
The Scourge: A Young Boy's Journey into Magic

Have you ever wondered how a villains are created? How a seemingly normal person could become the scum of the earth? Come on an adventure and witness the growth of Ciaran. Join him and see what fate has instore for him, and what he will do to fight back, and just how far he will be willing to go to get what he wants. Ciaran Clades is a boy born into the world of Dyrta, a world full of magic and wonder. Born to the Clade family, merchants by trade, he lives a well of life, full of the happiness of the middle class. All is going well for the young lad, until it doesn't. [A chapter has 1,500+ words] [At least 1 chapters per day, possibly more, depending on my schedule, and on reader activity]

Lex_Lorger · Fantaisie
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146 Chs

Chapter 69: Midnight Tea Party

The moon was already in the middle of the sky when Camille and Elizabeth separated from the boy. They were not leaving, however; they first wanted to have a word with the dryads. They entered a zone with only a gazebo standing tall in the middle of it.

In the soft, silvery light of the moon, the gazebo stood tall and proud. Its elegant structure was bathed in a gentle glow that seems to radiate from within. The intricate latticework of the roof is highlighted by the delicate shadows cast by the moon's light.

The gazebo's pillars rose up like sentinels, standing steadfast against the stillness of the night. The pale moonlight shimmered on the smooth surfaces of the stone columns, creating a sense of otherworldly beauty.

A sense of tranquility surrounded it, as though it was a paradise of peace amid a chaotic world. The quiet stillness was only broken by the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets.

As they approach it, the sound of their footsteps echoed off the polished stone floor. The air was cool and crisp, and the scent of night-blooming flowers wafted on the gentle breeze.

On it, Eleftherios stood alone, with three cups of warm tea set on a small coffee table.

"Ladies, I believe you wanted to have a chat." He said, in a serious voice, his smile betraying his good mood.

The two women were stumped at first. Until now, the best he ever was with them was civil, and now he was pleasant, almost friendly even. They did not know what they did to earn his goodwill, but it was always better to have someone as strong as he was happy.

"What is your relationship with my son? I want an honest, straight answer." Camille started, not beating around the bush.

He looked at her funny and sipped his tea, not in any hurry to answer.

"Ciaran already told you. He is my disciple. I asked, and from the moment he agreed he has been burdened with every privilege and responsibility that title brings with it."

Camille's blood froze, and Elizabeth wasn't doing much better. Discipleship was one of the most important aspects of the life of a person on Dyrta. Only Grand Mages and Warriors of Rank Six or higher had the right to make that offer. And it was a one-to-one relationship, meaning no matter what, Eleftherios could never take in another disciple and Ciaran could never have another Master.

It was a very serious commitment, and there was a reason children were usually never taken as disciples. They were too immature, and there was a huge risk in taking in someone so young, as you were essentially linking your existence with theirs.

"Why? Why would you take my boy? He was no more than a child back then. Hell, he is STILL just a little boy now. What do you gain from it?" Camille asked the dread in her voice intensifying with each word.

"Because, unlike you Mrs. Clades, I had the pleasure to relive what your family had put the boy through, courtesy of my sister's magic. After that, I made the decision to take him in, right there on the spot. I asked, and he agreed. Since then I had told him, he could only have one Master in his life, me. Yet, as you have probably noticed, he doesn't care at all for the semantics of the situation."

"Take it as your first lesson on how to deal with Wind users Camille. We are impulsive, simple-minded, and very passionate individuals. If you want to have a good relationship with your son, you better learn to deal with this part of his personality." He said and left no room for debate.

Then he turned to Elizabeth, raising his right eyebrow at her, and taking another swing at his tea. The fire Grand Mage had a different reason for coming here, but after what she just heard the words got stuck in her mouth. She was ready to have a swing at his sister because she knew just what kind of pressure the children would have to be under for them to awaken their souls so early.

