
The Rule Of The Voider(Dropped check out new novel dropping soon )

You have been chosen to participate in the Universal War. But before I could ask any questions, the AI continued speaking, explaining the rules and objectives of the game. The goal of your mission is to triumph over your rivals and become the absolute champion. However, heed the warning: the battles will test your stamina and push you to the limit. But if you succeed, you will win the admiration of everyone who sees your victories Follow Rowen on his journey of conquering Universe(Multi?)

Supreme_Slaughter · Action
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10 Chs


[You have finished Part 1: Phase 2]

[You will now move to Part 1:Phase 3]

In Part 1:Phase 3, you will first learn the ranks in the universal Games]








Now, you will learn how to use your powers. In universal games, every rank has a different set of skills and abilities.

You have access to increasingly potent and varied skills as you advance. Utilise these forces, direct them towards your objectives, and modify your methods as necessary if you want to succeed.

You get a better comprehension of game concepts and abilities via Part 1:Phase 3, enabling you to advance up the ranks and master the global games.

(Note: To increase your rank, you must win 10 games.) (For those in Warrior and Elite, they will play solo, and for those in Master and above, they will play in teams.)

[Now that this is over, we shall begin the training part for your abilities.] [ However, keep in mind that winning games is crucial to climbing the ranks.]


As soon as the screen said begin my surroundings shifted. I found myself in an arena with people cheering for me and booing me at the same time. The screen said that it was a simulation of me against a duplicate of me.

I took a deep breath and focused on my abilities. I knew that this was the moment to show what I was made of. The crowd grew louder as the countdown began. Three, two, one, and we were off. The duplicate moved fast, but I was faster. I dodged its attacks and countered with my own.

The battle was intense, but I kept my cool and focused on the task at hand. After what felt like hours, the duplicate finally fell to the ground, defeated.

The crowd erupted in cheers as I stood victorious in the centre of the arena. But I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey to becoming a true warrior in this game.

I spent countless hours practising and perfecting my abilities, always keeping in mind that winning games was crucial to climbing the ranks.

As I advanced through each level, I faced tougher opponents and more challenging obstacles. But with each victory, my confidence grew stronger, and my skills sharpened even further.

One thing I observed was that every time I won, the duplicate became stronger and more cunning, making it even harder to progress through the game.

At one point, my progress stagnated. I knew I needed to come up with a new strategy to continue advancing.

I looked at my surroundings and saw that the floor was sand, there was a waterfall at the top, and a campfire just above the fighting area. I remembered what Ai said. Using my elemental manipulation,

I summoned a gust of wind to blow the sand into the duplicate's eyes, temporarily blinding it.

Finally, I ignited the campfire with my fire abilities, causing the duplicate to become disoriented by the smoke and heat.

With these tactics, I was able to defeat the duplicate and move on to the next level. As I progressed through the game, I encountered more difficult opponents and challenges.

However, with each victory came a sense of accomplishment and an improvement in my skills. I learned how to adapt to different environments and use my powers creatively to overcome obstacles.

Eventually, I reached the final boss battle. It was a fierce battle that lasted for hours, but in the end, I emerged victorious. As I watched the credits roll on my screen, I felt a sense of pride and satisfaction wash over me.

Playing this game had not only been entertaining but had also taught me valuable lessons about using your strengths to win.

[Simulation has ended.] [Bringing back the host to the chamber]

The same process repeated itself, but I got used to it, so I no longer felt the side effects. As I stepped out of the chamber, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

The final boss battle had been intense, and it had taken all my skills and strategies to come out on top. But it wasn't just about winning the game; it was about learning how to use my strengths to my advantage.

[The second checkup will now commence. Keep your hand on the orb and focus on breathing.]

As I followed the instructions, I once again entered the world. This time, it was worse. There were cracks on the once green plane. The sky had darkened, and the air was thick with a foul smell. I knew I had to find a way to fix this before it was too late. *Boom*.

The ground shattered, and the ground cracked even more. I turned around to find a horrifying sight. A massive creature, with scales as black as night and eyes that glowed red like embers, had emerged from the depths of the earth.

It let out a deafening roar that shook me to my core. I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to survive.

I wanted to take out my weapon, but panic froze me in place. The creature began to charge towards me, its massive claws tearing through the ground with ease. I could feel the heat radiating off of its body as it got closer and closer.

I had to think of something quickly. But my mind was blank, and all I could do was stand there, frozen in fear.

Whoosh The surroundings had changed, and I was brought back to the chamber where I had first entered this nightmare.

The creature was nowhere to be seen, but I knew it was only a matter of time before it found me again.

I had to keep moving and find a way out of this place. As I searched for an exit, my heart pounded in my chest, and my hands shook with adrenaline. Every shadow seemed to hold a new threat, and every sound made me jump.

But I couldn't let fear consume me. I had to stay focused and keep pushing forward. After what felt like hours of wandering through the labyrinthine tunnels, I finally stumbled upon a door that looked promising.

It was old and rusted, but it was the first sign of civilization that I had seen since arriving in this place. With shaking hands, I pushed the door open and stepped into a dimly lit room. The air was thick with dust and the smell of decay, but at least it was better than the darkness outside. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I blacked out.

I was once again brought back to the chamber, and the screen appeared.

[Abilities gained

Paralel Mind] I