
The school

That day, he woke up from his sleep. The first thing which he saw, the clock ticking at 10.00, he realized again he late for the class. He raced the time with his bicycle. But as usual he failed with the time.

He scolding himself for the oversleeping habit.

His class already started and the teacher taking the class in the topic of time.

The first time he gets an attraction on the class because of the topic, the most interesting topic in that is time travel for him.

Again his little friend came to see him, "the sleep".

He started the day dreams, his dreams is about the time travel. The each and every scene in his dream gives him an hope about the time travel.

He really started to trust about the time travel, not technically but fictionally.

After that class, everyday before he going to sleep , he thinking about the time travel dreams.

In his dreams, he believes himself as a time traveler and traveling various timelines, past and future.

The next day, his mom came to wake him up from the sleep, but he can't. She was scared and take him to the hospital. Doctors in there don't know medically what happened to him, the finally they came for an decision, that he is in coma.