits).

Now with that out of the way I would like to hear this warning of yours."

Woden had so many things going through his head that the only thing that came out was "huh". Which made Ned smile

After a few minutes Woden gained his composure and as he got ready his eyes went completely white and his voice sounded ancient as he said. "The gold kraken rises and strangles the lion, the fish, the stag and rose before falling back into the sea to sleep but be aware of the one eyed kraken for he will bring about the cold winds of winter." When Woden finished he slumped in his chair exhausted.

Ned was stunned and terrified about a prospect of another war but he knew he must prepare the north. And prepare he would

Lordship, Prophecies

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