
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Chapter 5 it's genocide time lads part 1

Four weeks later a young Saiyan could be seen by a fire roasting a large rabbit-like creature

this young Saiyan was Arrot

Arrot: ahhh this is the best if only I had some custom spice the meat would be much better hehe

Rin: host could easily use the planet life of Taco to create the perfect spice

Arrot: wait really and you're just telling me now

Rin: The host never asked for the information until now

Arrot: you would think I would ask about that first oh well. taking a massive bite from his meal he looked up at the setting Sun with aw Tonight should be the full moon correct?

Rin: that is the correct host will be able to turn into a great ape with the help of the moon

Arrot: good now let's have a look at my status


Name: Arrot

Race: Saiyan


Bloodline: midclass Saiyan


Abilities: Zenkai boost, Ozaruu transformation (x10)

Arrot: hehehe great I should be able to take out the whole village now let's head out

Rin: affirmative host is still pathetically weak but this should be considered an improvement in just a few weeks.

Arrot: yeah but in the manga, Goku and Vegeta could bench press planets in a week of training

oh well, we aren't at that point yet.

Rin: Host is thinking too far ahead now might I remind host that at that moment in time The beings known as Goku and Vegeta are seasoned warriors with years of experience in battle not to mention they had gone through situations many will never face in a lifetime

Arrot: So what are you saying I will have the same chances as them?

Rin: correct

Arrot: okay time to head out

Arrot had spent much of his time practicing his ki control and even tho he had a bit in scouter it was still useful having ki sense since it was part of mastering ki control he could now surpass his power level this came in useful when hunting the creatures on the planet he used as sparring partners it was different from fighting another trained fighter but gave a sense of risk and danger to sharpen his senses.

he had even managed to defeat the strongest beast in the forest a large purple Hippo like creature that could shoot fire from its nose.

it was a tough battle that had lasted a full day until Arrot had emerged victorious by shooting a blast down the hippo's throat the Zenkai boost he received was incredible.

he had fought many other beasts that challenged his dominance in the forest and they all ended up the same either his dinner or a pile of dust.

Slowly Arrot rose from the ground with a wide grin on his face he carefully scanned the area and at to speed dashed east towards the village

Arrot: Get ready Taccoons your new king is here

Ronlo POV

it's finally time for us to head out to avoid a commotion we left early in the morning

with the team, we made some decent progress we even managed to learn A lot about each other in this short announcement of time but it was time for us to head out

It was problematic being the team captain and all but good thing my team mates were competent Dore although young was an excellent scout Tanra was a fierce warrior maiden with the greatest brute force of the team and her two sisters

Moro and Mari


Mori was splendid with the medical department and specialized in all sorts of poisons Mari had an incredible aim and was a brilliant marksman

Then there is Clunk he is an amazing cook

That is all

Then there is me the guy who just wants to sleep all day but in All honesty, these guys are good but they need someone to keep them from being at each other's throats someone with experience dealing with teams

so have no fear for I am here I am here

Sigh how troublesome these younglings can be

Tanra was always dotting on her sisters and scolding them

The twins are

Dori was always up ahead doing his cooking job which was good so far thanks to him we avoided many troublesome paths and animals

but the weirdest part was how there were animals more focused on fighting each other than us it was mostly for territory I'm sure but either way wasn't this territory taken already?

unless the other ones died strangely could this be because of the new monster I wonder but

So far so good I mean the village should be fine what could happen a monster attacked


(back with Arrot)

It only took Arrot a few minutes to reach the village at his top speed he was currently hovering over the village looking down upon the Taccoons the sun was slowly setting making way for the Taccoon moon

it slowly rose in the sky claiming the position of the once-proud sun all Arrot had to do to become a great Ape was look at the moon

A small smile crept on his face and he spoke

Arrot: So Rin After tonight I will be able to make the power ball to make me a great Ape whenever I want correct?

Rin: Host is correct also host will gain the Saiyan skill Akira if the host can retain control of the host's consciousness after the transformation.

Arrot: Will I be able to talk to you as a great ape?

Rin: Only if you can retain control

Arrot: that is fine it's about to begin any advice?

Rin: The host must try to match Instinct and rational thought to control the great ape

Arrot: I don't know what that means but okay I'll try.

Arrot continued to stare at the Moon until he was lost in a trans and it was like he was both asleep and awake at the same time until it all went black.

{ Hey guys author here just wanted to say I'll be releasing more chapters than usual today as a sort of Christmas present or something like that thank for reading}

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