

Jake looked behind him just to find, Barn, the bully of the streets in area, was coming towards him while clenching and rubbing his fists.He looked excited from seeing Jake, and the other two seemed elated that they would get to beat a man today and snatch his food.

Jake looked around him to try and find any escape paths, but he couldn't spot an opening he could take advantage of.

"Where are looking? Did you really think you can run away from us." Barn said as he punched Jake directly ont he face. The fist made contact with Jake's cheeks and he was knocked back.

To his surprise though, Jake didn't feel a thing when he expirienced this. He remembered all the times he had been beaten by these people and the pain he had to endure to survive on the street.

The other attacked him with their fist and legs too, and a similar feeling dawned upon Jake. It wasn't as painful as before.

The system had granted Jake with incredibles powers and now that he was level-2, his stats had improved by 1 point too.

Jake finally felt confident that he could fight back. Just when Jake thought about resisting, something appeared before him.

"Combat Mission: Defeat the attackers.

The system has detected hostility from 3 human in front of you. Defeat them.

Objective: Defeat the attackers (0/3)

Rewards: 1 strength point, 1 endurance point

Status: Active."

Jake looked at the mission and suddenly his face curled upto to a smile.

"What are you smiling at you shit face?" Barn screamed as he threw punch at Jake's face. The next moment though something unexpected happened.

His fist stopped midway. When the guy checked to see what hd stopped it, he could see a palm had directly grabbed his fist. The next moment a fast punch arrived and landed on his face, caving it in.

Blood sprouted from Barn's nose and mouth as the punch was extremely strong. The other two saw the view and stopped in their tracks.

When they looked towards Jake, they just found him smiling while rubbing off the blood from his fist.

The next moment, he jumped and appeared right in front of the second guy, with his appearing right infl front of his face. The knew bashed the man's nose to a flat patch and a breaking sound was heard from his head.

He was blown back and landed directly on the side of a dumpster.

The other guy couldn't even react l, as the next moment a leg hit right between his ear and shoulder, bashing his head into the wall on his left.

The leg lifted up and before he could se what had happened , another fist landed on his right cheek , breking four of his teeths at once.

The pain was so potent, that it made the guy loose his concentration.

Jake felt incredible after beating these people, but the next moment he heard something moving behind him and turned to see that Barn rose on his feet and was holding a knife in his hands.

"You seem to have grown guts to try and fight me. I will fucking kill you today you scum." Barn said as he ran towards Jake while holding the knife in front.

Jake could see his actions as if it was all playing in slow motion. 'Did he really get this strong' Jake asked himself.

The next moment he jumped sideways to avoid the knife at the last moment and placed his feet right in front on which Barn tripped off and fell on the ground on his face.

Jake then walked over to Barn who trying to get back up and with a straight kick, hit him right on the abdomen. Barn puked all the liquid he had eaten moment before and rotated on the ground l, before coming to stop due to a dustbin.

Jake didn't stop there. He jumped directly over Barn's belly and the next moment began to stomp on his face with all his power.

Blood began to flow from Barn's nose and mouth, but Jake simply didn't stop. The satisfaction of beating this guy up was so good that he didn't want to.

Barn's skull got fractured and Jake's stomping were pushing it deeper into the skull.

Eventually the other two woke up and saw, Jake stomping on Barn's face and the sound of bones getting crushed. Anymore and Barn would surely die.

"Get off him you bastard." One of the people ran towards Jake trying to tackle him. But Jake gave him a jump kick right on the face , while using the rebound to land back in Barn.

"I guess you guys were left alone. How about we continue the session with you."

Jake rushed in and hit one of the people on the face, while the other was desperately trying to stand.

Jake rotated his body and kicked the guy on ground with a kick, while giving the other one a power jab with the elbow.

Four more of his teeths fell out, while the nose of the other guy was competely crushed.

Both of them were bleeding l, but they were desperately trying to resist, which only aggravated Jake even more.

He continued to beat them, until the system finally showed the message.

"Combat Mission: Defeat the attackers

Status: complete

Rewards are being granted.

Strength +1 ,

Endurance +1."

With this Jake status had increased to a new level as he felt his power improving even further.

"Jake Grant


Strength 17

Endurance 17,

Agility 15,

Mana 1."

Jake checked it out before leaving the scene after checking the pockets of his assaulters. He managed to get a good amount of money.

Jake had the idea of treating himself to a meal, but decided to save the money for future emergencies.

He searched within the trash and took some more items with the raw vegetables and chips he had gotten earlier.


Jake returned back to the mountain and decided to check his tab.

The first message that popped up was.

"Mana Awakening : complete"

Jake clicked on it and began to read.

Chapitre suivant