
The Rise of The Multiverse

Earth isn't alone in the universe. All known cartoon and anime shows exist within boundaries beyond measure. What I am about to tell you will change history forever. A boy is coming to claim his rightful throne as the Multiverse King to many adventures and just plain crazy misadventures. Join Ajei in his journey to the beginning of his ascension to venturing worlds known to man in a universe's expanding expanse. There is also another dominant race in the multiverse who are human-like yet live long like elves. They are called Belo's, a race of warlike humans who are the defenders of the multiverse and are the enemies of humanity. Ajei will take the mantle and cause a new wave of heroes and a new generation shall create a future for both man and the universe.

Ajei_Tanglao · Action
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90 Chs

Meeting The Author


APLK we're relaxing when a Belo came and panted "my lord! You need to see this!" He yelled and Ajei ran along with Phantom, Luni, and Kazaki.

The front yard of the academy

APLK and a few Belo came and saw what Ajei thought was the strangest thing ever. There on the crowd of Belo and students around the sole person was Ajei himself on the ground.

(Yep. This me guys)

The clone of Ajei got up and was wearing reflective clothes of shorts and his shirt he was wearing was My Hero Academia and he looked at Ajei. Both walked towards each other as Ajei looked up and down "who are you?" The clone asked and Ajei replied "I'm you and this is Phantom, Luni, and Kazaki" Ajei said and the clone cheered "yatta! Ha! I made it! Ha! Take that humans! I told you the multiverse was real!" Ajei shouted as the team had teardrops on their foreheads anime style "who's this doppleganger?" Phantom asked and Ajei knew and told them "that's my original vessel" Ajei said as the clone was jumping up and down as Glynda saw and also had a nervous expression.


Ajei was gawking around at the office of Glynda who a bit uncomfortable with a clone of Ajei who was his original vessel "it scares me to see that this Ajei here is your original body. I mean you look so much cuter dear" she said and towards the end of her complaint a compliment of Ajei's choosing of his vessels "yeah. The boy was a loner and had no one so I possessed the boy to give him what he always wanted: escape from reality" Ajei said and Phantom and his teammates were confused "how's he alive if you said the vessel of yours died out" Phantom asked and Ajei finally sits down "I guess in my clones world must have a rare case of displacement" Ajei said and Kazaki with his lover were confused "what-" but Phantom tells them "displacement meaning someone or something in the multiverse being misplaced due to rare space and time phenomena that only happens rarely. It usually has to do with imbalance of space and time as the multiverse is a diverse complex of earths" Phantom explained a sugar-coated version of the details "say Human Ajei *the clone looks* how did you get here?" Luni asked and Ajei scratched his neck "I came here due to a portal appearing in my room while I was typing my story ou-" as Kazaki had a idea "wait! You had a portal popped out of nowhere and you were typing a story?" Kazaki asked and Ajei nodded "yeah. I was typing on my phone through Wattpad to make a new chapter" Human Ajei said and Kazaki asked him to show them the story he wrote.

Time skip

The group found out that Human Ajei was a victim to a creature between dimensions called you guessed it: Fallen. The fallen also had the resources to time travel. The team however had a problem. Fallen rarely do anything to travel space and time but Ajei had a few friends to help him "Glynda. I know someone who can help but you may not like it" Ajei said and Glynda glared at her lover "you can't mean that Fallen traitor?!?" She yelled and his team were confused "who?" Kazaki asked and Phantom groaned "Spidertrax. A wanted but allied Fallen criminal leader of the Traxian Clan. He has been Ajei's informer cause of Spidertrax having a lot of influence in the criminal underworld" Phantom said and the two gasp in shock.

Ajei was friends with out of all the Fallen. Ajei happened to be friends with Spidertrax. A Fallen who respected authority and was meticulous in his tricks and antics. He abides the law but finds often loopholes to the rules set by the alliance. Many didn't dare challenge Spidertrax due to his insane luck of evading and his luck to live was a stuff of legends "why would we need him?" Kazaki asked and Ajei sighed "he has eyes everywhere no matter what. He could give us some help on this case" Ajei said and Glynda complied but gave Ajei a quick kiss much to Human Ajei's oblivious nature and went to find Spidertrax.

