
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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237 Chs

Mother-in-law Comes

"Quiet, go and get me a cup of coffee." Lin know life suddenly opened the way.

Yao Jing frowned, looked at Dong Jian, then turned and walked out of the office.

"The young lady regards me as an enemy." Dong Jian said with a wry smile.

"Who made you look cunning?" Lin said as instructed.

One side of Wang Hai could not help but laugh out, he and Dong Jian two people with Lin Zhimin side, he in the Ming, Dong Jian in the dark, two people work style with their position is the same, Dong Jian is good at conspiracy, and very good at hiding, even if he, sometimes see Dong Jian also feel a little creepy.

"But it can be seen that the little lady is really for the sake of the young master, if you do not want to be the master, Shen Hongyue is really not suitable for forcing him so tight now." Dong Jian said.

"But to tell the truth, the position of the master of the Lin family is really not as high as the status of any general under your boss." Those generals under your command are either in charge of billions of dollars, or in control of a land, or they will be the best masters... It is very condescending of you to be master of the house." Wang Hai said seriously.

"If I am not in charge, I shall always be a concubine." Even if I have hundreds of millions of wealth does not make any sense, the position of the master of the family I must take, not only for myself, but also my mother, Yao Jing, and even my future children!" Lin knows the order seriously said.

"Mrs. Young will understand you one day." Dong Jian said.

Lin Zhiming smiled and waved his hand.

Yao Jing's coffee, after all, was not sent into the conference room.

Because Yao Jing know, Lin Zhi is not really want to drink coffee, but is an excuse to send her just.

Proud as she is, of course, not really to pour a cup of coffee to send Lin Zhi life.

At noon that day, Lin Zhimin and Yao Jing stayed in the company for lunch, and then two people stayed together in the company until the evening.

At six o 'clock in the evening, they left work together.

Lin know life specially to pick up Yao Jing, but Yao Jing did not respond to Lin Zhimin.

Two people silent together down the elevator, and then Lin Zhimei followed Yao Jing on the car.

"Do you want to take something for your mother?" Lin asked.

Yao Jing did not speak, but started the car and left.

Private room at the Langting Hotel, Straits City.

Shen Hongyue sat in the top position.

Opposite Shen Hongyue sat a middle-aged man with a gentle smile on his face, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a meticulous comb of his hair, the whole person felt like a high school teacher.

"It's rare for Ms. Shen to invite someone like me to dinner. I'm really flattered." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"In fact, I have always heard about Mr. Yang, always hope to meet, today is also Mr. Yang you give face." Shen Hongyue said.

"What's your name, Mr. Yang? Just call it three knives. No points!" The middle-aged man said.

This person is the famous smiling tiger in Strait City: Yang Sandao.

"Then you don't call Ms. Shen, call me Red Moon, I'm a little older than you, you call me sister!" Shen Hongyue said.

"Sister Red Moon? " Yang Sandao said with a smile.

"Well, it's getting late. It's time to serve." Shen Hongyue said.

Shen Hongyue's men bowed and left.

Before long, the man came in with a covered dish and set it on the table.

"Don't tell me, I'm really hungry!" Yang Sandao said.

Shen Hongyue smiled and snapped her fingers.

The man lifts the lid.

A stack of red banknotes, Yang Sandao eyes.

"It's my favorite dish." Yang Sandao squinted his eyes and said.

"Three dollars, sister, I've been a little troubled lately." Shen Hongyue sighed.

"Sister, your business is my business, you tell me, you have any trouble, I will help you solve." Yang Sandao said, reaching out and pulling the tray containing one million cash to his face.

"Our Lin family has a Lin Zhi, do you know?" Shen Hongyue asked.

"Lin knows his destiny? I know, the one who is called the shame of your Lin family, but it is said that these days, it is quite high-profile, playing a dormant outbreak of drama." Yang Sandao said with a smile.

"It's this Lin that makes me feel bad." Shen Hongyue looked at Yang and said, "I hope you can help me teach him a lesson."

"It's not easy yet." Yang Sandao said with a smile, "I thought it was something big, that is, a Lin Zhi life, what this person plays dormant, that has nothing to do with me, I want to engage him, but a million words, only enough to unload his leg."

"That's enough." Shen Hongyue nodded and said, "I am also a law-abiding person, and I still can't do such things as killing people."

'Yes! Yang Sandao smiled and said, "This dinner today, happy to eat, sister, you wait to hear the good news!"


Strait City, Riverside community.

This community is next to the Jingyuan community, where Yao's parents live.

Unlike the Jingyuan community, this is an old-fashioned community with no underground garage, so the parking space is quite tight.

At this time, it is lunch time, and the parking space in the community is almost full.

Yao Jing managed to find a parking space, and the result was a parking lock.

"I'll stop outside. You go up first." Yao Jing stopped the car and said.

"Aren't you all public parking Spaces? Why is it locked?" Lin Zhimin pointed next to a parking lock on the parking space asked.

"A lot of people treat public property as their home." Yao Jing said.

"Since it is public property, it is easy to say." Lin Zhi pushed open the door and walked down, took a stone from a nearby flower garden, and walked to the edge of the parking lock.