Both women sat down and enjoyed the tea they had been served. Neither could tell what it was, but it had a calming effect on them. It wasn't to the point where they could relax, but it helped them organize their thoughts.

"I want to speak with that woman, I need to give her a piece of my mind," Elizabeth spoke. Her voice was a little shaky.

What was done was done. But she would not allow her students to be mistreated, no matter what. No matter who the man in front of her was, or what his relationship with the boy was, she had a responsibility to protect him as his teacher.

"She is with Ciaran. Since he came back, she always makes sure he goes to bed, before she leaves for her duties in the territory." He said, calmly.

Then, as knew Elizabeth would insist on talking with his sister, he told her. He told her what Ciaran did, what he had lived through. He left out some details, that he knew humans would find most disturbing, and the boy wanted to keep them secret, but for the most part, he spoke the complete truth.

Camille clinches her fists in rage. She had already been told, but it never seemed to hurt less when the story was told. Elizabeth on the other hand had already set her part of the gazebo on fire. The air burned with her fury, and yet in front of Eleftherios, the flames were less than sparks. They died down as quickly as they flared up.

"Don't worry, when the summer began I was bound to this place, and so my sister handled Ciaran's education on her own. Now I am free, and his progress would always be monitored by me. I can promise you, both of you, a situation like the one that happened this summer will never repeat itself." He made a promise.

Elizabeth was still furious, but she was not allowed the freedom to fully express her emotions. She looked at Camille and saw that the woman sitting next to her was devoid of all emotions. She stared at Eleftherios but said nothing.

"We are, both me and my sister, unqualified to fully educate Ciaran in everything. I would like to have your cooperation in that regard. Teach him how to interact with humans, teach him the ways of your science, but always remember, he is mine, and he will always remain mine, even if the Desert's Light comes knocking on my door tomorrow." He said and looked to the south.

Camille showed a glimmer of shock when she heard her mother's nickname. The very next second the three of them could feel they were watched.

"I was making a point you old hag. Stay out of this." Eleftherios reprimanded the presents, and then it was gone.

Elizabeth was frightened, while the other two were just mildly annoyed.

"We will remember, but keep your sister on a leach, she is a bad influence," Camille said.

For the fits time tonight, Eleftherios looked a bit uncomfortable. He shifted in his seat and avoided her eyes.

"That… will be pointless. Ciaran has proven to share some, um, colorful similarities with her. I don't think keeping Verdania at a distance would be as fruitful as you think it will be." He said, with worry in his voice.

Then he proceeded to explain Ciaran's dual affinities, and why he and his sister were teaching him together. Elizabeth knew how bad an affinity could affect a mage, even if it was just his body, but Camille was skeptical.

"So what you are telling me is, my son, will become affected more and more by his elements. That even if you were to cut him out of your lives right now, he would still follow along on that path." She said, outraged. She refused to believe her son would become a freak like his grandmothers. No, she would not allow it.

Eleftherios looked at her with pity in his eyes. He understood where she was going with this. Water users were notoriously horrible people. The average person thought that the 'evil' elements were something like Death or even Darkness, but mages knew better. Among all the elements, the by far worst were Water, Light, and Psychic.

Water users were all deranged psychos. Eleftherios loved both his sister and Ciaran, but they fell into that category. Light users were hypocrites to the last. They were pathological liars and narcissists, who loved their tricks almost as much as they loved themselves. And the Psychic users were control freaks. Anything and everything HAD to go their way, or heads would roll.

In comparison, Death users were maniacally obsessed with order and justice. They were the least likely to ever harm anyone, despite popular belief. And as for Darkness users, they were a very rare sight. Not because the element was rarer than the rest. No, it was because all of the Darkness users were hopeless introverts. They would never leave their homes, unless absolutely necessary.

Bonus chapter number one. I will be honest, this chapter is mostly just exposition. Sorry, about that, or if you are the sort that loves to read these, your welcome. We don't judge here :D

PS: Give all your stones to the funny number.

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