
Chapter 1 : The Guest Arrive

"Jessica please tell me there are no rats over here. Let's dump this quick and get back asap."

A bright face with some strands of hair colored in red , voice as sweet as honey spoke," Danny don't tell me you are afraid of these rats. They are just trying to get their living like us. And the rat family is incredibly cute."

Just then the manager enters and yells," You two useless waiters, what are you doing here?" "Sir Danny and I are just dumping the garbage as you asked us to do."

"Now shut up and quickly serve the young men up there. It seems they are here for a Bachelorette party.Now don't stand here like fools and get going."

Jessica and Danny get upstairs to see a group of young cheerful friends chatting and gossiping. Just then a guy in black shirt and trousers calls Jessica," Hey I would like to have the best table here."

" Tim we just told the manager about this and whiskey.Will you stop repeating things now." spoke Ronald in a bold manly voice. He is a perfect good looking eligible bachelor and any girl would fall for him.

"Ronald take a chill- pill. We are here to celebrate Michael's last few days as a bachelor. Stop spoiling the fun" said Max as he kept swaying his body to the beats.

"Hey Jessica can you please take this over from here. I actually have to go for a date and if I don't leave now I ll be super late."

"Come on Danny you don't need to ask for it now. Go quick and get ready and don't forget to buy a present."

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