
The Song of Phoenixes

LIEN. An underground organisation lead by a faceless man whose real name was never known. Supported by his trustworthy allies, he managed to plunge his claws across the black market and successfully made his way to the top among other notorious groups. There was only one reason why he created this, and that sole reason however begin to shaken by the presence of a lost little bird. Seora Song was haunted by her past and the only way to solve her current problem is she had to leave. Leave everything behind and run away as far as she could. But somehow meeting back an old friend from her hometown had made her plans go south. Especially when she learns of what sort of person he had become. The original plan was to avoid any proximity that could lead her back to whom she used to be. Now, she really had messed up. Yet, as time passed, she starts to feel things that she had never thought she could again. For a moment she thought she have finally found peace. Then again, her cruel fate creeping back to her like her consistent nightmares. Her loyalty got triggered. Her faith were undermined. Her choice, to choose a side, that could either lose herself or lose the people she cares for. She could neither leaves nor she could even dare to stay. A story about loyalty, brotherhood and love. Enjoy!

yuuki_min · Action
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs

Chapter 1

"Falcon to Tiger. Report."

Nicholas pushed his loose in-ear to hear the order more clearly. "Tiger to Falcon. The stuff had just been loaded." He glanced over to the people who are currently organising every boxes and stacking them together in the small cube cell.

"How long you need to finish that?" The voice from the other side asked in monotone, something Nicholas had gotten used to.

"Another 10 minutes, and we clear here."

"Five. The North will be arriving soon. We can't be late." 

"Right." Nicholas rolled his eyes before ended the conversation. Once these people had finished loading the boxes, he closes the sliding door and lock it with a security pin by the door. The number he sets was random but he has a good memory so he often remembers it, even when the number seems to be a very difficult combination. They can't let their goods getting robbed when it sells well in their world.

Approximately 5 minutes, the transport he was on had begin to move. Like the person said, five minutes was enough. Finish his designated job, Nicholas decides to stroll around the huge cruise ship owned by one of the member of the organisation, Elliot. One of the most influential person in the country. 

The business deal they are currently conducting obviously needed to be discrete and in order to do so, the have to disguise this meeting with something worth of money and attention. A four days three nights trip from the west port, Ignata to the north port, Caralina. A trip that most of those high society were looking forward to. Especially if it involved the Maverick family. And it could never be anymore than a great opportunity for people like them to do work. 

The loud bass coming from the pool located at the back of the ship was louder than Nicholas had thought. People in their preferred swim suites hoarding the whole place with booze and beers everywhere. What a sight to see.

When Elliot mentioned it would be a whole summer party, he was not even joking.

All the heat and the vibe of the place had made him crave for some good cocktail punch. He made a bee line towards the bar situated at the center of the pool area. Blending in like normal people, he had his casual summer beach T-shirt on and a pair of knee-length khakis. Not that he wanted to brag but he knew his presence already catching a few pair of lovely eyes. 

Nicholas ordered a strong combination of cocktail just to keep his nerves in tact for the event that would happen any moment from now. He wanted to jump into the fun and let his body get loose with all the tension aside but he doesn't want to mess with people like the Maverick. They are friends of course but sometimes it annoyed the shit out of him.

Sharp at 11pm, the North gang, HighMight would appeared and infiltrate the cruise ship with Luca and Alden's taking the lead. The whole plan should be ended in an hour and right by midnight, when the fireworks cracking, those gangs would leave and the deal is sealed. 

However, there is a little loophole where things could get wrong, and jeopardising both team. But, knowing Nathan's work ethics, everything should be according to the plan.

"Hornet to Tiger. Report your location." Hugh's voice greeted him at the end of the line. 

"Swimming pool." A simple reply from him. Nicholas knew the man was watching every footages from the surveillance cameras in the security room so he send a toast to him by gesturing the sweet cocktail to his direction. A camera located near the bar.

"I swear this guy. Get back here right now. Those Norths are already being escorted." 

Nicholas fumbled with his drink. After loading up the stuff they were about to trade, he ought to be beside Nathan if any close proximity combat broke. Apart from the seven of them, he was well verse on that department. But, that doesn't mean the leader couldn't defend himself. Besides, he has Kaysen as his right arm.

No one ever dares to mess with him whenever a gun on his hand. 

