
The Seeker: Aria from the Shattered Memories

Arshlan Argent, the youngest son of a duke, has dedicated himself to the pursuit of knowledge, forsaking both the art of magic and swordsmanship. One day, he receives information about a war erupting among powerful witch factions in the area under the rule of Duke Argent. Upon arrival, Arshlan finds himself in a state of desolation and trauma. Simultaneously, he is pierced by a spear and in that moment, he experiences a flashback and regrets the path he chose. Arshlan undergoes regression, forgetting everything about his previous life. Can Arshlan redeem himself and prevent the horrifying events from occurring again?

Rallyz · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

[Chapter 0] Rebirth: The Fragile Echoes

At the age of 26, Arsh worked as a part-time librarian at the imperial library, driven by his thirst for knowledge. One day, he received news of a war erupting in the Argent's Area involving a faction of sects. He was shocked by the news but remained optimistic due to his family's strength. However, he couldn't stand by idly. Arsh hurriedly made his way back to Duke Argent's area with a horse he riding, that took him 4 hours to reach there.

Upon his arrival, chaos reigned, buildings lay in ruins, casualties were scattered about, and Arsh found himself have to fought with several witches from the faction on his way back to the Duke's residence, wielding his spear he managed to defeat some of the sects who get in his way. Upon reaching the residence, Arsh discovered lifeless maids, guards, knights, and the sight of two reanimated dragon corpses. Beside the dragon's heads lay the Duke Argent, unconscious and lifeless, Arsh couldn't belief what he saw, the surrounding & his father, his heart racing like it's gonna burst at anytime soon, Arsh felt sad and regretful in the same time and he said 

"If only I stand out more from the rest, would you take a look at me.. would we have a stronger bond as a father and son".

Arsh took his last respect with Argent's customary salutations, then as Arsh continued rushes into the Duke's palace, he was left speechless, nearly sick to his stomach like he wanted to vomit. His mother and his third sister lay lifeless, impaled by a broken dragon's tooth in front of him, on the same time he heard a fierce battle had occurred ahead of him, he went there as fast as he can, just to find out that his eldest brother had already fallen on the entrance of the ruined ballroom.

Suddenly, a massive fireball advanced toward Arsh targeting him, but Arsh was already felt overwhelmed by the situation he faced and unable to think clearly, so he just can stood there waiting for his end, staring at the enormous fireball, he is ready to die. 

Just in time, a large ice magic sphere halted its approach, causing the fireball to disintegrate alongside the ice sphere. A woman's voice called out to Arsh

"Arsh! WATCH OUT!"

and it was his second sister, she looks utterly drained of energy and deeply exhausted, and so his sister was no longer able to move.

Arsh ran toward her, attempting to reach out to her. However, his second sister's face displayed a profound shock and disbelief to him. On the same time it's happened, from behind Arsh, appear a corrupted wizard, tainted by dark magic that already overdose, the wizard attacked Arsh from behind, piercing his heart with a magic spear contaminated by dark magic. All that Arsh could only see is his second sister, her face expressionless and lifeless, as he cried, unable to breathe or speak. Suddenly, a shadowy undead-like witch pierced his second sister with sharp shadowy magic skills from behind her.

Arsh collapsed simultaneously with his second sister, and they wept inconsolably. His vision faded "The weight of my failures crushes me, and the darkness of my powerlessness engulfs my soul.. why.. why am I so weak.. why!.. if only.. I were a little more stronger.. screw this knowledge.. if there's a chance to right my wrongs, to rewrite this tragic tale, and to be the shield that my family needed. If only fate would grant me another opportunity.. just one more chance.., I'd emerge as a force to be reckoned with. I'd seize every moment, learn from every mistake, and I'd ensure that no one I hold dear would ever suffer this tragic fate again". 

Arsh blaming his own weakness, and begging for a hope, a second chance as he vomited blood. He looked at his second sister as if trying to reach out to her, and he cried, asking for forgiveness 

"Sis.. I am sorry.".

His entire life flashes before his last breath, the spear that stabbed him reacted, the dark magic folded around the spear blade, then everything went dark in his vision.

Suddenly, he saw a light and woke up with blurry vision. He cried loudly (Baby voice crying), although he couldn't remember why or anything. He heard a man's voice saying

"Arshlan Argent, that's his name." 

The sounds of kids and room ambience filled the air. 

"Congratulations Your Grace"

"Whaa it's really a boy!!"


"Arshlan right..?"

Arsh fell back into slumber, cradled in the warm embrace of a woman, shedding quiet tears. He regressed and became a baby once more.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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