Somewhere in Remnant

APLK plus the human were entering the hideout and we're escorted by Fallen who work for the Fallen Spidertrax. When they saw Spidertrax, he was hulking fa-*bleep jot saying the f word* Fallen who may rival Choji by a landslide. He was the largest Fallen boss the team ever seen.

(I know this is Spider from Destiny 2 but deal with it and the name Spidertrax is the name)

"Well well well. If it isn't the son of Ajex coming to see the big fat bad wolf" Spidertrax said and the Fallen we're quiet and we're deadpanned to just listen. Spidertrax gets up and shifts to human height due to his Belo powers "what brings you to one of my many fortresses?" He asked as the group had already known beside human Ajei who was in shock. Spidertrax had bases all over the multiverse compared to the military having bases in each region. Spidertrax drinks his cider from a chalice "we have come to ask of you from this clone of mine misplaced from his world. Can you help us find out who took this clone away from home?" Luni asked and Spidertrax laughed "oh yes. I don't need to investigate to know who did this! Oh hahahhahha" he said and laughed his voice out as he held his stomach from laugh and the men stiffle their laugh "who?" Kazaki asked and Spidertrax stopped laughing "Saraphel. Belo Priest Heretic of untold Heresy" Spidertrax showed them a poster of a wanted bounty of 55 million dollars dead or alive but preferred dead if returned.

Spidertrax grunts in anger "he blew up my base on Sol Uldora in the Kalo's region near Lumiose City and I lost a bounty worth of food and 30 men cause of it!" He yelled and hit a guard with his rusty spear and almost killed him if not for the human Ajej to stop the spear which got his attention "how bold and kid of you to take the tip to the chest where likely I would've killed you....it's nice to see not all human's are the same" he said and calmed down "I take it he want to return home, heh?" Spidertrax said and the team nods "the only wayto return him is to kill the one who sent him" he said and Ajei knew "you want us to kill Saraphel?" Ajei asked and he chuckled "yes. I already have enough concerns with the regions of the Pokeverse on my ass about not corrupting the youth which I don't plan on and the face that Kalo's in lockdown, so the likeness for him to leave is slim since if he does, he'll be halted anyways and he tends to impatiently kill those who waste his time so he'll be in Kalos for sure" Spidertrax gives the team his hidden place "I had a few locals who work for me in the business in the city to tell me of his whereabouts. Good luck" He said and the team and human left.

Kalos, Lumiose City

The team arrives to secure their vip somewhere with a famous person Ajei also been friends with since his coming to the realms: Diantha. Yes. You heard right. Ajei is friends with the worlds famous star Diantha after she asked Ozpin in the day to call for a team to be her bodyguards and met Ajei who he finds out she was a major fan of Ajei and ironically was fans of Diantha's movies kept a secret stash of her in a place he hid so well. Diantha embraces the king "oh Ajei. It's good to see you again" she said as they were in a cafe and gave Ajei a loving kiss.

(Kind of like this but ignore the guy and replace him with Ajei in his place)

People were taking photo's and Ajei blushed as they depart their moist lips "Diana. Please. People are watching us" Ajei said and blushed his face out much to the teams laughing and giggling "let them. I want people to know that you're the only person would give up my fame for" she said and climbed to his chest "you don't need to do that. I'll always be here" Ajei said as she saw the human Ajei "I take it that this is the vip I'll be watching over" she giggled as Ajei shook her hand nervously "yeah. Sorry if I was watching you kiss" Human Ajei said and she giggled "no worries. If I know one thing for sure is that Ajei would love to publically be an exhibitionist with any woman" she said and Ajei blushed again a they went and Ajei yelled "ship Diana please!" He yelled and laughing and more photo's can be heard.


Sorry for the long wait. Busy in work and a hiatus for me to think of worlds to visit.

Herogamer04 thanks for checking on me mate. I just had a sudden stop due to my brain needed to think of creative ways to make unique chapters. Thanks for reading and have a good life.