
The Scared Beauty and Her Determined Beasts

Being an 18-year-old Alchemist hunted down for the last Ten Years and was left for dead, Scarlet learns that the ones Responsible for the Massacre of her Entire Family were here. As she starts to discover that the true mastermind behind the massacre is here as well. On her travels she gets the help of a Black Tiger; a Pail Cream Cobra; a Green Tarantula Doctor, and a Dragon. Scarlet knows that she needs to become Stronger; but they ways to getting the strength that she will need was not something that any training had prepared her for.

Dianna_Maxwell_3125 · Fantaisie
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218 Chs

Ch. 50


Henry just sat there Kneeling on the Ground with a Face that was so white that he looked like he had seen a Ghost. Scarlet started Coughing like Crazy because she talked to much with too much force. Doctor Sebastian grabbed the water as fast as he could and tried to feed it to her. Alex was Freaking out and couldn't think of anything to help.

Henry thought Fast with going into the cave and dumping the Treasure over, searching for the right bag. When he Found the One that he was looking for, he Ran back outside as Fast as he could and got an eye full of Travis Kissing Scarlet. He said "What are you doing to her? Give her these. These will Help her get Better faster." Thrusting the bag to Doctor Sebastian, he opened them and said "I can't Believe this. You gave her All of These!" Taking out One Pearl sized Jewel and Gave it to Travis saying, "Feed this to her Now!"

When Travis Looked at what was in Doctor Sebastian's hand his eyes Widened to the size of Saucers and then he looked down and said gently "'Little Spirit', Please trust me and Eat this."

Not knowing if she would comply with his Request Henry was Shocked when he seen her Open her mouth and take what he gave her. She swallowed it as soon as it entered her mouth. After a Few Moments she curled into herself and cried out in pain.

All of them were thinking that this wasn't right. That she should be getting Better not Worse. No one understood what was going on with her.

Travis didn't know what to do next. He gave her the Healing Jewel that came from a Great Tree, it should not Hurt her, it should be Healing her. He thought about it and said "Is it because she is Human and not an Animal Female? Could it have the opposite effect on her?"

Doctor Sebastian had a panicked look on his face and said "I don't know. I haven't come across someone like her before, but they should help no matter what Species she is. This isn't making any since. Let's get her back inside and try to get her calmed down."

Travis was already moving back inside, and Alex and Nick were by her side as fast as their feet could carry them. The Pup was in the corner Crying for His Mommy to be okay and for them to do something.

Doctor Sebastian Got right in her face with Tears in his eyes and said "What is wrong? What do I need to do to help you? Please just tell me what to do!"

He couldn't think of anything to help her. So, he was left with his thoughts 'She didn't have any Mates to draw power from and help her fight anything off. She is all alone, and we can't do anything to help her outside of forcing the Mating Bond on her. But since she is in so much pain, that may be the only option.' He made the decision to tell Travis to Mate with her. He is already in her heart and will have a better chance at being Excepted by her in the End.

Travis was Furious at the Suggestion and said "I Refuse to Force myself on her like that. Especially since she is in so much pain. We have made progress with her Excepting us and by me doing that she will be Alone Forever. I won't let Any of you do that to her Either." With that he pressed his lips to hers while Tears were Streaming down his face.

He couldn't force himself on her and he wouldn't let anyone else do it either. "I will push all my Energy into her if that is what it takes."

When He was kissing her, he was pushing everything into her, and the others seen a Golden Glow between them that started to become Brighter until the moment that he Ended the Kiss. Nobody was able to see after because the light was so bright. It took some time before anyone was able to see again, and when they could, they just stared at them unable to say anything.

No One in the cave knew what had just happened between them but they did notice that she stopped moving around and looked like she was sleeping Peacefully. Holding her tightly and rocking her Travis couldn't help but feel Relaxed and Whole.

Henry walked up and broke the silence by saying "What did he just do to her? What was that Light just now?" 

Everyone just shook their heads because they didn't know the answer to those questions either. Nick finally came back to reality when he smelled the food and rushed over to it. Since she was asleep again, she wouldn't be eating it, and since she wouldn't want guests to go hungry and the food to go to waste, they all sat down and ate the food with Henry.