"I'll be there shortly. Just making a quick patrol to the area." 

Nicholas could hear Hugh scoffed at his attitude before he focused on the main event of the night. By now, the two leaders of each group are sitting in the same room. Luca and Alden should be enough to cover the perimeter around the room, and Nicholas was sure nobody would dare to be presence around there. 

He was walking along the alley, watching around the area for any sudden intruders or unwanted presence on this cruise ship. He was strolling while humming to a one famous jazz song when his eyes caught something at the end of the hall way of the corridor. 

A couple were arguing to such a point where people avoid to walk near them. From his distance, he could already tell that it sounds serious and doesn't seem to be progressing to a complete truce. The more he steps closer towards them, he could listen to them more clearly. 

Before he knows it, a hard slap on the face was heard causing people around to stop moving and stared at them two in astonishment. Nicholas was too stunned not because of the action but with what was about to come next.

The woman who was dress in a blue polka dot summer dress forcefully kick the man's most treasured organ on his lower body as she pulled a satisfying look over her face. He cooed as if he could feel those pains on him. 

That kick was clean.

He doesn't plan to intervene but as the woman stormed away leaving the guy swearing profanities on the floor, he couldn't help but to be intrigued by this person. He caught her arm immediately when she was about to walk pass him. 

His action had made the woman to turn towards him with a strong despiteful glares killing his soul by those eyes. He was surprised by those beautiful hazel eyes, since it was rare to have one among the likes of her. Those eyes he stared deeply into were dark and round and hit his nerves with a sense of familiarity. 

He had seen those agonizing pair of eyes before. He was sure.

"You ..." 

Before Nicholas could start the conversation, the woman pulled her arms free from his loose grip. She glared him one last time before racing through the corridor, back into the inside of the cruise ship. Leaving nothing but a few flashes of old memories inside his head.


Seora emptied out the mineral bottle on the nightstand in one go. She was tired and worn out after struggling to get away from that drunken bastard. It was totally a huge mistake to be on this cruise trip to begin with. There were too many casualties and people to consider. 

There's also curfews to follow as well.

The cruise trip had just one more day left before it will be arriving at Caralina. According to the trip, this third night would be an outdoor festival by the pool but Soonbok had no desire to socialising among those snobbish people. Look what had happened to her, she was almost getting herself harassed by the man just now. 

Thankfully her reflexes were better than she had expected.

The sound from her wristwatch blaring loudly across the small room, implying the clock had strike twelve and another day awaits next morning. By now, the party should have been died down and it would be the best time for Soonbok to execute the plan she had all along in her mind. However, the sound of the firework stomped her in her place. 

"What the..." They don't mentioned anything about fireworks before. She sighed and sit down at the edge of her bed, calculating again her moves.

After visiting her parents in their hometown and spend the last week with them, Seora had purchased a one way ticket of a cruise ship to Caralina. Her plan was simple and she have made up her mind for it. 

There is no better plan than this.

A letter she wrote during her stay in this ship was folded nicely on the bed. She open it and reading it again. Every time she reads it, her mind instantly played all those memories that had managed to keep her all night these past months. There were many she cherishes but the painful out weights those she deems happiness.

The pain was too much for such fragile heart to bear. It made her thoughts running wild for this last few minutes she had left. Seora slips the paper into her backpack. There wasn't that much to bring with her. Just a couple of stuffs. Leaving behind all the cards, her precious pictures and the one thing she keeps to this day. 

A diamond-less ring with engraved of a word on it. Lune. The moon. 

She put them together with her other stuffs. She was hesitant to step out of the room but she was determined that there will be no other ways to solve the problem she was having. 

Then again, fate really works wonder. As she step out of the room, she immediately meet eyes with another unfamiliar man in his dark attire. Their expression was hard to tell. However, that was not the reason for her to start screaming, because the moment both pair of her hazel orbs were trailing over those huge ass of a rifle, Seora had completely lost it. 

She was this close to shout but the man was fast at cupping her mouth with his palm. At first glance she knew these guys were trained troops. The uniform they wear was non other than the special force unit from the military, specialised for special missions. But she couldn't understand as to why they all were here, on this cruise ship trip.

Unless, there is something going on inside here. 


