
The secret billionaire who got tongues wagging

Lucas Arnold is deemed as the unserious and useless son of the family. he portrays himself as stupid, weak and trouble maker but he is the secret billionaire every big shot CEO wants to have a business dinner with. His name is on the Forbes list and his other identities are yet to be revealed. what happens when the scheming stepmom and brother finds out that he is not just the their. useless stepson and stepbrother but he is the big shot they have been wanting to have a business deal with? He also happens to be a genius in most areas. What will be their expression when he reveals his identities to them one after the other?

Laurababy · Urbain
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36 Chs

Be good, be good

The little woman nodded before looking at her toes as if it was the most important thing to her at the moment.

"Alright", his deep cello-like and charming voice got nearer and nearer as she stood glued to one spot.

The man's scent wafted into her nose as he got nearer to her and before she could raise her head, he had already grabbed her chin and pressed his lips to her in a domineering way.

"Mmmm", she struggled to break free from the stranger who dared to behave like a hooligan. The man's usual way of claiming her down was to pinch her waist lightly hence she knew that it was him.

When he released her, tears seem to gather in her eyes as she was shocked and confused.

"Lucas, what's happening here? You...."

"Can we talk about this over dinner?" He pointed to a table filled with assorted dishes that catered to her taste.

Taking her by the hand, he guided her to the table. All this while Violet couldn't process what was going on at all.

"You must have been stressed out and hungry too, eat to your fill", he filled her plate with so much food. Violet stared dumbly at him. Did she get the wrong person or is she hallucinating?

After pouring some wine into two glasses, he gave one to her for a toast.

"To a successful career ahead, long life, good health, to us and the kids". They made a toast and she gulped down the entire content of the glass to alleviate her stress.

"I'm still waiting", she folded her arms across her chest.

"You don't need to starve yourself".

"I'm aware of that, you don't need to tell me how to treat myself. I know it better than you do". Her anger flared up and her chest rose and fell. She wasn't that dumb else she wouldn't have been able to survive when she lived with the monster mother-daughter duo. She had figured out a little after piecing a few details here and there together, so there is something he has to tell me.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Violet raised her eyebrows arrogantly, she has had enough of being made a fool.

Lucas used the serviette to clean the corners of his mouth and sighed.

"Yes, but..."

"Just go straight to the point, you don't need to care about me. Darn you Lucas! I can handle whatever you want to tell me".

"Sure", his lips curled up in a smile that Violet mistook for a sneer.

He had no way he would hide it anymore since from the look on her face she must have figured out some things. He wanted his woman to know everything about him but he was afraid of letting her in on too much information lest she and the kids came to harm.

Lucas got up, went round to the back of her seat and massaged her shoulders gently.

"I have so many identities..... Yes, I'm the President of Clayton's group of industries". Her shoulder tensed and she couldn't hide the shock she felt at that moment. So, does it mean she didn't gain her foothold in Dax media through her efforts?

"You don't need to beat yourself up about your success at the audition, you deserved it because you are good at what you did".

Lucas seemed to guess what she was thinking so he was fast in dispelling such thoughts.

Violet clenched her fists and breathed slowly. She couldn't believe that Lucas is who he said he is. The jet, the penthouses, Merlin restaurant and the audition..... Gosh! She rubbed her glabella elegantly.

" What else are you hiding from me? What other identity do you have?"

"With time... I will let you know but for now"

"No, but..."

"Listen to me treasure", he turned her around to face him. "My world is too dark for you and your coming into my life has dispelled darkness".

Violet seem to grasp a meaning to his words so she let go of the issue and started helping herself to the food before her. Stabbing the chunk of meat before her, Lucas felt that she was venting her anger and secretly shuddered. What if she was really stabbing him, he would have died a thousand times. Lucas couldn't help but watch her cheeks bulged as she ate, he swallowed nothing as his adam's apple bobbed furiously. He had always had the strongest self-control among hot-blooded males of his age but now he has been falling part to this woman's charms. Violet felt his dark and heated stare and glared at him.

He in turn flashed her one of his sexiest smiles and she blushed furiously, hooligan!

He grabbed her left hand and rubbed her fingers most especially the ring finger.

"Babe, I want you to stay by my side forever. Be the mother of my six kids.." Violet choked on her food and he quickly helped her with a glass of water.

"You should eat slowly no one is taking the food away from you".

"It's all your fault"


"Who proposes in such an obnoxious manner?"

Grabbing her hands once again, he rubbed the back of her palms. "I don't think I can bear it if at some point in your career another man fancies you. You are mine and mine alone", he unknowingly exerted force on her fingers and Violet winced.

Lucas lost his self-control once again. " I'm sorry, he noticed that the spot looked reddish and he got up to call for first aid.

💭"Rich people and their weird way of doing things". After she assured him that she was okay, he calmed down but still secretly made arrangements for the best dermatologist and skin care experts to take care of her as she will be starting her career.

Violet couldn't wait to get home, she ran to the kid's bedroom as soon as the car door opened and unfortunately they were asleep. She planted kisses on their cheeks and forehead.