With a bang, Lin Zhi Zhi broke the parking lock open, then threw away the stone and said to Yao Jing, "OK, stop in."

Yao Jing some surprise, the parking lock is not broken by ordinary people, this Lin Zhimin hit unexpectedly broke, that is Lin Zhimin strength, or this lock was broken?

"What are you thinking?" Lin asked.

"No." Yao Jing shook her head and then poured the car into the parking space.

After parking the car, Yao Jing went to the stairs with Lin Zhiming.

Zhou Yanqiu lives on the eighth floor, the elevator door just opened Lin Zhimin smelled the taste of food.

The door of Zhou Yanqiu's house was open.

Yao Jing went in with Lin Zhimin.

"Dad, Mom." Yao Jing called out after entering the door.

"Come back quietly!" Zhou Yanqiu, who was watching TV, said with a smile, "Go wash your hands first."

"HMMM! Yao Jing nodded and walked into the kitchen, while Lin Zhimin went to the living room and sat down.

"You really don't think of yourself as an outsider anymore." Zhou Yanqiu squint looked at Lin know life, said strange.

Lin Zhimin has long been immune to this kind of words Zhou Yanqiu, in the four years of marriage with Yao Jing, Zhou Yanqiu home he did not come less, every time all cold eyes.

Lin Zhimin picked up a washed apple on the table and ate it, in the past, Lin Zhimin is basically in the kitchen to help Yao Jianyong cook, this time is completely different from the past.

"Do you really think that when you become a CEO, you are proud?" If you don't have someone to support you, you're nothing." Zhou Yanqiu said again.

"This apple is sweet. Save half for Jing." Lin said, putting down the half-eaten apple.

"Still, it's good that you made Jing an assistant to the president." Zhou Yanqiu moderated the tone and said, look at her this posture, play is the first to suppress after the young play.

'But don't think I'll ever forgive your rudeness to me!' Zhou Yanqiu frowned and said, "Your words are not only disrespectful to me as an elder, but also disrespectful to our whole family. Honestly, if you didn't let Jing become the assistant to the president, I wouldn't have let you come to our home."

"It's time to eat." Yao Jing shouted from the kitchen.

Lin Zhi picked up the remaining half of the apple, got up and walked to the kitchen.

From beginning to end, he did not even say a word to Zhou Yanqiu.

This makes Zhou Yanqiu have a fist on the feeling of cotton, the past Lin Zhimin although weak, but at least you speak he is listening, now Lin Zhimin, he is not fighting with you, but he also gave you to ignore, want to fight have no way, this is really uncomfortable very.

Yao Jing home cooking is Yao Jianyong's work, this goods when a lifetime of harrow ear wife tube strict, trained a pair of not lose in the general hotel chef cooking.

The table was full of food.

"Yan Qiu, happy today, take out my bottle of Maotai!" Yao Jianyong said with a smile.

"What are you happy about?" Zhou Yanqiu asked with a cold face.

"This is not the fate of the company to avoid bankruptcy, quiet also became the assistant to the president?" Yao Jianyong said.

"Then feel free to drink water well Fang, Maotai wine that is only for guests!" Zhou Yanqiu said, took a look at Lin Zhimin, found that the other party is staring at the table to see the food, the heart not by fire, turned from the cabinet took out a bottle of small pasteu fairy.

"Isn't it Shui Jing Fang?" Yao Jianyong asked in doubt.

"Do you like it?" Zhou Yanqiu rolled his eyes, put the wine on the table, and then sat beside Yao Jing.

"Little paste fairy is also good!" Yao Jianyong scratched his head.

Yao Jing picked up the bottle, poured a cup to Yao Jianyong, and then looked at Lin Zhimin.

"It's rare for dad to be happy. I'll have a drink with him." Lin said as instructed.

Yao Jing gave Lin Zhimin poured a glass of wine.

"Come, know your destiny, let's go one." Yao Jianyong smiled and raised his glass.

Lin Zhimei smiled, picked up the glass with Yao Jianyong touched.

Compared with Zhou Yanqiu, Lin Zhimin to Yao Jianyong or not much dislike, he married Yao Jing for four years, Yao Jianyong did not look down on him, just because Zhou Yanqiu strong relationship, Yao Jianyong also can not say anything, basically is a role ignored by everyone.

Thus began the family's dinner.

Lin know life with Yao Jianyong drink wine, Zhou Yanqiu is in the insinuating Lin group development school district housing things.

After eating and drinking almost, Zhou Yanqiu said the purpose of this meal tonight.

"Quiet, you are now the assistant to the president, and the president, the building materials supply of the school district house, how can not be cheap to others?" According to me, this matter will be left to our Pride company, what do you think?" Ms. Zhou asked.

Yao Jing slightly frowns, looks at Lin Zhimin a glance, said, "This thing he says."

"He? Everyone knows he listens to you." Zhou Yanqiu said.

"Yes, quiet, you decide." Lin Zhimin smiled and nodded.

"Since I am in charge, this matter cannot be left to Tianjiao Company." Yao Jing said faintly.