
The Sorcerer's Last Wish

The story follows the rise of a powerful demon lord who awakens with his four commanders and army, causing destruction in their wake. The kingdom trembles with fear as the king and his advisors receive word of the impending attack and scramble to prepare for war. Zarek, a powerful sorcerer and mentor to the main character Orin, senses something ominous and sets out to investigate. He is ambushed by the demon lord's second commander, the Master of Shadows, and barely escapes with his life. He seeks refuge at Orin's home, where he informs Orin of the rising threat and urges him to take up the fight against the demon lord. Orin, a genius sorcerer with immense wealth and power, is initially hesitant to join the war. However, upon seeing the state of his mentor and the destruction wrought by the demon lord, he becomes determined to take revenge and quell his thirst for a great battle. He sets out on a journey to find mystical artifacts that will aid him in defeating the demon lord and his army, accompanied only by the cursed Staff of Death, which grants him immense power at the cost of his life force.

Jozarix · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Mad Witch i

As Orin and his party approached the town, Ein couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement.

"This place is beautiful," he exclaimed, looking around at the bustling streets and the quaint shops.

Orin, who was usually more reserved, also seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yes, it's quite lovely," he said, admiring the hustle and bustle of the town.

As they walked down the main street, they heard the sound of vendors calling out to potential customers, offering their wares.

"Fresh produce! Get your fresh produce here!" shouted one man, holding up a basket of ripe apples.

"Handmade trinkets! Unique and one of a kind!" cried another, holding up a delicate necklace.

Zarr, who had been quiet up until this point, couldn't resist the temptation of all the sights and sounds. He barked excitedly and ran over to a nearby vendor selling sweet treats.

Lilitha, who was always up for a good time, joined Zarr, eager to sample some of the treats.

"Let's try these!" she said, pointing to a tray of sugary confections.

As they continued down the street, the group was approached by a friendly local.

"Welcome to our town!" the man said, with a warm smile.

"Is this your first time here?"

Orin nodded.

"Yes, it is. We're just passing through on our travels."

The man's smile grew even wider.

"Well, you've certainly chosen the right place. Our town is known for its hospitality, and we're always happy to welcome new visitors."

The group continued their exploration of the town, taking in the sights, sounds, and people of the lively community.

It was a welcome change of pace from their usual travels, and they were happy to be able to enjoy a brief respite before continuing on their journey.

Suddenly, a commotion broke out and the group heard shouting and screaming coming from one of the alleyways. They made their way over to investigate and found a crowd of people gathered around a body lying on the ground.

Orin pushed his way through the crowd, trying to see what had happened. He saw the town guard standing over the body, their expressions serious and grim. As he approached, one of the guards stepped forward and pointed a finger at Orin.

"You, and your companions, are under arrest for the murder of this innocent townsperson," the guard declared.

Orin's eyes widened in shock.

"What? We didn't do anything! We just arrived here in this town!"

"Silence! You will come with us," another guard said as they approached Orin and his party, weapons drawn.

Lilitha stepped forward, her voice calm and steady.

"We are travellers passing through this town. We had nothing to do with this murder."

But the guards were not swayed.

"Everyone is a suspect until proven innocent," they said as they took the group into custody.

Orin and his companions were put in a cell in the local jail, their weapons taken away. The air was musty and the walls were damp, giving off a sense of despair.

They sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they tried to figure out a way to clear their names and prove their innocence.

Orin and his party then, discussed their next move. They were determined to prove their innocence and find the real murderer.

"We need to start gathering information," Ein said.

"We need to find out what really happened."

"Agreed," Lilitha said.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing. We need to take action."

"But how?" Ein asked, looking around the small cell.

"We're locked up in here. How can we possibly gather any information?"

"We'll start by talking to the other prisoners," Orin said, his mind already working on a plan.

"They might have seen or heard something that could help us."

With a newfound determination, the group set to work. They spent their days talking to the other prisoners and trying to gather any information they could.

Despite the rough conditions of the jail, they remained hopeful, knowing that their freedom and their names were on the line.

As the days passed, they started to piece together the events leading up to the murder. They heard rumours about a shady figure seen lurking in the shadows and whispers about a valuable item that had gone missing.

Despite the obstacles in their way, Orin and his party refused to give up. They were determined to uncover the truth and clear their names, no matter what it took.

Orin and his companions were kept in a small, cramped cell in the town jail. The guards were harsh and unyielding, and they didn't seem to care about the innocence of the travellers.

The group sat huddled together in the cell, trying to make sense of what was happening.

"What is going on here?" Ein asked, rubbing his temples.

"Why are we being accused of this murder?"

"I don't know," Orin replied.

"But it's clear that we need to get out of here and find out who the real murderer is."

Zarr, who had been quiet up until this point, barked loudly.

Lilitha put a hand on the baby wolf's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Zarr. We'll find a way out of this. We just need to stay calm and think."

The group fell into a tense silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Suddenly, the door to their cell creaked open and a guard appeared.

"You're being transferred to the town square for a public trial," the guard announced gruffly.

"Get up and follow me."

Orin and his companions exchanged worried glances as they were led out of the cell and into the bright sunlight of the town square. The townspeople had gathered in large crowds, murmuring amongst themselves as they awaited the trial.

As Orin and his companions were brought before the town judge, they could feel the weight of everyone's gaze on them. The judge looked down at them from his raised platform, a stern expression on his face.

"You stand accused of murder," the judge declared.

"What do you have to say in your defence?"

Orin stepped forward, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Your Honour, we are innocent. We had nothing to do with the murder that took place in this town."

The judge raised an eyebrow.

"And yet, you were found at the scene of the crime. How do you explain that?"

"We were staying at the inn and heard a commotion outside," Orin explained.

"We went to see what was happening and found the body of the murdered person. That's when the town guard arrived and arrested us."

The judge looked sceptical.

"That's a convenient story. But I need more proof than that. Do you have any witnesses who can attest to your innocence?"

Orin and his companions looked at each other, desperation starting to set in. They had no witnesses and no evidence to support their innocence. The trial seemed to be going against them, and they were starting to lose hope.