During the period of her estrangement with Lucas, she almost didn't get to see them, violet felt bad when she remembered how foolish and selfish she was at that time.

Lucas waited patiently for her in their room and helped her to undress. The warm milk bath and the chamomile-scented bathroom enhanced the atmosphere for intimacy. Violet could see the hidden desire in his eyes and she pretended not to know.

The man knew his limit hence he treated her like a newborn baby, dressed her up in a light material and covered her up with a duvet.

He had so much work to do hence he took a cold bath to calm down his raging lower member. She is just starting her career, he should be more considerate of her body and stamina.

Working till the early hours of the morning, he finally joined the woman in bed, took her up in his arms and finally called down. After caressing and kissing her waist-length hair, he slept off.

Lucas woke up as a result of the chiming of his phone he picked up the call without even looking at the caller.

📳"Hello", his deep baritone voice went off and the party at the other end of the line felt weak at her knees.

📳"Lucas... it's Ann speaking" He almost sounded like he doesn't know who he is talking with.

The other party clenched her fists and forced a smile on her face.

📳"I came back from Canada yesterday. I called but you didn't pick up, don't worry I know you must have been very busy. Anyway, I want to let you know that I will be visiting you later on in the day".

Lucas replied with a grunt and when he almost hung up, Violet turned around and let out a soft moan in contentment.

Her soft and flawless skin rubbed against his own, " Be good, be good".

He didn't know that his soft tone and demeanour has been misinterpreted by Ann.

📳"Hello, Lucas... Who are you speaking with?"

Lucas directly hung up the call when he realized what was happening.

Ann blushed heavily and thereafter became so furious. She is a woman and her intuition told her that her beloved Lucas spent a night with another woman apart from her. While imagining the various things that they must have done throughout the night. She blushed again as more obscene thoughts floated in her mind.

Ann forcefully stopped herself from thinking so much else she goes crazy.

💭"Who is that bitch that has the guts to take what belongs to me? Lucas is mine and mine alone. She is a socialite and a socialite she will always be. She will never bring herself down to their hopeless level".

With that thought in mind, she puffed up her chest and dialled Avery's number.

📳"Hello mom"

📳"Hello Ann, how are you?"

📳"I'm good. Mom?"


📳"Will I meet you at home if I come over later?"

📳"Oh... I'm going out in the next one hour to visit Lucas and his family".

Ann choked on her next words and she became pale all of a sudden. So, the woman whose voice she heard is Lucas' wife? Wait! She also said "family".

💭" This is the biggest joke of the century".

Avery called out to her a few more times before she snapped back to her senses.

📳"Mom, can I tag along? You never told me big brother is married and even had a family"...

She said while gritting her teeth.

📳"Of course mom, I will be there soon", she hung up and tried as much as possible to calm herself down. This is indeed a dream... What the f**k! She took out a stick of cigarette and smoked. She then tied up herself and took her car keys out.

Lucas decided to work from home that day, he had promised the kids and his woman that their family's day out will be today. He was still speaking with someone on the phone when his mom burst through the door with so much vigour for a woman in her forties.

"Grandma", the two kids yelled at the same time.

Previously during the period of their estrangement, Avery used the opportunity to get closer to the kids and they eventually came to understand that they were related by blood.

In Natalie's words and voice " Don't worry grandma, we understand what you are trying to say. We do not hold any grudge against mom or dad, we only want them to give us all the love we have missed out on".

Avery could still remember how gentle, understanding and quick-witted she was. This is indeed heaven's blessing in disguise. She gushed out about her grandkids when last she gathered with other socialites. She could remember the envious looks sent her way that day.

She brought out the picnic basket filled with all sorts of baked foods. Lucas hung up and a smile played on his lips, this mother of his will never change. Ann who saw the man's subtle smile and froze on her track.

Violet descended the steps lazily.

The scene before her is one which she had always yearned for, she took time to commit everything to mind.

She quickly went forward and greeted Avery who in turn pulled her into a bear hug.

"I saw your video last night, you look so beautiful and amazing", She gave her a thumbs-up sign.

This hot-headed and quiet son of hers has made her proud. First, she gave her the two wonderful grandkids, and the next moment she has a beautiful and amazing daughter-in-law out of the blue. He is being useful for once.

Violet blushed and just then Ann cleared her throat lightly.

"Hi, sis-in-law. My name is Ann..."

Lucas pulled Violet to himself and Ann's hand hang in the air.

"She is mom's goddaughter", he completed her introduction and Ann blushed in embarrassment.

💭" This man's behaviour is so weird today", she elbowed him gently and he caught her wrist. Avery smiled and a soft gasp left Ann's mouth.

Is this the Cold-blooded Lucas she knows? Darn it! He must have changed during the period she spent in Canada.

Hey guys, how are you doing?

inconsistent updates...... Yes, I know. it's been tough on me here.

Grab some popcorn and a chill drink cos I got your back in this chapter.

A new character, Ann.

Do you think she will be a hard but to crack?

Also, why do you think all the women flock around Lucas like bees?

Laurababycreators' thoughts