
The musical mind

"Debrey!! Debrey!! Wake up you have to go to school and it's getting late! Debrey's mother Rachel shouting. Debrey was a 15 year old boy studying in a middle school by the name Phakalane junior secondary school. He was living with his mom and a 4 years old younger brother, their father abandoned them when Debrey was just 3 years. Rachel was unemployed which was a challenge but despite that she always made sure that Debrey goes to school with a full stomach and they eat something before going to bed. She was a hustler, everytime when Debrey goes to school she would go house by house looking for a piece job.

" Ok let me go now or else I'm going to be late." Debrey leaving without finishing breakfast "bye mom! I love you" waving as he was passing by the gate. "I love you too my child, take care" Rachel with a lovely voice. That was the everyday goodbyes style from them, showing love and care.

Debrey was late, the home boys he always goes with had long gone so he was all alone in the forest accompanied by the birds singing sweet melodies like they always do.

"On top of the world, it's me and nobody else, I'm enjoying the environment, it makes me feel happy. Even when I hear the birds sing, it makes me to really go crazy... lah!! lah!! lah!!" Wait a minute was that Debrey singing? Of course it was him. He always sings his favorite artists songs but this time it was a different song. " Wow!! what a song, I've never even heard it before and even the beat in my mind. Seems like I can be an artist hey.." it was Debrey talking to himself with a happy smile. Yeah that was new and surprising to him. He kept on singing by connecting every possible words until something useful came out of it, and the way he was singing you could see that there was a beat he was using in his mind, just fantastic.

He arrived at school happily, even though he was late he was not worried at all and he was thinking only about the new song he just made.

He entered the classroom and found the teacher. " Debrey why are you late!" asked the teacher angrily. " I was making a song" Debrey said by mistake and the whole class laughed. " What!?" asked the teacher confused. "I mean.. I woke up late, sorry Sir" said Debrey with a shy face. " Ok, go and sit down." said the teacher. Debrey went on to sit down with an uncomfortable walk as some of the classmates was still giggling.

One thing about Debrey is that he was an introvert, shy and quiet while in a large group of people, talkative and entertaining while alone, with friends or family. Those who he was not close always called him a boring guy but his friends and mom knew very well that he is more than just being a cheerleader, but he was fit to be a successful comedian to them. Moreover he loved spending some time alone thinking, day dreaming and planning, her mother was well aware of that.

Debrey was in class but not really pay attention, he was lost in thoughts that too sweet ones. The guy really loved music and seems like it was all over his mind. " Debrey what did I just said!?" asked the teacher walking towards Debrey. " huh!!.. well I..I didn't hear you" He said facing down. " Well that's because you are not listening, pay attention ok" said the teacher angrily. "Ok Sir" said Debrey. The class was laughing again, seems like it was not Debrey's day hey.. but it was he just achieved something and he wanted to stick to it. After school while walking with friends, he was still lost in thoughts and didn't pay attention at all. Debrey got home and his mother was not there. He went to his room, changed his clothes and quickly took one of his spare books to write down what he have been thinking about the whole day. Debrey came up with 2 songs, the other was titled 'the environment ' and the other ' I don't understand ' but he didn't finish writing them. He kept on practicing the beats by whistling so that he don't forget since he had no phone to record. His mother came and found him on his room. "hey Deb, what are you writing?" Rachel asked with a smile. " Well it's just a homework, nothing serious" Debrey said. He was also secretive, he hardly shared anything with anyone.

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