
The Scourge: A Young Boy's Journey into Magic

Have you ever wondered how a villains are created? How a seemingly normal person could become the scum of the earth? Come on an adventure and witness the growth of Ciaran. Join him and see what fate has instore for him, and what he will do to fight back, and just how far he will be willing to go to get what he wants. Ciaran Clades is a boy born into the world of Dyrta, a world full of magic and wonder. Born to the Clade family, merchants by trade, he lives a well of life, full of the happiness of the middle class. All is going well for the young lad, until it doesn't. [A chapter has 1,500+ words] [At least 1 chapters per day, possibly more, depending on my schedule, and on reader activity]

Lex_Lorger · Fantaisie
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146 Chs

Chapter 6: War meeting

Rayon nodded, with a serious expression on his face, while most of the other kids frowned.

"You promised to take all the blame if things go wrong, right? "One of the girls asked.

Ciaran looked at her his smile still on his face "Yes if we are caught, or should I say when we are caught I will take the blame. As my dad told me the captain goes down with the ship." He said and chuckled.

This eased the expression on most of his minions but not all of them, the smart ones were still looking at him with those clouded eyes. 'Still not convinced are we? ' the boy thought.

"I will not lie to you. Even when I take all the blame you will still be punished. I can't prevent that, but I will make it up to you to the best of my abilities, of that you can be sure." He promised as he tried to look as confident as possible.

No one doubted he would, he had proven time and time again that his word was worth more than gold. They didn't like the idea that their parents would probably turn them into red bum baboons after today, but at least the Boss would be in their debt. 'Not a bad deal' thought some of them. 'Does that mean we can ask for more candy?' thought the rest.

The Academy was known for producing smart and capable people, and virtually none of its graduates would be called fools. However, the basic program took fourteen years to complete, and not all kids started manifesting their potential in their first semester.

"Ciaran, we are with you, and you solved two problems, but what about the doors? We don't even know how to unlock them." One of the boys said.

"Of course, we know how. Every kid from Year three and up has a key" Rayon said, not so pleased someone had challenged his brother.

"PERSONAL keys Ray, per-so-nal, they only work for their owners, not for us." The boy retorted.

"And how does that even work? Why can only one person use a key? "Rayon was starting to get angry.

"That… I don't know" The boy looked at his feet, part in shame, part because he had seen the muscle brain beat people for disrespecting his brother.

"Calm down bro, he asked a valid question" Ciaran got between them before his brother left them one soldier down.

"He is right as well, the doors are our biggest concern, and one of our biggest motivations to get past them," Ciaran stated.

"Self-locking doors, one use keys, the information about them is not on the first floor. Not only that, but I am sure that all of you have seen more of these things around town."

"I have asked every adult know and they told me nothing. Have they shared the secrets with any of you?" Ciaran asked, receiving a firm 'no' from all of them.

"I know not all of you want to get up there as much as me, after all in two years we will be granted access for free." He said and waited a second, a dramatic pause, not necessary but the kid liked to overdramatize things.

"Two years with no answers is too much for me, and there is also a catch that the adults forgot to mention. It's two years for the top FIVE students of every class, the rest of you will have to wait a whole additional year." He said, revealing the 'classified' information his gramps had given him.

The kids looked shocked for a second then enraged, and after that most of them put on sad expressions. They knew that the top five in their class were actually the top two, as Ciaran, Clara, and Rayon would take three of the spots. Even the idiot was going to rob them, as he was bound to step on his Path either this year or the next. Hell, with his strength, they believed him to already be on the starting line, and he had not declared it simply because he was too dumb to notice.

"Ok, Boss we get it, we will do as we are told, but that still does not solve our problem," the boy said, switching from 'Ciaran' to 'Boss' subconsciously.

"You are right, we do have a problem, but it's actually simpler than you think. We know who has a master key; we just have to get it." Ciaran said.

"Our teacher has always had one; in fact, all members of the staff have one. It's just a matter of getting it."

"We are going to rob our teacher???" Rayon asked. It was very rear for him to question his brother, showing how ridiculous the notion was.

"Of course not, what would mean expulsion from the Academy for all of us! No bro, I will stand in the middle of you all, and tell her the give it to me, she will realize how preventing us from learning is a sin, and with a smile on her face she will surrender it to me" Ciaran smiled mirthlessly

The goons went quiet, no one uttered a word. This was it, their Boss has finally lost it. They thought the rest of the plan was insane, but this, this was beyond madness. Their teacher gave hour-long lectures to anyone with less than a perfect uniform, and he said that she would brake one of the most important rules that they knew of for him. With a smile on her face too, mind you.

"Of course Brother, it is as you say," Rayon said, with tears in his eyes.

'The big man has never called Boss like that. Even he gets that his brother has been pushed beyond reason' they all thought in unison.

The bad news was that the plan was off, but the good news was that the problematic part would not start until they got the key. Most of them were relieved, the Boss's insane plan would not be, and they would not be beaten.

Ciaran didn't seem to notice their weird behavior and asked "Have you all brought the stuff? "

The kids nodded and were about to show him when he raised his hand to stop them.

"I believe you, besides the Worden, have returned"

"Mr. Clades, I would appreciate it if you didn't gift me with such a silly nickname," Their teacher said, having just entered the room.

"You are not prisoners here. You have been given a unique opportunity to learn in one of the best institutes in the world"

"Then let us learn and stop denying me knowledge Ma 'am, "Ciaran said with a blank face.

Now everyone was sure that he had lost it. He talked back to her. To Her. Not only that, but he more or less reviled his intentions, after such a long time of holding back even mentioning it, he had straight up brought it up.

Even Mrs. Parker was startled, the kid had done a lot, but never had he straight up challenged her like this. She believed him too smart for that, but it seemed she overestimated the kid. That or he overestimated himself.

They believed he was in for the lecture of his life, but contrary to their beliefs, she just smiled and said "You will have plenty to learn today in the Library.

This time the whole class's jaws dropped. She didn't fire back. The teacher they knew would never let this go, but she didn't fire back. Most of the class was confused, but not the Goons, no they were utterly and completely bewitched.

'He bought us, but did he really buy Her as well? How? When? With, what?' is what they all thought.

A teacher's salary was not to be underestimated, as the people responsible for teaching the best of the best in the Empire, were very well of. Not to mention that corruption of any kind of government officials was punished by death. This was common knowledge and yet here they were.

The classroom was a funny scene at the moment, in a sea of shocked expressions there were only three exceptions. Mrs. Parker, who had a fain, innocent smile on her face, Ciaran who kept on his black expression, and Clara who was frowning.

"I suppose I will Ms. Liza," he said as he got back to his seat.

The old woman's eye twitched, she really wanted to beat this kid, not too much just enough so he would learn some manners. But she didn't, in fact, she didn't nag him, nor did she lecture him. She didn't even correct her on the way she addressed her. She had something else planned, something much more educational.

She gestured for the rest of the class to get to their seats as well and to quiet down, it was time for the second lecture. They did as was necessary but not of them could calm down. They all knew that today was going to be an interesting day.