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Lisez le roman THE RISE OF THE KOA écrit par l'auteur Ntimmy_Mwasanguti publié sur WebNovel. ...


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Finding our way back together

Meet Avalon Domínguez: She has the good look, the good grades, friends, three wonderful brothers, a caring and loving mother and a wealthy life thanks to a workaholic father. Everyone would think she has everything, and that was probably true few years ago. But life is impredictible, and after some bad events her life is turn upside down. The once cheerful, bubbly and always smiling girl is now a beautiful mess. Between nightmares, panic attack, insomnies and more, she starts hating this town she cherish so much and everything that brings her memories. That's why she decided to leave and never come back again, at least until she is in a better state. After three years in France, with her grandparents, she is back in her chilhood town, decided that she will chase away her demons for good. And she knows that she can't do it alone, she needs her family and her friends. And perhaps she will find peace and maybe more with the most inexpected person for her. ................................................. "Val, you're my first everything and you will be my last." "Do you use this phrase on all your conquests?" "No, because as I just told you, you are my first time in all." ................................................. "The problem is not the pain. Pain makes us suffer, but it doesn't consumes us. The problem is the loneliness caused by pain. It's her who slowly kills us, who cuts us off from the world, and who awakens the worst in us." "We need you, as much as you need us."

DaoistzQh6HT · Sports, voyage et activités
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WA 0896.3305.7580, Agen Bubble Gun Bandung Andir, TERBAIK

Pemesanan Hubungi WA 0896-3305-7580, sabun bubble gun, sabun bubble tiup, sabun bubble gum, sabun bubble bath, sabun bubble aman Sabun Bubble ini bisa digunakan untuk Anak-Anak Bermain, anak-anak biasanya sangat tertarik dengan gelembung-gelembung yang berterbangan dan ingin cepat memecahkannya - Anak Meningkatkan koordinasi mata dan tangan - Anak Akan Aktif Karena membungkuk, melompat dan meloncat saat menangkap/memecahkan gelembung sabun - Bermain gelembung dapat membawa rasa ketenangan Selain bisa membuat anak bahagia, permainan gelembung sabun ternyata juga bermanfaat bagi perkembangan si kecil. - Melatih keterampilan motorik lisan - Melatih keseimbangan dan kecakapan - Melatih keterampilan motorik halus - Melatih keterampilan motorik Kasar - Melatih keterampilan pelacakan visualnya - Melatih keterampilan sosialnya Ready Stok karena produk laris manis di pasaran. Dapatkan segera dengan hubungi Bapak Kiki 089633057580 (Tri) Bapak Kiki 089633057580 (Tri) Bapak Kiki 089633057580 (Tri) Datang langsung ke: Jl. belakang Pasar No. 111, Bandung Dekat gardu jati (pasar babatan) bubble sabun, Sabun Bubble Anak anak, gelembung sabun adalah, gelembung sabun anti pecah, gelembung sabun anak-anak, gelembung air sabun dapat diuraikan karena sifat cahaya, gelembung air sabun #bubblesabun #bubblesabunmagic #bubblesabunok #bubblesabunu #bubblesabuncolekcoy #sabunbubble #sabunbubbles #sabunbubbleemma #sabunbubblebath #sabunbubblemurah

renddy_ardiansyah · Fantaisie
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Mermaid As Alpha's Destiny

“Luck, give me a book on how to make a woman fall in love.” “All the books are just theory, Written based on someone’s experience. In fact, everyone has a different love journey. The way love comes to someone is never the same,” said Max when came from the door. Max understood very well how Billy felt. “Go! Go back to Catalina’s house. Only with her will you know how to conquer her heart. Leave all those books here. One day, you will come back and write your own story.” ------------------------------------------------------------- Enmity made werewolves world endangered. As the future Alpha king, Billy had to find Luna as his destiny. It was Catalina. The reincarnation of Princess Althea, the crown princess of the undersea king. Billy and Catalina met in the real and modern world. A mysterious castle in the Alaskan jungle would be a place for Billy and Catalina to build their love. They would fight for all the trouble. This wasn’t only about werewolves or mermaids, this was about them. It's about their life, soul, and their clan. Billy gained power by making love to Catalina. Meanwhile, Catalina must find water and turn into a mermaid after giving her energy to Billy after making love, otherwise, Catalina would ... lose her life. Could they unite their love without sacrificing the other? Mermaid As Alpha’s Destiny! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, all. This is my first English book. I am really happy if you leave a review and comment. Any mistakes let me know. You can come to my social media. FB : Ans Afriana IG : Afriana_setiawanku Hppy reading and thank to support me. --------------- The cover is mine, design commission art by Vareeant Art

Ans · Fantaisie
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