
The Second Beta

"I can't mate with a man. Omega or not, it's just disgusting," the Alpha said and Mateo felt his heart shatter. - Mateo is an omega from Dawn's light pack, a strong and modern pack. Mateo longs to rise about the stereotype of the werewolf world and determines to be more than just an omega after being 'rejected' by the Alpha of his pack. He strives and fights his way up until he becomes the second beta of the pack but what he wants the most is constantly out of reach. Mateo decides to avoid the Alpha and succeeds until one particular heat changes everything...

Tolani_Ehinmosan · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter Ten Ethan


*This chapter contain sexual scenes and is therefore rated 18. There are also mentions of nudity so readers beware*

This was probably the happiest day of my life. I can't think of anything that's better than this particular moment. I nuzzled my mate's neck, burying my nose in his scent gland and breathing in my perfect mate. He was perfect, this moment was perfect, everything about it was.

I licked my mate's neck where our combined scents were strongest, where I mark him weeks ago. He trembled finely, tilting his neck even more and giving me more access to the erogenous area. I dreaded shifting back right then but I was going to enjoy this moment... at least till we have to talk. I licked, nipped and nuzzled his sensitive skin, growling contentedly when the scent of his arousal perfumed the air around us.

I growled as need coursed through my veins like liquid fire, nipping his skin aggressively and licking his neck even more. I left my spot at his neck, ignoring the high pitched whine that left my mate's gorgeous mouth till I reached my target, his glistening wet entrance.

I gave it a tentative lick, forcing a loud needy whine from his throat, reveling in the fact that I could draw such beautiful sounds from him. He arched, pushing back against my probing muscle, whining and whimpering.

I pushed my tongue into his quivering chute, making a sound akin to a groan as more of his deliciousness coated my taste buds, his taste exploding all over my tongue and my mouth began to salivate.

The sound of bones breaking and rejoining filled the space between us and a very naked and writhing omega laid beneath me.


It felt so good that I didn't want it to stop. I thrust onto his tongue feeling like there was a tightly coiled spring in my stomach that would unravel soon. I recognized the feeling, chased it even. I heard the sounds of bones breaking and reattaching but it sounded so distant, like I was immersed under water and the tongue working hard to bring me pleasure disappeared.

I keened at the loss, crying and wiggling my hips in search of something, anything to fill me. A warm palm grasped my hard member as a finger filled my weeping opening.

"Shh, baby, I'm here. I'll take care of you," I barely made out his words. The climax was there, right there. So close I could feel it, taste it. It only took three stroke before I was cross eyed with pleasure and the most intense pleasure I've ever felt overcame me.

I sank down to the ground, not realizing I had arched my back this whole time, feeling like I just had an out of body experience.

" Hey," Ethan greeted softly when I finally opened my eyes, smiling softly down at me. My heart skipped a beat when he smiled at me like that, like he cared for me, like he wanted me, like... like I'm his.

" Baby, I need to tell you something. Something I should have said a long time ago," Ethan began but my mind was already coming up with different thoughts and ideas of what he was about to say.

I sat stiffly, fidgeting with my hands on my lap as thought after thought raced through my mind, my mind trying to force my body to shift so I could get away from this because whatever he was about to say would break me.

I looked up at him with blurry eyes, his mouth was moving as he knelt in front of me, eyes worried. It sounded like he was shouting or calling out to someone but I couldn't hear him, I couldn't hear anything. Ethan. Did he come here to reject me?

My mouth was moving but I didn't know if I was talking or what I was saying. Ethan grabbed my arm and tugged me onto his lap, helping me to sit with my back against his broad bare chest.

' Baby? Can you hear me?'

I didn't answer but my breath hitched slightly in response.

'Baby, listen, I need you to breathe. I need you to listen to the sound of my heartbeat and let it guide you. Please,'

I tried for a few minutes but my hands were shaking here and it was so hard to even breath.

' Listen,' his voice was louder now, insistent, 'calm down. You're doing great, luna.'

My heart skipped a beat...

' Y-you w-w-would... you are n-n not going to reject me?' I asked him in a shaky voice, dragging air into my starved lungs as I finally began to breath, matching the breathing of the Alpha behind me.

I was suddenly aware that I was on his lap, naked, and he was naked too. I turned to look up at his face.

"You are not going to r-r-re-reject me?" I asked, turning in his lap to look into his eyes.

" No, never," he said in a firm voice, pulling me closer and pressing his face into the crook of my neck, breathing deeply, "You're my mate, my soulmate. My life has been waiting for you, I need you in it, I couldn't possibly reject you. I don't know if you'll believe me, Mateo but I'm sorry, for what I said all those years ago. I don't know why I said that. It's just... that kiss, I didn't want you to get your hopes up. I knew you had a crush on me and I didn't want it to develop any further, especially since we didn't know who our mates were. I didn't want to lead you on. I thought if I said those things, you'd dislike me enough to move on to someone else... I thought I was doing the right thing for you but when I realized what I had said, you didn't want to meet me. You went out of your way to avoid me and it hurt, it hurt so much that I was almost drowning in the guilt. I thought it was because I had hurt your feelings but I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and that hurt even more. I ruined to your beautiful night, I ruined what would have been a beautiful memory and now I just wish I can change it, change everything about that night," he took a deep breath and nuzzled my mark, making me gasp as tingles spread through my body.

"I feel like I'm rambling," he said with a quiet chuckle that tickled my mark,"I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry we lost all these time, all these years because of me, because I made you believe that you weren't good enough, when I'm the one who isn't good enough for you, the one who couldn't tell you how special you are. I should have told you how wonderful it is to be an omega, how precious you are, I should have told you..."

I felt a tear drop on my shoulder and tried to turn around but he wouldn't let me.

"I just need a moment. Please," he said, burrowing into my neck even further, "I'm so sorry, darling."

I turn around then before he could stop me, cupped his face and wiped his tears away.

" It's okay, Ethan. It's okay," I whispered, pulling him closer to me until we were hugging, "I'm tired of running, Ethan. I ran because I was scared, scared of what would become of me if... when, you r-re-reject me but I should have just faced it head on. I'm a beta, I make tough decisions everytime so why not this time? I guess I was afraid to let go of you, of us, of what little bond we have. I love you, Ethan and I forgive you."

Ethan looked into my eyes, his own red rimmed and bloodshot.

"You forgive me?" He asked, looking incredulous, like he couldn't believe his ears. I nodded, swaying forward until we were breathing each other's breathes again.

"You love me?" I nodded, smiling softly.

"How? How can you love me after all this? After everything I said, did, you still love me? I don't deserve your love," he whispered, looking away. I placed my hand under his chin and lifted his eyes to mine once again.

"You don't get to say that. I love you and that's it," I whispered back, closing the gap between us. The kiss was soft and only lasted a few seconds but it was what we both needed.

"Take me home, Ethan. I'm tired of running. Take me home, please," I sank back against him, laying my head on his chest.

"Thank you, Mateo. I promise to be deserving of you and your love. I - I love you too, baby,"I smiled brightly, suddenly feeling sleepy.

Before it all went dark, I felt the brush of fabric on my skin and being lifted off the ground.