

GoldRose High School, the school for the sons and daughters of millionaires and billionaires alike. You can only attend this school if you are extremely rich or extremely smart.

Class 1-A, Boys Locker Room

There were five boys in the locker. Three of the boys surrounded a boy with the height as them but their looks, if compared to the the boy they are surrounding, is lacking.

The boy in the middle said: "Alex, I told you to stay away from my girlfriend, right?"

The boy watching the whole scene said frantically: "Shawn, your girlfriend was the one who approached him, not the other way around."

Shawn looked at him with an enraged expression: "Shut up, Jake."

Jake shut his mouth and Shawn looked at Alex: "I will give you a warning, so you know you should not do it again."

Shawn punched Alex's chest which made Alex groan. Alex felt the sweetness in his mouth and tried to hold it in. Alex laid on the floor, groaning and when Shawn saw this, he laughed.

"Not so tough after all." Shawn mockingly said before turning around and walking out of the locker room. Jake immediately supported his best friend up. He wanted to retort what Shawn said earlier but if he did, no one would help Alex get up.

"Are you all right? We should really report this to your father." Jake said worriedly. Alex felt warm inside since someone was here, supporting him.

Alex said weakly:"I can't, my father and Shawn's father and business rivals. They have the same wealth and compete in the same business so I can't afford to slow Dad down. I am the sole child of our family so I need to show my father that I have what it takes."

Jake looked at Alex depressingly. He really can't get Alex to report to his father. Although Alex's father is a billionaire, it is not relaxing at all since even one mistake can make them lose all their fortune. That is why Alex's dream is to help his father, but adding to his father's burden is not helping at all.

Alex's mother died giving birth to him so Alex blamed himself for this. Alex tried to stand up but sat again. Jake stood up and supported Alex while going out of the locker room. When they got out, they saw girls in groups holding towels, water jug, and some shirt.

The girls noticed them and rushed towards them. They saw Alex's condition and said: "Alex, who did this to you?"

"Umm..." Alex was shy in front of the girls. He never properly spoke in front of a girl with the same age as him or a little older.

"Alex tripped the floor, and hit one of the bench. I am going to take him to the infirmary, can you guys excuse us?" Jake said, covering for Alex.

The girls immediately made way for the two of them and Jake walked to the infirmary. The girls were behind him following them and some ahead, shouting: "Coming Through."

Jake felt embarrassed by the situation at hand. This was the first time he had experienced this because this was the first time Shawn hit Alex. When Alex was surrounded by Shawn the last time, Shawn only threatened Alex and on the outside, Jake could never get close to Alex because of the wall of girls blocking him.

They arrived at the infirmary and opened the door. A doctor was on the chair reading something on her phone when he looked behind her and saw Alex. She frantically stood up and asked: "What happened here?"

Jake hurriedly said: "My friend is injured. He needs medical attention, now."

The female doctor nodded and saw the girls on the door with worry painted on their faves. She coughed: "Only one person is allowed inside. Please leave or else I cannot fully check him."

The bevy of girls nodded and left, leaving Jake inside, the doctor said: ""He fell down and hit one of the benches in the locker room."

The female doctor looked at Alex who was still groaning from the pain, and asked: "Can you undress for me and lay down?"

Alex felt hesitant. If the doctor saw Alex's injury and reported it to the Dean, and the Dean reported it to his father, then Alex's hard work in keeping the bullying a secret would vanish in thin smoke but Alex still complied.

Alex was wearing gym clothes since it was time for his P.E class. In this school, if you are rich, you can choose to attend or not attend the classes, since they will still graduate. Only the poor people who got scholarships are needed to go to their classes or they will lose their scholarship.

Alex took off his shirt and laid down on the sofa. The female doctor was surprised to see that Alex's body was well-toned with a six-pack. The female doctor pressed on a part of Alex's body and Alex groaned.

"Umm, so Doc, what's the status?" Alex asked weakly. Alex is sixteen years old this year and from the female doctor's looks, it looks like she's in her early 20s so that is why Alex felt shy.

"Call me Sabrina, anyways, you have two broken ribs. May I ask where this injury came from?" Sabrina asked and before Alex could answer, Jake interjected: "Alex fell down in the boys locker room and hit one of the benches."

Sabrina did not believe such a story since the injury should be much smaller or much bigger. 'It looks like it came from a fight.' Sabrina thought but did not pursue any further since this is the world of the rich and she has no place in it.

"Please don't report my injury to anyone." Alex pleaded. Sabrina knew this was about something much deeper than hitting a bench so she nodded: "Okay, but I will give you an ointment which you should rub on the part where it hurts." Sabrina said and Alex felt relieved.

"Thanks, Sa-Sabrina." Alex said weakly, again. Sabrina then went towards her drawer and took out an ointment and handed it to Alex. Sabrina felt the warm, strong hands of Alex and felt her face burning up. She quickly pulled her hand and said: "You can rest here for now."

Hey guys, this is my second novel in this account. Please add my book to your library and review it. I will try to update this book as much as I can but I will try to focus on my first book: “Transmigration of the Elemental Magus.” If I see more people are reading this then I will continue this.

Zhindocreators' thoughts