


The barista leaves the room and Daphne prompts Prince to proceed with what he was saying Prince 🤴🏽 nodded his head and started " as I was telling you, mom's in danger 🔴 she was supposed to meet with him in **Argolis** but there was a trap set for her there when Zia Artemis found out about this trap it was too late to call her back up!" Prince 🤴🏽 told them " who was suppose to deliver the message that she was coming," Daphne asked " Uhm Eros uncle Ares's son" Prince 🤴🏽 replied "hmm" Daphne nodded. Lucky was sitting there the whole time with the wide-open mouth full of food because it hit him like a ton of bricks who these kids were and who their mother was "Selene is your mother? Lucky mumbled, " then who is your father has she been unfaithful, but she couldn't I didn't feel anything through the mate bond, how could this be?" he mumbled, " **No you idiot**" Princess 👸🏽 yells "At this point, you're ruining my dinner let me lay this down for you so you can close your mouth shut up my mama ain't no cheat she never been a cheater so don't go thinking she did and if you have to know old man you are!" she yelled now at this point she was ready to jump across the table at him, " I..... I.....I'm " was all he could get out " Princess 👸🏽 you have to relax I know the old man 🧔🏽is a bit slow in his younger year but you don't want to get an upset 😔 tummy, " Prince 🤴🏽 says, "did this little runt just call me slow" Lucky whispered " First of all he's not the runt I am secondly you better watch it, old man 🧔🏽, " Princess growls "Old man or not if you keep upsetting her I won't hesitate to kill you," Prince 🤴🏽 says menacingly "ok, ok claim down everyone," Daphne commands and everyone turns around and looks 👀 at her, "He started it" Princess 👸🏽 lets out, " how?" Lucky demanded " talking bad about my mama," Princess said with attitude, " Listen I'm not talking bad about your mom I'm just trying to comprehend What you were saying it's a lot to take in, and if I have offended you I'm sorry I love your mom more than you know, however, I didn't know we have kids damn!" he whispered that last part so he wouldn't upset 😩 Princess with his foul language. Princess 👸🏽 rolled her eyes 🙄 and turned her head and huffed, Prince, 🤴🏽 reached across the table and patted her hand as a way saying it's ok and let it go! The barista came back and started cleaning the table and asked if anyone wanted something else to drink or dessert " **No**I lost my appetite" Princess 👸🏽 said feeling very annoyed 😠 ! Daphne gasp 😱 loudly " **oh my goddess** are you sure you don't want any more chocolate milk no chocolate bar no chocolate soufflé?" Daphne started to panic Princess 👸🏽 has never **Ever** not want any chocolate, or any more food before! Shit somebody's gonna die, it's not gonna be good at all, fuck him, how I'm gonna fix this, damn he has done it now! Daphne turns to Prince 🤴🏽 with panic in her eyes 👀, Prince 🤴🏽 with the same look in his eyes 👀 turn to Lucky and mouth the words "**fix it now!** Lucky tenses up and turns to Princess 👸🏽 and ask "is there anything I can do for you", " Yeah jump off a cliff and apologize to mama" Princess 👸🏽 mumbled, Lucky looked 👀 at her with wide eyes😳, oh shit how do I deal with this give me some kind indication in what to do, please 🙏 Selene, give me strength, as he was feeling defeated he felt a warm sensation in his heart ❤️, he turns to Princess 👸🏽 bowed his head and handed her a pair of sunglasses 🕶️, he turned to the barista and asked the barista to bring a cup of apple juice the barista leaves. Princess puts on the sunglasses 🕶️ and turns her chair 🪑 to Daphne determine not to look at him. Daphne and Prince 🤴🏽 still a bit panicked, looked 👀 at each other and scooted back from the table. Where is he was all that Lucky could think 💭 which pissed 💢 Princess 👸🏽 off more cause she was reading his mind and going through all of the memories of her mama in his head, *crash*, " Princess 👸🏽 **no!