Henry was shocked to get an invitation to stay for food and gladly accepted because it smelled so wonderful.

As they were eating, they discussed what had just happened and gave their theories about it. They noticed that Travis was being quiet and when they looked up, they seen that he was asleep with her in his arms sitting up.

Doctor Sebastian chuckled to himself and said "He finally Crashed. It's been Three days, and he hasn't let her go unless he Had too. Oddly enough though she had been doing Better in His arms. It could be because she likes him more. But that Glowing thing I have Never Seen that or Heard of it before."

Everyone agreed with that theory because none of them have ever seen or heard of that before. Henry said, "Do you think that it was the 'Great Spirits' Power?"

Alex said "She is a Human from over the Great Sea who has Never given us any clear insight into what she Can and Can't do. It's Possible that it could have been her, but until she wakes up, we won't know."

They didn't do much the rest of the day Except watch her like a Hawk. After everything calmed down Nick grabbed the Pup and tried to comfort Him some while comforting Himself at the same time. When night fell there was a Small Moan coming from Travis' arms and this alerted everyone. Travis' eyes were open and focused on Scarlet the instant that she made the Small sound.

He softly asked "Hey 'Little Spirit' are you Okay? How do you feel?"

With a slight turn of the head in his direction a Small Smile appeared on her face as she said in a weak voice "I feel like I just went Eighteen rounds with a Mosh Pit, but I don't Feel Sick Anymore. What did you give me?"

They were all clueless about what a Mosh Pit was, but happy to hear that she wasn't sick anymore. Nick started to cook Soup for her so she could have something warm in her Stomach. Doctor Sabastian went over to her and did an Exam finding nothing wrong besides her being Extremely Tired and Sore.

Travis Helped her sit up but Kept her in his Lap. While the soup was cooking Scarlet Noticed that there was a New person Again.

Henry kept to himself and let the 'Great Spirits' Males take care of her and was doing his best to be out of the way. He didn't want to upset her in any way and be swallowed up by the Earth like the Dragon. When her Eyes landed upon him, he suddenly had the Urge to Wet Himself. Sitting up Striate he said "Hello 'Great Spirit' My name is Henry from the 'Blue Water Tribe.' Your Males said that it was okay for me to stay the Night so I could make sure that you were Okay."

He bowed after he spoke and Hoped that she would not take Revenge on him.

Alex said "He is from the tribe that gave you the Treasure that Ryder Excepted on your behalf. Inside of it was a Treasure that Healed you. It comes from a 'Great Tree' and is Extremely Rare. A Healing Jewel is something that will come out of the tree like a Fruit would. Not Every tree can make them and even if you get One from a tree, Doesn't guarantee you that you will get Another. We can't explain why it does that, but it is Rare and Can't be Made to happen."

Taking a calming breath, he continued "When we were all scared to death that you wouldn't make it, because you had gotten so bad after you sent him away. Henry brought out a bag that had a bunch of Healing Jewels in it and we gave you One. When you started to Scream in Pain after. Travis kissed you and you Passed out again. You only woke up now. We Never herd of something like that happening to anyone that has eaten One before."

Reaching out and touching Scarlet's Cheek He said "Are you Really, okay? Do you need anything?"

There was such Sadness and Fear in his eyes that Broke Scarlet's Heart. Before she knew what she was doing she Rubbed her Cheek against his Hand and said "Yeah, I'm fine I just need to rest some more, and I will be fine. I feel Much better now. I think the reason for the reaction I had after you gave me that Healing Jewel is because it was Forcing the Sickness out of me, leaving me Exhausted after. Sometimes Suddenly Forcing the removal something from the body can be painful and sometimes be harmful to it."

It made since but when they heard 'Harmful' they started to panic again. Doctor Sebastian panicked and went up to her again and trying to do another Exam on her, but she swatted his hands away and said, "I'm fine Bad Choice of words just Relax."

I'm having trouble thinking of who should be the first to have kids with her. Let me know your thoughts.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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