Seora could feel her limbs are all trembling in fear and she thinks the guy who had his faced covered except the eyes, noticed that as well. Its to hard to tell just what type of crime is currently rolling on the ship without her considering that one gang she had betrayed. 

"Relax. We are the special force. We don't harm civilians." The man who had her in his captive had whispered to her ears.

"We need to locate your captain but for your safety, please stay in your room. Lock the doors until you get a clear signal." Seora nodded lightly and the guy loosen his grip on her.

Without much of a thought, she immediately scrammed into her room and made sure the door is indeed lock. Her plan had been ruined nonetheless by a group of justice serves to eliminate the wrongs. But that wasn't what makes her trembling in anxiety.

The special forces doesn't recognise her for once and they came here not just for some raincheck. This is real. Something illegal and dangerous is happening on the ship.

If anything, she can't be involved in any of it. She needs a plan to get out of here.

And it better be fast.


An amount of suitable minutes before the midnight firework.

Hugh watched every footages of the surveillance camera like his life depends on it. He notified every location and positions of his members and the Norths people. The deal was supposed to end by midnight. The firework was set up to mask those North gangs from getting seen.

Seeing how stable the situation is right now, he couldn't throw away the uncanny feelings he had. Its like the calm before a storm hits, type of feeling. Normally, he has such strong hunches when things like this occur to him. He watch people from behind the scenes countless of times and could easily predict what people ought to react in different situations. 

And today is not any exceptional. 

The hacker has his ways above another level to observes beyond the parameters of the cruise ship. He carefully examine every each footages before an unusual group of silhouette moving in one of the footages. It was so subtle that Hugh had to zoom in to identify that.

"Hornet to Falcon. We got company. West wing, second floor." He immediately cracking the code to control the overall power of the ship. By now, everyone should be in their respective rooms following the curfew and it shouldn't be much of a bother if he overwrites the whole system.

Nathan on the other end react nothing to it. He was having a conversation with the leader of the North while his minions were busy collecting and transporting their stuffs out from the lock cell. 

"Jackel to Falcon. All goods have been safely transferred." 

Nathan straightening his spine as he sips the champagne on ice. He had added a pinch of lime into it before he made another toast to the North leader. Right at the moment, the North's assistant come inside and reported the same thing Luka had done.

"I guess we're done here." The leader of the North held his hand out for a handshake. Nathan take it as he thanked for the bits of information they had shared. Before he could say anything, Hugh alerting another signal.

"10 minute. They are coming in 10." Despite the possibility of getting caught by those new comers, all members of his gang remained nonchalant before the Norths gang. They can't ruined such opportunity and Elliot refuse to have bloodshed on his cruise ship.

He is currently entertaining the captain and the navigator crews in their very main deck. There was no signal or report from him, meaning everything was going according to plan. So, whoever came by was not invited.

"I will be seeing you more than, Kim" Nathan smiled.

"I hope to hear good news from the other side too." The North leader smirks. Nathan escorts him to the escape route they had prepared for them. 

"I know it was not my place to say this," The leader stop midway as his hand gripping over the handler. "...but you should watch your back. Especially with those Lee's." 

Hearing that name out in the air causing a tingle in his body. Nathan looked straight into the North's leader eyes. They look heavily darken each seconds. There is a sense of genuineness from it. He smirks at the comment.

"Of course."

When the North gang had finally left the ship, Nathan immediately went back to his room where he saw a nervous Elliot just came by. He was sweating like he just got off from a marathon. 

"The special force team is here. I just saw them roaming around the area. The crew just got a message from the military, asking for our cooperation." Elliot's eyes immediately went straight to Kaysen's.

"Kaysen, you should go now. There isn't much time left before they came by this room." All eyes on him. Remained calm as always, he begin to move and secure his stuff stored inside the drawers. 

"I thought the captain was supposed to have a final say before those bastards could roamed the ship. Now, everything just ...URGH!" Elliot's condition making the whole room a little tense and yet the two other guys remained unhinged. Like they were already used to it.

"Obviously they are not those who listened to their higher ups." Nathan pulled out his phone and typing something. He looked over to Kaysen who had his stuff prepared. Elliot's right. Apart from any of them, Kaysen can't be here. With a quick tap, he decided to break the operation and called over the gang's hacker. 

First, Kaysen needs to get out of this ship.