**" Prince yells and runs 🏃🏽to her side, " are you ok" Princess 👸🏽 slapped the crystal table there was glass everywhere, Lucky had noticed she had taken her shoes 👟 off under the table and ran 🏃🏽‍♂️to her side also, Daphne ran 🏃🏽‍♀️out to get the barista, Princess 👸🏽 still has not spoken! The barista comes back with Daphne ready to clean up the glass lucky walks over to princess and tries to pick her up 👸🏽, but Princess 👸🏽 hits him in the jaw, and all you hear 👂 is *pop* from his jaw it's a good thing that he is a lycan cause his jaw would be broken by now, Prince 🤴🏽 starts laughing 🤣 "sis didn't I tell you if you're gonna break somebody's jaw you have to put your weight into it" Prince 🤴🏽 says laughing 😭 so hard that his eyes started to water. "Now stop ✋ handing out love taps and let him move you so you don't cut ✂️ your feet 🦶 " Prince tries to clarify what Lucky was doing Princess 👸🏽 tilts head feeling very agitated 🤨😠😡, Lucky tries to pick her up again, and from the angle that he is holding her he could see that she was crying😥 under the sunglasses 🕶️, he looks at Prince 🤴🏽 who nods his head to let him know that he knows and breathes out a heavy sigh and holds his head down. The barista cleaned up all the glass and came back with the apple juice 🧃 in a to-go cup 🥤. " I think we should finish this back at the hotel, 🏨" says Lucky. Daphne looks 👀 at Prince 🤴🏽 with a look 👀 of worry in her eyes 👁️ Prince 🤴🏽 nods his head and walks over and picks up Princess's 👸🏽 shoes 👟. Lucky, Prince 🤴🏽and Daphne walk out to the valet booth, and hands 🙌 the man 👨🏻‍🦰 a ticket 🎫 to get the car, the man 👨🏻‍🦰 nods and walks away. Prince 🤴🏽 walks over to Lucky, looks 👀 at his sister, takes his royal blue zip-up hoodie off, and places it over her almost covering a piece of her face. Princess 👸🏽 snuggles into Lucky's arms 💪, Lucky and notices that she had cried 😭 herself to sleep 🌙. She looked 👀 like a miniature version of Selene, he could only see some of his features in both the kids, in princess 👸🏽 he saw that her eyes 👁️ were a mixture of colors the outline of her eyes 👁️ were grey, the inner part of the eye 👁️ or the iris was a blend of grey or steel blue that looks 👀 royal purple when the sun ☀️ shines on them, her hair was sandy Auburn wavy-curly from what I can tell down to the middle of her back the sandy part was more in the front at her temples, at first glanced it looked 👀 like she had two dirty blonde strikes in the front, I had never seen someone hair like that before. Prince 🤴🏽 had Shoulder length light Auburn Colored hair wavy-curly slicked back with no sandy or dirty blonde strikes he had a dark grey eye 👁️ and one blue-green eye 👁️ I could see that his jawline is similar to mine.Daphne turned and tapped him on the shoulder which takes him out of his thoughts 💭. " The car is here," she announced. Prince 🤴🏽 opens the back door Lucky laid Princess 👸🏽 on one of the side seats Prince 🤴🏽 gets in and pulls his hoodie back over Princess 👸🏽 and straightened out her legs 🦵 almost to where they were on top of his lap so that she could be comfortable. Daphne gets in the front seat as Lucky walks around to the driver's side and gets in. Lucky drove them back to "Gaia's Royal Hotel" The whole ride was silent. they get to the hotel Lucky gets out of the car and walks around the car and open his door for the twin. Prince 🤴🏽 gets out and Lucky reaches in to pick up Princess 👸🏽 who is still sleeping Prince 🤴🏽 closes the car door Daphne gets out Lucky hands the keys to the concierge and follows behind Prince 🤴🏽 who stops at the front desk and talks 💬 to the receptionist "I got a bigger room so that we can stay with you I'll take Princess to the room and then you can go get your things in the other room" Prince 🤴🏽 tells them, " are you sure you'll be able to carry her" Lucky ask "I have been carrying her my whole life why couldn't I?" Prince 🤴🏽 announces " I mean I just thought she might be a little heavy for you" Lucky confessed, " don't let her hear you say that" Prince 🤴🏽 retorted 😜😏 Lucky smiled 😏 typical girl was all lucky can think 💭. They got in the elevator together Lucky got off on his floor and Prince took Princess to the room with Daphne following behind ready to take Princess if needed. Lucky gets to his room as he opens the door he hears someone singing in the room he opens the door to his shock to see what 😦 he saw.

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