
A New Species

Alaric counted 3 change slimes, 4 giant slimes, and a slime he hadn't expected to see. Rochefort, beyond all odds, had become the slime with the most combat power to date.

"A slip slime?!"

Clarus didn't seem to understand Alaric's shock but was too busy studying the difference between each slime to notice. Slimes were the only magical beast he knew of with the ability to take on different evolutionary paths.

The old man pondered, 'I wonder what those extremely smooth slimes are. Those big ones are probably similar to lord Gunnar! And that slime at the end, the lord called it a slip slime...'

Ignoring Clarus's concentration, Alaric commanded, "Sonic, come here right this instant!"

Immediately, Sonic was at Alaric's side, purposefully positioning himself behind the young village chief.

'Yes, my lord?'

"That slime, is it like you? Is it a slip slime?!"

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